Source code for pyscf.gto.basis.parse_cp2k_pp

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2023 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Author: Timothy Berkelbach <>

parse CP2K PP format, following

import sys
import re
from pyscf.lib.exceptions import BasisNotFoundError
import numpy as np

[docs] def parse(string, symb=None): '''Parse the pseudo text *string* which is in CP2K format, return an internal basis format which can be assigned to :attr:`Cell.pseudo` Lines started with # are ignored. Args: string : Blank linke and the lines of "PSEUDOPOTENTIAL" and "END" will be ignored Examples: >>> cell = gto.Cell() >>> cell.pseudo = {'C': pyscf.gto.basis.pseudo_cp2k.parse(""" ... #PSEUDOPOTENTIAL ... C GTH-BLYP-q4 ... 2 2 ... 0.33806609 2 -9.13626871 1.42925956 ... 2 ... 0.30232223 1 9.66551228 ... 0.28637912 0 ... """)} ''' if symb is not None: raw_data = list(filter(None, re.split('#PSEUDOPOTENTIAL', string))) pseudotxt = _search_gthpp_block(raw_data, symb) if not pseudotxt: raise BasisNotFoundError(f'Pseudopotential not found for {symb}.') else: pseudotxt = [x.strip() for x in string.splitlines() if x.strip() and 'END' not in x and '#PSEUDOPOTENTIAL' not in x] return _parse(pseudotxt)
[docs] def load(pseudofile, symb, suffix=None): '''Parse the *pseudofile's entry* for atom 'symb', return an internal pseudo format which can be assigned to :attr:`Cell.pseudo` ''' return _parse(search_seg(pseudofile, symb, suffix))
def _parse(plines): header_ln = plines.pop(0) # noqa: F841 nelecs = [ int(nelec) for nelec in plines.pop(0).split() ] rnc_ppl = plines.pop(0).split() rloc = float(rnc_ppl[0]) nexp = int(rnc_ppl[1]) cexp = [ float(c) for c in rnc_ppl[2:] ] nproj_types = int(plines.pop(0)) r = [] nproj = [] hproj = [] for p in range(nproj_types): rnh_ppnl = plines.pop(0).split() r.append(float(rnh_ppnl[0])) nproj.append(int(rnh_ppnl[1])) hproj_p_ij = [] for h in rnh_ppnl[2:]: hproj_p_ij.append(float(h)) for i in range(1,nproj[-1]): for h in plines.pop(0).split(): hproj_p_ij.append(float(h)) hproj_p = np.zeros((nproj[-1],nproj[-1])) hproj_p[np.triu_indices(nproj[-1])] = [ h for h in hproj_p_ij ] hproj_p_symm = hproj_p + hproj_p.T - np.diag(hproj_p.diagonal()) hproj.append(hproj_p_symm.tolist()) pseudo_params = [nelecs, rloc, nexp, cexp, nproj_types] for ri,ni,hi in zip(r,nproj,hproj): pseudo_params.append([ri, ni, hi]) return pseudo_params
[docs] def search_seg(pseudofile, symb, suffix=None): ''' Find the pseudopotential entry for atom 'symb' in file 'pseudofile' ''' fin = open(pseudofile, 'r') fdata ='#PSEUDOPOTENTIAL') fin.close() dat = _search_gthpp_block(fdata[1:], symb, suffix) if not dat: raise BasisNotFoundError(f'Pseudopotential for {symb} in {pseudofile}') return dat
def _search_gthpp_block(raw_data, symb, suffix=None): for dat in raw_data: dat0 = dat.split(None, 1) if dat0 and dat0[0] == symb: dat = [x.strip() for x in dat.splitlines() if x.strip() and 'END' not in x] if suffix is None: # use default PP qsuffix = dat[0].split()[-1].split('-')[-1] if not (qsuffix.startswith('q') and qsuffix[1:].isdigit()): return dat else: if any(suffix == x.split('-')[-1] for x in dat[0].split()): return dat return None if __name__ == '__main__': args = sys.argv[1:] if len(args) == 2: ppfile = args[0] atom = args[1] else: print('usage: ppfile atomlabel ') sys.exit(1) print("Testing search_seg():") print(search_seg(ppfile,atom)) print("Testing load() [[from file]]:") load(ppfile,atom) print("Testing parse():") print(parse(""" #PSEUDOPOTENTIAL C GTH-BLYP-q4 2 2 0.33806609 2 -9.13626871 1.42925956 2 0.30232223 1 9.66551228 0.28637912 0 """))