Source code for pyscf.fci.cistring

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2021 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <>

import ctypes
import math
import numpy
from pyscf import lib

libfci = lib.load_library('libfci')

[docs] def make_strings(orb_list, nelec): '''Generate string from the given orbital list. Returns: list of int64. One element represents one string in binary format. The binary format takes the convention that the one bit stands for one orbital, bit-1 means occupied and bit-0 means unoccupied. The lowest (right-most) bit corresponds to the lowest orbital in the orb_list. Examples: >>> [bin(x) for x in make_strings((0,1,2,3),2)] [0b11, 0b101, 0b110, 0b1001, 0b1010, 0b1100] >>> [bin(x) for x in make_strings((3,1,0,2),2)] [0b1010, 0b1001, 0b11, 0b1100, 0b110, 0b101] ''' orb_list = list(orb_list) if len(orb_list) >= 64: return gen_occslst(orb_list, nelec) assert (nelec >= 0) if nelec == 0: return numpy.asarray([0], dtype=numpy.int64) elif nelec > len(orb_list): return numpy.asarray([], dtype=numpy.int64) def gen_str_iter(orb_list, nelec): if nelec == 1: res = [(1 << i) for i in orb_list] elif nelec >= len(orb_list): n = 0 for i in orb_list: n = n | (1 << i) res = [n] else: restorb = orb_list[:-1] thisorb = 1 << orb_list[-1] res = gen_str_iter(restorb, nelec) for n in gen_str_iter(restorb, nelec-1): res.append(n | thisorb) return res strings = gen_str_iter(orb_list, nelec) assert (strings.__len__() == num_strings(len(orb_list),nelec)) return numpy.asarray(strings, dtype=numpy.int64)
gen_strings4orblist = make_strings
[docs] def gen_occslst(orb_list, nelec): '''Generate occupied orbital list for each string. Returns: List of lists of int32. Each inner list has length equal to the number of electrons, and contains the occupied orbitals in the corresponding string. Example: >>> [bin(x) for x in make_strings((0, 1, 2, 3), 2)] ['0b11', '0b101', '0b110', '0b1001', '0b1010', '0b1100'] >>> gen_occslst((0, 1, 2, 3), 2) OIndexList([[0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 2], [0, 3], [1, 3], [2, 3]], dtype=int32) ''' orb_list = list(orb_list) assert (nelec >= 0) if nelec == 0: return numpy.zeros((1,nelec), dtype=numpy.int32) elif nelec > len(orb_list): return numpy.zeros((0,nelec), dtype=numpy.int32) def gen_occs_iter(orb_list, nelec): if nelec == 1: res = [[i] for i in orb_list] elif nelec >= len(orb_list): res = [orb_list] else: restorb = orb_list[:-1] thisorb = orb_list[-1] res = gen_occs_iter(restorb, nelec) for n in gen_occs_iter(restorb, nelec-1): res.append(n + [thisorb]) return res occslst = gen_occs_iter(orb_list, nelec) return numpy.asarray(occslst, dtype=numpy.int32).view(OIndexList)
# Add this symbol for backward compatibility. Should remove in the future. _gen_occslst = gen_occslst def _strs2occslst(strs, norb): na = len(strs) one_particle_strs = numpy.asarray([1 << i for i in range(norb)]) occ_masks = (strs.reshape(-1,1) & one_particle_strs) != 0 occslst = numpy.where(occ_masks)[1].reshape(na,-1) return numpy.asarray(occslst, dtype=numpy.int32).view(OIndexList) def _occslst2strs(occslst): assert isinstance(occslst[0], OIndexList) occslst = numpy.asarray(occslst) na, nelec = occslst.shape strs = numpy.zeros(na, dtype=numpy.int64) for i in range(nelec): strs ^= 1 << occslst[:,i] return strs
[docs] class OIndexList(numpy.ndarray): pass
num_strings = lib.comb
[docs] def gen_linkstr_index_o1(orb_list, nelec, strs=None, tril=False): '''Look up table, for the strings relationship in terms of a creation-annihilating operator pair. Similar to gen_linkstr_index. The only difference is the input argument strs, which needs to be a list of OIndexList in this function. ''' if nelec == 0: return numpy.zeros((0,0,4), dtype=numpy.int32) if strs is None: strs = gen_occslst(orb_list, nelec) occslst = strs orb_list = numpy.asarray(orb_list) norb = len(orb_list) assert (numpy.all(numpy.arange(norb) == orb_list)) strdic = {tuple(s): i for i,s in enumerate(occslst)} nvir = norb - nelec def propgate1e(str0): addr0 = strdic[tuple(str0)] tab = numpy.empty((nelec,4), dtype=numpy.int32) tab[:,0] = tab[:,1] = str0 tab[:,2] = addr0 tab[:,3] = 1 linktab = [tab] virmask = numpy.ones(norb, dtype=bool) virmask[str0] = False vir = orb_list[virmask] str0 = numpy.asarray(str0) # where to put vir-orb, ie how many occ-orb in the left where_vir = numpy.sum(str0.reshape(-1,1) < vir, axis=0) parity_occ_orb = 1 # parity for annihilating occupied orbital for n,i in enumerate(str0): # loop over all occupied orbitals # o,v which index is bigger, to determine whether to annihilate occ-orb first reorder_to_ov = vir > i str1s = numpy.empty((nvir,nelec), dtype=int) str1s[:] = str0 str1s[:,n] = vir str1s.sort(axis=1) addr = [strdic[tuple(s)] for s in str1s] parity = (where_vir + reorder_to_ov + 1) % 2 #? +1 so that even parity has +1, odd parity = 0 parity[parity == 0] = -1 parity *= parity_occ_orb tab = numpy.empty((nvir,4), dtype=numpy.int32) tab[:,0] = vir tab[:,1] = i tab[:,2] = addr tab[:,3] = parity linktab.append(tab) parity_occ_orb *= -1 return numpy.vstack(linktab) lidx = [propgate1e(s) for s in occslst] lidx = numpy.asarray(lidx, dtype=numpy.int32) if tril: lidx = reform_linkstr_index(lidx) return lidx
# return [cre, des, target_address, parity]
[docs] def gen_linkstr_index(orb_list, nocc, strs=None, tril=False): '''Look up table, for the strings relationship in terms of a creation-annihilating operator pair. For given string str0, index[str0] is (nocc+nocc*nvir) x 4 array. The first nocc rows [i(:occ),i(:occ),str0,sign] are occupied-occupied excitations, which do not change the string. The next nocc*nvir rows [a(:vir),i(:occ),str1,sign] are occupied-virtual exciations, starting from str0, annihilating i, creating a, to get str1. ''' if strs is None: strs = make_strings(orb_list, nocc) if isinstance(strs, OIndexList): return gen_linkstr_index_o1(orb_list, nocc, strs, tril) strs = numpy.array(strs, dtype=numpy.int64) assert (all(strs[:-1] < strs[1:])) norb = len(orb_list) nvir = norb - nocc na = strs.shape[0] link_index = numpy.empty((na,nocc*nvir+nocc,4), dtype=numpy.int32) libfci.FCIlinkstr_index(link_index.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(norb), ctypes.c_int(na), ctypes.c_int(nocc), strs.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(tril)) return link_index
[docs] def reform_linkstr_index(link_index): '''Compress the (a, i) pair index in linkstr_index to a lower triangular index. The compressed indices can match the 4-fold symmetry of integrals. ''' #for k, tab in enumerate(link_index): # for j, (a, i, str1, sign) in enumerate(tab): # if a > i: # ai = a*(a+1)//2+i # else: # ai = i*(i+1)//2+a # link_new[k,j] = (ai,0,str1,sign) link_new = link_index.copy() a = link_index[:,:,0] i = link_index[:,:,1] link_new[:,:,0] = numpy.maximum(a*(a+1)//2+i, i*(i+1)//2+a) link_new[:,:,1] = 0 return link_new
[docs] def gen_linkstr_index_trilidx(orb_list, nocc, strs=None): r'''Generate linkstr_index with the assumption that :math:`p^+ q|0\rangle` where :math:`p > q`. So the resultant link_index has the structure ``[pq, *, str1, sign]``. It is identical to a call to ``reform_linkstr_index(gen_linkstr_index(...))``. ''' return gen_linkstr_index(orb_list, nocc, strs, True)
[docs] def gen_cre_str_index(orb_list, nelec): '''linkstr_index to map between N electron string to N+1 electron string. It maps the given string to the address of the string which is generated by the creation operator. For given string str0, index[str0] is nvir x 4 array. Each entry [i(cre),--,str1,sign] means starting from str0, creating i, to get str1. Returns [[cre, -, target_address, parity], ...] ''' norb = len(orb_list) assert nelec < norb strs = make_strings(orb_list, nelec) if isinstance(strs, OIndexList): raise NotImplementedError('System with 64 orbitals or more') strs = numpy.array(strs, dtype=numpy.int64) na = strs.shape[0] link_index = numpy.empty((len(strs),norb-nelec,4), dtype=numpy.int32) libfci.FCIcre_str_index(link_index.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(norb), ctypes.c_int(na), ctypes.c_int(nelec), strs.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)) return link_index
[docs] def gen_des_str_index(orb_list, nelec): '''linkstr_index to map between N electron string to N-1 electron string. It maps the given string to the address of the string which is generated by the annihilation operator. For given string str0, index[str0] is nvir x 4 array. Each entry [--,i(des),str1,sign] means starting from str0, annihilating i, to get str1. Returns [[-, des, target_address, parity], ...] ''' assert nelec > 0 strs = make_strings(orb_list, nelec) if isinstance(strs, OIndexList): raise NotImplementedError('System with 64 orbitals or more') strs = numpy.array(strs, dtype=numpy.int64) norb = len(orb_list) na = strs.shape[0] link_index = numpy.empty((len(strs),nelec,4), dtype=numpy.int32) libfci.FCIdes_str_index(link_index.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(norb), ctypes.c_int(na), ctypes.c_int(nelec), strs.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)) return link_index
# Determine the sign of p^+ q |string0>
[docs] def cre_des_sign(p, q, string0): if p == q: return 1 else: if (string0 & (1 << p)) or (not (string0 & (1 << q))): return 0 elif p > q: mask = (1 << p) - (1 << (q+1)) else: mask = (1 << q) - (1 << (p+1)) return (-1) ** bin(string0 & mask).count('1')
# Determine the sign of p^+ |string0>
[docs] def cre_sign(p, string0): if (string0 & (1 << p)): return 0 else: return (-1) ** bin(string0 >> (p+1)).count('1')
# Determine the sign of p |string0>
[docs] def des_sign(p, string0): if (not (string0 & (1 << p))): return 0 else: return (-1) ** bin(string0 >> (p+1)).count('1')
# Determine the sign of string1 = p^+ q |string0>
[docs] def parity(string0, string1): #sys.stderr.write('Function cistring.parity is deprecated\n') ss = string1 - string0 def count_bit1(n): # see Hamming weight problem and K&R C program return bin(n).count('1') if ss > 0: # string1&ss gives the number of 1s between two strings return (-1) ** (count_bit1(string1 & ss)) elif ss == 0: return 1 else: return (-1) ** (count_bit1(string0 & (-ss)))
[docs] def addr2str(norb, nelec, addr): '''Convert CI determinant address to string''' if norb >= 64: raise NotImplementedError('norb >= 64') max_addr = num_strings(norb, nelec) assert max_addr > addr if max_addr < 2**31: return addrs2str(norb, nelec, [addr])[0] else: return _addr2str(norb, nelec, addr)
def _addr2str(norb, nelec, addr): if addr == 0 or nelec == norb or nelec == 0: return (1 << nelec) - 1 # ..0011..11 for i in reversed(range(norb)): addrcum = num_strings(i, nelec) if addrcum <= addr: return (1 << i) | _addr2str(i, nelec-1, addr-addrcum)
[docs] def addrs2str(norb, nelec, addrs): '''Convert a list of CI determinant address to string''' if norb >= 64: raise NotImplementedError('norb >= 64') if num_strings(norb, nelec) >= 2**31: raise NotImplementedError('Large address') addrs = numpy.asarray(addrs, dtype=numpy.int32) assert (all(num_strings(norb, nelec) > addrs)) count = addrs.size strs = numpy.empty(count, dtype=numpy.int64) libfci.FCIaddrs2str(strs.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), addrs.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(count), ctypes.c_int(norb), ctypes.c_int(nelec)) return strs
[docs] def str2addr(norb, nelec, string): '''Convert string to CI determinant address''' if norb >= 64: raise NotImplementedError('norb >= 64') if isinstance(string, str): assert (string.count('1') == nelec) string = int(string, 2) else: assert (bin(string).count('1') == nelec) if num_strings(norb, nelec) < 2**31: libfci.FCIstr2addr.restype = ctypes.c_int return libfci.FCIstr2addr(ctypes.c_int(norb), ctypes.c_int(nelec), ctypes.c_ulonglong(string)) return _str2addr(norb, nelec, string)
def _str2addr(norb, nelec, string): if norb <= nelec or nelec == 0: return 0 addr = 0 for orbital_id in reversed(range(norb)): if (1 << orbital_id) & string: addr += num_strings(orbital_id, nelec) nelec -= 1 return addr
[docs] def strs2addr(norb, nelec, strings): '''Convert a list of string to CI determinant address''' if norb >= 64: raise NotImplementedError('norb >= 64') if num_strings(norb, nelec) >= 2**31: raise NotImplementedError('Large address') strings = numpy.asarray(strings, dtype=numpy.int64) count = strings.size addrs = numpy.empty(count, dtype=numpy.int32) libfci.FCIstrs2addr(addrs.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), strings.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(count), ctypes.c_int(norb), ctypes.c_int(nelec)) return addrs
[docs] def sub_addrs(norb, nelec, orbital_indices, sub_nelec=0): '''The addresses of the determinants which include the specified orbital indices. The size of the returned addresses is equal to the number of determinants of (norb, nelec) system. ''' assert norb < 64 if sub_nelec == 0: strs = make_strings(orbital_indices, nelec) return strs2addr(norb, nelec, strs) else: strs = make_strings(range(norb), nelec) counts = numpy.zeros(len(strs), dtype=int) for i in orbital_indices: counts += (strs & (1 << i)) != 0 sub_strs = strs[counts == sub_nelec] return strs2addr(norb, nelec, sub_strs)
[docs] def tn_strs(norb, nelec, n): '''Generate strings for Tn amplitudes. Eg n=1 (T1) has nvir*nocc strings, n=2 (T2) has nvir*(nvir-1)/2 * nocc*(nocc-1)/2 strings. ''' if norb >= 64: raise NotImplementedError('norb >= 64') if nelec < n or norb-nelec < n: return numpy.zeros(0, dtype=int) occs_allow = numpy.asarray(make_strings(range(nelec), n)[::-1]) virs_allow = numpy.asarray(make_strings(range(nelec,norb), n)) hf_str = int('1'*nelec, 2) tns = (hf_str | virs_allow.reshape(-1,1)) ^ occs_allow return tns.ravel()
if __name__ == '__main__': print([bin(i) for i in make_strings(range(2,5), 2)]) print(make_strings(range(4), 2)) #print(gen_linkstr_index(range(6), 3)) # index = gen_linkstr_index(range(8), 4) # idx16 = index[:16] # print(idx16[:,:,2])