Source code for pyscf.fci.addons

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2021 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import sys
import warnings
import numpy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.fci import cistring
from pyscf import symm
from pyscf import __config__

LARGE_CI_TOL = getattr(__config__, 'fci_addons_large_ci_tol', 0.1)
RETURN_STRS = getattr(__config__, 'fci_addons_large_ci_return_strs', True)
PENALTY = getattr(__config__, 'fci_addons_fix_spin_shift', 0.2)

[docs] def large_ci(ci, norb, nelec, tol=LARGE_CI_TOL, return_strs=RETURN_STRS): '''Search for the largest CI coefficients ''' neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec(nelec) na = cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca) nb = cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb) assert ci.size == na * nb ci = ci.reshape(na, nb) addra, addrb = numpy.where(abs(ci) > tol) if addra.size == 0: # No large CI coefficient > tol, search for the largest coefficient addra, addrb = numpy.unravel_index(numpy.argmax(abs(ci)), ci.shape) addra = numpy.asarray([addra]) addrb = numpy.asarray([addrb]) strsa = cistring.addrs2str(norb, neleca, addra) strsb = cistring.addrs2str(norb, nelecb, addrb) if return_strs: strsa = [bin(x) for x in strsa] strsb = [bin(x) for x in strsb] return list(zip(ci[addra,addrb], strsa, strsb)) else: occslsta = cistring._strs2occslst(strsa, norb) occslstb = cistring._strs2occslst(strsb, norb) return list(zip(ci[addra,addrb], occslsta, occslstb))
[docs] def initguess_triplet(norb, nelec, binstring): '''Generate a triplet initial guess for FCI solver ''' neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec(nelec) na = cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca) nb = cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb) addr = cistring.str2addr(norb, neleca, int(binstring,2)) ci0 = numpy.zeros((na,nb)) ci0[addr,0] = numpy.sqrt(.5) ci0[0,addr] =-numpy.sqrt(.5) return ci0
[docs] def symm_initguess(norb, nelec, orbsym, wfnsym=0, irrep_nelec=None): '''Generate CI wavefunction initial guess which has the given symmetry. Args: norb : int Number of orbitals. nelec : int or 2-item list Number of electrons, or 2-item list for (alpha, beta) electrons orbsym : list of int The irrep ID for each orbital. Kwags: wfnsym : int The irrep ID of target symmetry irrep_nelec : dict Freeze occupancy for certain irreps Returns: CI coefficients 2D array which has the target symmetry. ''' raise DeprecationWarning
[docs] def cylindrical_init_guess(mol, norb, nelec, orbsym, wfnsym=0, singlet=True, nroots=1): ''' FCI initial guess for system of cylindrical symmetry. (In testing) Examples: >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O; O 1 1.2', spin=2, symmetry=True) >>> orbsym = [6,7,2,3] >>> ci0 = fci.addons.cylindrical_init_guess(mol, 4, (3,3), orbsym, wfnsym=10)[0] >>> print(ci0.reshape(4,4)) >>> ci0 = fci.addons.cylindrical_init_guess(mol, 4, (3,3), orbsym, wfnsym=10, singlet=False)[0] >>> print(ci0.reshape(4,4)) ''' warnings.warn('Initial guess for cylindrical symmetry is under testing') neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec(nelec) if isinstance(orbsym[0], str): orbsym = [symm.irrep_name2id(mol.groupname, x) for x in orbsym] orbsym = numpy.asarray(orbsym) if isinstance(wfnsym, str): wfnsym = symm.irrep_name2id(mol.groupname, wfnsym) if mol.groupname in ('SO3', 'Dooh', 'Coov'): def irrep_id2lz(irrep_id): # See also symm.basis.DOOH_IRREP_ID_TABLE level = irrep_id // 10 if mol.groupname == 'SO3': level = level % 10 # See SO3 irreps in pyscf.symm.basis d2h_id = irrep_id % 10 # irrep_id 0,1,4,5 corresponds to lz = 0,2,4,... # irrep_id 2,3,6,7 corresponds to lz = 1,3,5,... lz = level * 2 + ((d2h_id==2) | (d2h_id==3) | (d2h_id==6) | (d2h_id==7)) if isinstance(irrep_id, (int, numpy.number)): # irrep_id 1,3,4,6 corresponds to E_y (E_{(-)}) # irrep_id 0,2,5,7 corresponds to E_x (E_{(+)}) if (d2h_id==1) | (d2h_id==3) | (d2h_id==4) | (d2h_id==6): lz = -lz else: lz[(d2h_id==1) | (d2h_id==3) | (d2h_id==4) | (d2h_id==6)] *= -1 return lz orb_lz = irrep_id2lz(orbsym) wfn_lz = irrep_id2lz(wfnsym) d2h_wfnsym_id = wfnsym % 10 else: raise NotImplementedError orb_lz = wfn_lz = d2h_wfnsym_id = None occslsta = occslstb = cistring.gen_occslst(range(norb), neleca) if neleca != nelecb: occslstb = cistring.gen_occslst(range(norb), nelecb) na = len(occslsta) nb = len(occslsta) gx_mask = orbsym == 2 gy_mask = orbsym == 3 ux_mask = orbsym == 7 uy_mask = orbsym == 6 all_lz = set(abs(orb_lz)) def search_open_shell_det(occ_lst): occ_mask = numpy.zeros(norb, dtype=bool) occ_mask[occ_lst] = True # First search Lz of the open-shell orbital for lz_open in all_lz: if numpy.count_nonzero(orb_lz == lz_open) % 2 == 1: break n_gx = numpy.count_nonzero(gx_mask & occ_mask & (orb_lz == lz_open)) n_gy = numpy.count_nonzero(gy_mask & occ_mask & (orb_lz ==-lz_open)) n_ux = numpy.count_nonzero(ux_mask & occ_mask & (orb_lz == lz_open)) n_uy = numpy.count_nonzero(uy_mask & occ_mask & (orb_lz ==-lz_open)) if n_gx > n_gy: idx = numpy.where(occ_mask & (orb_lz == lz_open) & gx_mask)[0][0] idy = numpy.where((~occ_mask) & (orb_lz ==-lz_open) & gy_mask)[0][0] elif n_gx < n_gy: idx = numpy.where((~occ_mask) & (orb_lz == lz_open) & gx_mask)[0][0] idy = numpy.where(occ_mask & (orb_lz ==-lz_open) & gy_mask)[0][0] elif n_ux > n_uy: idx = numpy.where(occ_mask & (orb_lz == lz_open) & ux_mask)[0][0] idy = numpy.where((~occ_mask) & (orb_lz ==-lz_open) & uy_mask)[0][0] elif n_ux < n_uy: idx = numpy.where((~occ_mask) & (orb_lz == lz_open) & ux_mask)[0][0] idy = numpy.where(occ_mask & (orb_lz ==-lz_open) & uy_mask)[0][0] else: raise RuntimeError nelec = len(occ_lst) det_x = occ_mask.copy() det_x[idx] = True det_x[idy] = False str_x = ''.join(['1' if i else '0' for i in det_x[::-1]]) addr_x = cistring.str2addr(norb, nelec, str_x) det_y = occ_mask.copy() det_y[idx] = False det_y[idy] = True str_y = ''.join(['1' if i else '0' for i in det_y[::-1]]) addr_y = cistring.str2addr(norb, nelec, str_y) return addr_x, addr_y ci0 = [] iroot = 0 for addr in range(na*nb): ci_1 = numpy.zeros((na,nb)) addra = addr // nb addrb = addr % nb occa = occslsta[addra] occb = occslstb[addrb] tot_sym = 0 for i in occa: tot_sym ^= orbsym[i] for i in occb: tot_sym ^= orbsym[i] if tot_sym == d2h_wfnsym_id: n_Ex_a = (gx_mask[occa]).sum() + (ux_mask[occa]).sum() n_Ey_a = (gy_mask[occa]).sum() + (uy_mask[occa]).sum() n_Ex_b = (gx_mask[occb]).sum() + (ux_mask[occb]).sum() n_Ey_b = (gy_mask[occb]).sum() + (uy_mask[occb]).sum() if abs(n_Ex_a - n_Ey_a) == 1 and abs(n_Ex_b - n_Ey_b) == 1: # open-shell for both alpha det and beta det e.g. the # valence part of O2 molecule addr_x_a, addr_y_a = search_open_shell_det(occa) addr_x_b, addr_y_b = search_open_shell_det(occb) if singlet: if wfn_lz == 0: ci_1[addr_x_a,addr_x_b] = numpy.sqrt(.5) ci_1[addr_y_a,addr_y_b] = numpy.sqrt(.5) else: ci_1[addr_x_a,addr_x_b] = numpy.sqrt(.5) ci_1[addr_y_a,addr_y_b] =-numpy.sqrt(.5) else: ci_1[addr_x_a,addr_y_b] = numpy.sqrt(.5) ci_1[addr_y_a,addr_x_b] =-numpy.sqrt(.5) else: # TODO: Other direct-product to direct-sum transofromation # which involves CG coefficients. ci_1[addra,addrb] = 1 ci0.append(ci_1.ravel()) iroot += 1 if iroot >= nroots: break return ci0
def _symmetrize_wfn(ci, strsa, strsb, orbsym, wfnsym=0): ci = ci.reshape(strsa.size,strsb.size) airreps = numpy.zeros(strsa.size, dtype=numpy.int32) birreps = numpy.zeros(strsb.size, dtype=numpy.int32) orbsym_in_d2h = numpy.asarray(orbsym) % 10 wfnsym_in_d2h = wfnsym % 10 for i, ir in enumerate(orbsym_in_d2h): airreps[numpy.bitwise_and(strsa, 1 << i) > 0] ^= ir birreps[numpy.bitwise_and(strsb, 1 << i) > 0] ^= ir mask = (airreps.reshape(-1,1) ^ birreps) == wfnsym_in_d2h ci1 = numpy.zeros_like(ci) ci1[mask] = ci[mask] ci1 *= 1/numpy.linalg.norm(ci1) return ci1
[docs] def symmetrize_wfn(ci, norb, nelec, orbsym, wfnsym=0): '''Symmetrize the CI wavefunction by zeroing out the determinants which do not have the right symmetry. Args: ci : 2D array CI coefficients, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. norb : int Number of orbitals. nelec : int or 2-item list Number of electrons, or 2-item list for (alpha, beta) electrons orbsym : list of int The irrep ID for each orbital. Kwags: wfnsym : int The irrep ID of target symmetry Returns: 2D array which is the symmetrized CI coefficients ''' neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec(nelec) strsa = numpy.asarray(cistring.make_strings(range(norb), neleca)) strsb = numpy.asarray(cistring.make_strings(range(norb), nelecb)) return _symmetrize_wfn(ci, strsa, strsb, orbsym, wfnsym)
def _guess_wfnsym(ci, strsa, strsb, orbsym): nb = len(strsb) idx = abs(ci).argmax() stra = strsa[idx // nb] strb = strsb[idx % nb ] orbsym_in_d2h = numpy.asarray(orbsym) % 10 # convert to D2h irreps airrep = 0 birrep = 0 for i, ir in enumerate(orbsym_in_d2h): if (stra & (1 << i)): airrep ^= ir if (strb & (1 << i)): birrep ^= ir return airrep ^ birrep
[docs] def guess_wfnsym(ci, norb, nelec, orbsym): '''Guess the wavefunction symmetry based on the non-zero elements in the given CI coefficients. Args: ci : 2D array CI coefficients, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. norb : int Number of orbitals. nelec : int or 2-item list Number of electrons, or 2-item list for (alpha, beta) electrons orbsym : list of int The irrep ID for each orbital. Returns: Irrep ID ''' neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec(nelec) strsa = strsb = numpy.asarray(cistring.make_strings(range(norb), neleca)) if neleca != nelecb: strsb = numpy.asarray(cistring.make_strings(range(norb), nelecb)) if isinstance(ci, numpy.ndarray) and ci.ndim <= 2: wfnsym = _guess_wfnsym(ci, strsa, strsb, orbsym) else: wfnsym = [_guess_wfnsym(c, strsa, strsb, orbsym) for c in ci] if any(wfnsym[0] != x for x in wfnsym): warnings.warn('Different wfnsym %s found in different CI vecotrs' % wfnsym) wfnsym = wfnsym[0] return wfnsym
[docs] def des_a(ci0, norb, neleca_nelecb, ap_id): r'''Construct (N-1)-electron wavefunction by removing an alpha electron from the N-electron wavefunction. ... math:: |N-1\rangle = \hat{a}_p |N\rangle Args: ci0 : 2D array CI coefficients, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. norb : int Number of orbitals. (neleca,nelecb) : (int,int) Number of (alpha, beta) electrons of the input CI function ap_id : int Orbital index (0-based), for the annihilation operator Returns: 2D array, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. Note it has different number of rows to the input CI coefficients ''' neleca, nelecb = neleca_nelecb if neleca <= 0: return numpy.zeros_like(ci0) if ci0.ndim == 1: ci0 = ci0.reshape(cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca), cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb)) des_index = cistring.gen_des_str_index(range(norb), neleca) na_ci1 = cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca-1) ci1 = numpy.zeros((na_ci1, ci0.shape[1])) entry_has_ap = (des_index[:,:,1] == ap_id) addr_ci0 = numpy.any(entry_has_ap, axis=1) addr_ci1 = des_index[entry_has_ap,2] sign = des_index[entry_has_ap,3] #print(addr_ci0) #print(addr_ci1) ci1[addr_ci1] = sign.reshape(-1,1) * ci0[addr_ci0] return ci1
[docs] def des_b(ci0, norb, neleca_nelecb, ap_id): r'''Construct (N-1)-electron wavefunction by removing a beta electron from N-electron wavefunction. Args: ci0 : 2D array CI coefficients, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. norb : int Number of orbitals. (neleca,nelecb) : (int,int) Number of (alpha, beta) electrons of the input CI function ap_id : int Orbital index (0-based), for the annihilation operator Returns: 2D array, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. Note it has different number of columns to the input CI coefficients. ''' neleca, nelecb = neleca_nelecb if nelecb <= 0: return numpy.zeros_like(ci0) if ci0.ndim == 1: ci0 = ci0.reshape(cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca), cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb)) des_index = cistring.gen_des_str_index(range(norb), nelecb) nb_ci1 = cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb-1) ci1 = numpy.zeros((ci0.shape[0], nb_ci1)) entry_has_ap = (des_index[:,:,1] == ap_id) addr_ci0 = numpy.any(entry_has_ap, axis=1) addr_ci1 = des_index[entry_has_ap,2] sign = des_index[entry_has_ap,3] # This sign prefactor accounts for interchange of operators with alpha and beta spins if neleca % 2 == 1: sign *= -1 ci1[:,addr_ci1] = ci0[:,addr_ci0] * sign return ci1
[docs] def cre_a(ci0, norb, neleca_nelecb, ap_id): r'''Construct (N+1)-electron wavefunction by adding an alpha electron in the N-electron wavefunction. ... math:: |N+1\rangle = \hat{a}^+_p |N\rangle Args: ci0 : 2D array CI coefficients, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. norb : int Number of orbitals. (neleca,nelecb) : (int,int) Number of (alpha, beta) electrons of the input CI function ap_id : int Orbital index (0-based), for the creation operator Returns: 2D array, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. Note it has different number of rows to the input CI coefficients. ''' neleca, nelecb = neleca_nelecb if neleca >= norb: return numpy.zeros_like(ci0) if ci0.ndim == 1: ci0 = ci0.reshape(cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca), cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb)) cre_index = cistring.gen_cre_str_index(range(norb), neleca) na_ci1 = cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca+1) ci1 = numpy.zeros((na_ci1, ci0.shape[1])) entry_has_ap = (cre_index[:,:,0] == ap_id) addr_ci0 = numpy.any(entry_has_ap, axis=1) addr_ci1 = cre_index[entry_has_ap,2] sign = cre_index[entry_has_ap,3] ci1[addr_ci1] = sign.reshape(-1,1) * ci0[addr_ci0] return ci1
# construct (N+1)-electron wavefunction by adding a beta electron to # N-electron wavefunction:
[docs] def cre_b(ci0, norb, neleca_nelecb, ap_id): r'''Construct (N+1)-electron wavefunction by adding a beta electron in the N-electron wavefunction. Args: ci0 : 2D array CI coefficients, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. norb : int Number of orbitals. (neleca,nelecb) : (int,int) Number of (alpha, beta) electrons of the input CI function ap_id : int Orbital index (0-based), for the creation operator Returns: 2D array, row for alpha strings and column for beta strings. Note it has different number of columns to the input CI coefficients. ''' neleca, nelecb = neleca_nelecb if nelecb >= norb: return numpy.zeros_like(ci0) if ci0.ndim == 1: ci0 = ci0.reshape(cistring.num_strings(norb, neleca), cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb)) cre_index = cistring.gen_cre_str_index(range(norb), nelecb) nb_ci1 = cistring.num_strings(norb, nelecb+1) ci1 = numpy.zeros((ci0.shape[0], nb_ci1)) entry_has_ap = (cre_index[:,:,0] == ap_id) addr_ci0 = numpy.any(entry_has_ap, axis=1) addr_ci1 = cre_index[entry_has_ap,2] sign = cre_index[entry_has_ap,3] # This sign prefactor accounts for interchange of operators with alpha and beta spins if neleca % 2 == 1: sign *= -1 ci1[:,addr_ci1] = ci0[:,addr_ci0] * sign return ci1
[docs] def det_overlap(string1, string2, norb, s=None): '''Determinants overlap on non-orthogonal one-particle basis''' if s is None: # orthogonal basis with s_ij = delta_ij return float(string1 == string2) else: if isinstance(string1, str): nelec = string1.count('1') string1 = int(string1, 2) else: nelec = bin(string1).count('1') if isinstance(string2, str): assert (string2.count('1') == nelec) string2 = int(string2, 2) else: assert (bin(string2).count('1') == nelec) idx1 = [i for i in range(norb) if (1 << i & string1)] idx2 = [i for i in range(norb) if (1 << i & string2)] s1 = lib.take_2d(s, idx1, idx2) return numpy.linalg.det(s1)
[docs] def overlap(bra, ket, norb, nelec, s=None): '''Overlap between two CI wavefunctions Args: s : 2D array or a list of 2D array The overlap matrix of non-orthogonal one-particle basis ''' if s is not None: bra = transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation(bra, norb, nelec, s) return, ket.ravel())
[docs] class SpinPenaltyFCISolver: __name_mixin__ = 'SpinPenalty' _keys = {'ss_value', 'ss_penalty', 'base'} def __init__(self, fcibase, shift, ss_value): self.base = fcibase.copy() self.__dict__.update (fcibase.__dict__) self.ss_value = ss_value self.ss_penalty = shift self.davidson_only = self.base.davidson_only = True
[docs] def undo_fix_spin(self): obj = lib.view(self, lib.drop_class(self.__class__, SpinPenaltyFCISolver)) del obj.base del obj.ss_value del obj.ss_penalty return obj
[docs] def base_contract_2e (self, *args, **kwargs): return super().contract_2e (*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def contract_2e(self, eri, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.number)): sz = (nelec % 2) * .5 else: sz = abs(nelec[0]-nelec[1]) * .5 if self.ss_value is None: ss = sz*(sz+1) else: ss = self.ss_value if ss < sz*(sz+1)+.1: # (S^2-ss)|Psi> to shift state other than the lowest state ci1 = self.contract_ss(fcivec, norb, nelec).reshape(fcivec.shape) ci1 -= ss * fcivec else: # (S^2-ss)^2|Psi> to shift states except the given spin. # It still relies on the quality of initial guess tmp = self.contract_ss(fcivec, norb, nelec).reshape(fcivec.shape) tmp -= ss * fcivec ci1 = -ss * tmp ci1 += self.contract_ss(tmp, norb, nelec).reshape(fcivec.shape) tmp = None ci1 *= self.ss_penalty ci0 = super().contract_2e (eri, fcivec, norb, nelec, link_index, **kwargs) ci1 += ci0.reshape(fcivec.shape) return ci1
[docs] def fix_spin(fciobj, shift=PENALTY, ss=None, **kwargs): r'''If FCI solver cannot stay on spin eigenfunction, this function can add a shift to the states which have wrong spin. .. math:: (H + shift*S^2) |\Psi\rangle = E |\Psi\rangle Args: fciobj : An instance of :class:`FCISolver` Kwargs: shift : float Level shift for states which have different spin ss : number S^2 expection value == s*(s+1) Returns A modified FCI object based on fciobj. ''' import types from pyscf.fci import direct_uhf if isinstance(fciobj, direct_uhf.FCISolver): raise NotImplementedError if isinstance (fciobj, types.ModuleType): raise DeprecationWarning('fix_spin should be applied on FCI object only') if 'ss_value' in kwargs: sys.stderr.write('fix_spin_: kwarg "ss_value" will be removed in future release. ' 'It was replaced by "ss"\n') ss_value = kwargs['ss_value'] else: ss_value = ss if isinstance (fciobj, SpinPenaltyFCISolver): # recursion avoidance fciobj.ss_penalty = shift fciobj.ss_value = ss_value return fciobj return lib.set_class(SpinPenaltyFCISolver(fciobj, shift, ss_value), (SpinPenaltyFCISolver, fciobj.__class__))
[docs] def fix_spin_(fciobj, shift=.1, ss=None): sp_fci = fix_spin(fciobj, shift, ss) fciobj.__class__ = sp_fci.__class__ fciobj.__dict__ = sp_fci.__dict__ return fciobj
[docs] def transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation(ci, norb, nelec, u): ''' Transform CI coefficients (dimension conserved) to the representation in new one-particle basis. Solving CI problem for Hamiltonian h1, h2 defined in old basis, CI_old = fci.kernel(h1, h2, ...) Given orbital rotation u, the CI problem can be either solved by transforming the Hamiltonian, or transforming the coefficients. CI_new = fci.kernel(u^T*h1*u, ...) = transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation(CI_old, u) Args: u : a squared 2D array or a list of 2D array the orbital rotation to transform the old one-particle basis to new one-particle basis ''' if isinstance(u, numpy.ndarray) and u.ndim == 2: assert u.shape == (norb, norb) else: assert u[0].shape == (norb, norb) and u[1].shape == (norb, norb) return transform_ci(ci, nelec, u)
[docs] def transform_ci(ci, nelec, u): '''Transform CI coefficients to the representation in new one-particle basis. Solving CI problem for Hamiltonian h1, h2 defined in old basis, CI_old = fci.kernel(h1, h2, ...) Given orbital rotation u, the CI problem can be either solved by transforming the Hamiltonian, or transforming the coefficients. CI_new = fci.kernel(u^T*h1*u, ...) = transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation(CI_old, u) Args: u : 2D array or a list of 2D array the orbital rotation to transform the old one-particle basis to new one-particle basis. If u is not a squared matrix, the resultant CI coefficients array may have different shape to the input CI coefficients. ''' neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec(nelec) if isinstance(u, numpy.ndarray) and u.ndim == 2: ua = ub = u assert ua.shape == ub.shape else: ua, ub = u norb_old, norb_new = ua.shape na_old = cistring.num_strings(norb_old, neleca) nb_old = cistring.num_strings(norb_old, nelecb) na_new = cistring.num_strings(norb_new, neleca) nb_new = cistring.num_strings(norb_new, nelecb) ci = ci.reshape(na_old, nb_old) if neleca == 0: trans_ci_a = numpy.ones((1, 1)) else: trans_ci_a = numpy.zeros((na_old, na_new), dtype=ua.dtype) occ_masks_old = _init_occ_masks(norb_old, neleca, na_old) if norb_old == norb_new: occ_masks_new = occ_masks_old else: occ_masks_new = _init_occ_masks(norb_new, neleca, na_new) # Perform #for i in range(na_old): # old basis # for j in range(na_new): # new basis # uij = u[occ_masks_old[i]][:,occ_masks_new[j]] # trans_ci_a[i,j] = numpy.linalg.det(uij) occ_idx_all_strs = numpy.where(occ_masks_new)[1].reshape(na_new,neleca) for i in range(na_old): ui = ua[occ_masks_old[i]].T.copy() minors = ui[occ_idx_all_strs] trans_ci_a[i,:] = numpy.linalg.det(minors) if neleca == nelecb and numpy.allclose(ua, ub): trans_ci_b = trans_ci_a elif nelecb == 0: trans_ci_b = numpy.ones((1, 1)) else: trans_ci_b = numpy.zeros((nb_old, nb_new), dtype=ub.dtype) occ_masks_old = _init_occ_masks(norb_old, nelecb, nb_old) if norb_old == norb_new: occ_masks_new = occ_masks_old else: occ_masks_new = _init_occ_masks(norb_new, nelecb, nb_new) occ_idx_all_strs = numpy.where(occ_masks_new)[1].reshape(nb_new,nelecb) for i in range(nb_old): ui = ub[occ_masks_old[i]].T.copy() minors = ui[occ_idx_all_strs] trans_ci_b[i,:] = numpy.linalg.det(minors) # Transform old basis to new basis for all alpha-electron excitations ci =, ci) # Transform old basis to new basis for all beta-electron excitations ci =, trans_ci_b) return ci
def _unpack_nelec(nelec, spin=None): if spin is None: spin = 0 else: nelec = int(numpy.sum(nelec)) if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.number)): nelecb = (nelec-spin)//2 neleca = nelec - nelecb nelec = neleca, nelecb return nelec def _init_occ_masks(norb, nelec, nci): one_particle_strs = numpy.asarray(cistring.make_strings(range(norb), 1)) strs = numpy.asarray(cistring.make_strings(range(norb), nelec)) if norb < 64: occ_masks = (strs[:,None] & one_particle_strs) != 0 else: occ_masks = numpy.zeros((nci, norb), dtype=bool) for i in range(nci): for j in range(norb): if one_particle_strs[j][0] in strs[i]: occ_masks[i,j] = True return occ_masks del (LARGE_CI_TOL, RETURN_STRS, PENALTY)