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Coupled Cluster

Simple usage::

    >>> from pyscf import gto, scf, cc
    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1')
    >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()
    >>> cc.CCSD(mf).run()

:func:`cc.CCSD` returns an instance of CCSD class.  Followings are parameters
to control CCSD calculation.

    verbose : int
        Print level.  Default value equals to :class:`Mole.verbose`
    max_memory : float or int
        Allowed memory in MB.  Default value equals to :class:`Mole.max_memory`
    conv_tol : float
        converge threshold.  Default is 1e-7.
    conv_tol_normt : float
        converge threshold for norm(t1,t2).  Default is 1e-5.
    max_cycle : int
        max number of iterations.  Default is 50.
    diis_space : int
        DIIS space size.  Default is 6.
    diis_start_cycle : int
        The step to start DIIS.  Default is 0.
    direct : bool
        AO-direct CCSD. Default is False.
    async_io : bool
        Allow for asynchronous function execution. Default is True.
    incore_complete : bool
        Avoid all I/O. Default is False.
    frozen : int or list
        If integer is given, the inner-most orbitals are frozen from CC
        amplitudes.  Given the orbital indices (0-based) in a list, both
        occupied and virtual orbitals can be frozen in CC calculation.

Saved results

    converged : bool
        CCSD converged or not
    e_tot : float
        Total CCSD energy (HF + correlation)
    t1, t2 :
        t1[i,a], t2[i,j,a,b]  (i,j in occ, a,b in virt)
    l1, l2 :
        Lambda amplitudes l1[i,a], l2[i,j,a,b]  (i,j in occ, a,b in virt)

from import ccsd
from import ccsd_lambda
from import ccsd_rdm
from import addons
from import rccsd
from import uccsd
from import gccsd
from import eom_rccsd
from import eom_uccsd
from import eom_gccsd
from import qcisd
from pyscf import scf

[docs] def CCSD(mf, frozen=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None): if mf.istype('UHF'): return UCCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ) elif mf.istype('GHF'): return GCCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ) else: return RCCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ)
CCSD.__doc__ = ccsd.CCSD.__doc__ scf.hf.SCF.CCSD = CCSD
[docs] def RCCSD(mf, frozen=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None): import numpy from pyscf import lib from pyscf.df.df_jk import _DFHF from import dfccsd if mf.istype('UHF'): raise RuntimeError('RCCSD cannot be used with UHF method.') elif mf.istype('ROHF'): lib.logger.warn(mf, 'RCCSD method does not support ROHF method. ROHF object ' 'is converted to UHF object and UCCSD method is called.') mf = mf.to_uhf() return UCCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ) mf = mf.remove_soscf() if not mf.istype('RHF'): mf = mf.to_rhf() if isinstance(mf, _DFHF) and mf.with_df: return dfccsd.RCCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ) elif numpy.iscomplexobj(mo_coeff) or numpy.iscomplexobj(mf.mo_coeff): return rccsd.RCCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ) else: return ccsd.CCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ)
RCCSD.__doc__ = ccsd.CCSD.__doc__
[docs] def UCCSD(mf, frozen=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None): from pyscf.df.df_jk import _DFHF mf = mf.remove_soscf() if not mf.istype('UHF'): mf = mf.to_uhf() if isinstance(mf, _DFHF) and mf.with_df: # TODO: DF-UCCSD with memory-efficient particle-particle ladder, # similar to dfccsd.RCCSD return uccsd.UCCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ) else: return uccsd.UCCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ)
UCCSD.__doc__ = uccsd.UCCSD.__doc__
[docs] def GCCSD(mf, frozen=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None): from pyscf.df.df_jk import _DFHF mf = mf.remove_soscf() if not mf.istype('GHF'): mf = mf.to_ghf() if isinstance(mf, _DFHF) and mf.with_df: raise NotImplementedError('DF-GCCSD') else: return gccsd.GCCSD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ)
GCCSD.__doc__ = gccsd.GCCSD.__doc__
[docs] def QCISD(mf, frozen=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None): if mf.istype('UHF'): raise NotImplementedError elif mf.istype('GHF'): raise NotImplementedError else: return RQCISD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ)
QCISD.__doc__ = qcisd.QCISD.__doc__ scf.hf.SCF.QCISD = QCISD
[docs] def RQCISD(mf, frozen=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None): import numpy from pyscf import lib if mf.istype('UHF'): raise RuntimeError('RQCISD cannot be used with UHF method.') elif mf.istype('ROHF'): lib.logger.warn(mf, 'RQCISD method does not support ROHF method. ROHF object ' 'is converted to UHF object and UQCISD method is called.') raise NotImplementedError mf = mf.remove_soscf() if not mf.istype('RHF'): mf = mf.to_rhf() elif numpy.iscomplexobj(mo_coeff) or numpy.iscomplexobj(mf.mo_coeff): raise NotImplementedError else: return qcisd.QCISD(mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ)
RQCISD.__doc__ = qcisd.QCISD.__doc__
[docs] def FNOCCSD(mf, thresh=1e-6, pct_occ=None, nvir_act=None, frozen=None): """Frozen natural orbital CCSD Attributes: thresh : float Threshold on NO occupation numbers. Default is 1e-6 (very conservative). pct_occ : float Percentage of total occupation number. Default is None. If present, overrides `thresh`. nvir_act : int Number of virtual NOs to keep. Default is None. If present, overrides `thresh` and `pct_occ`. """ import numpy from pyscf import mp pt = mp.MP2(mf, frozen=frozen).set(verbose=0).run() frozen, no_coeff = pt.make_fno(thresh=thresh, pct_occ=pct_occ, nvir_act=nvir_act) if len(frozen) == 0: frozen = None pt_no = mp.MP2(mf, frozen=frozen, mo_coeff=no_coeff).set(verbose=0).run() mycc = CCSD(mf, frozen=frozen, mo_coeff=no_coeff) mycc.delta_emp2 = pt.e_corr - pt_no.e_corr from pyscf.lib import logger def _finalize(self): '''Hook for dumping results and clearing up the object.''' if self.converged:, 'FNO-%s converged', self.__class__.__name__) else: logger.note(self, 'FNO-%s not converged', self.__class__.__name__) logger.note(self, 'E(FNO-%s) = %.16g E_corr = %.16g', self.__class__.__name__, self.e_tot, self.e_corr) logger.note(self, 'E(FNO-%s+delta-MP2) = %.16g E_corr = %.16g', self.__class__.__name__, self.e_tot+self.delta_emp2, self.e_corr+self.delta_emp2) return self mycc._finalize = _finalize.__get__(mycc, mycc.__class__) return mycc