#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2021 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
import sys
from functools import reduce
import numpy
import scipy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf import fci
from pyscf import scf
from pyscf import symm
from pyscf import __config__
BASE = getattr(__config__, 'mcscf_addons_sort_mo_base', 1)
MAP2HF_TOL = getattr(__config__, 'mcscf_addons_map2hf_tol', 0.4)
if sys.version_info < (3,):
RANGE_TYPE = range
def sort_mo(casscf, mo_coeff, caslst, base=BASE):
'''Pick orbitals for CAS space
casscf : an :class:`CASSCF` or :class:`CASCI` object
mo_coeff : ndarray or a list of ndarray
Orbitals for CASSCF initial guess. In the UHF-CASSCF, it's a list
of two orbitals, for alpha and beta spin.
caslst : list of int or nested list of int
A list of orbital indices to represent the CAS space. In the UHF-CASSCF,
it's consist of two lists, for alpha and beta spin.
base : int
0-based (C-style) or 1-based (Fortran-style) caslst
An reoreded mo_coeff, which put the orbitals given by caslst in the CAS space
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
>>> mf = scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.scf()
>>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4, 4)
>>> cas_list = [5,6,8,9] # pi orbitals
>>> mo = mc.sort_mo(cas_list)
>>> mc.kernel(mo)[0]
ncore = casscf.ncore
def ext_list(nmo, caslst):
mask = numpy.ones(nmo, dtype=bool)
mask[caslst] = False
idx = numpy.where(mask)[0]
if len(idx) + casscf.ncas != nmo:
raise ValueError('Active space size is incompatible with caslist. '
'ncas = %d. caslist %s' % (casscf.ncas, caslst))
return idx
if isinstance(ncore, (int, numpy.integer)):
nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1]
if base != 0:
caslst = [i-base for i in caslst]
idx = ext_list(nmo, caslst)
mo = numpy.hstack((mo_coeff[:,idx[:ncore]],
if getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None) is not None:
orbsym = mo_coeff.orbsym
orbsym = numpy.hstack((orbsym[idx[:ncore]], orbsym[caslst],
mo = lib.tag_array(mo, orbsym=orbsym)
return mo
else: # UHF-based CASSCF
if isinstance(caslst[0], (int, numpy.integer)):
if base != 0:
caslsta = [i-1 for i in caslst]
caslst = (caslsta, caslsta)
else: # two casspace lists, for alpha and beta
if base != 0:
caslst = ([i-base for i in caslst[0]],
[i-base for i in caslst[1]])
nmo = mo_coeff[0].shape[1]
idxa = ext_list(nmo, caslst[0])
mo_a = numpy.hstack((mo_coeff[0][:,idxa[:ncore[0]]],
idxb = ext_list(nmo, caslst[1])
mo_b = numpy.hstack((mo_coeff[1][:,idxb[:ncore[1]]],
if getattr(mo_coeff[0], 'orbsym', None) is not None:
orbsyma, orbsymb = mo_coeff[0].orbsym, mo_coeff[1].orbsym
orbsyma = numpy.hstack((orbsyma[idxa[:ncore[0]]], orbsyma[caslst[0]],
orbsymb = numpy.hstack((orbsymb[idxb[:ncore[1]]], orbsymb[caslst[1]],
mo_a = lib.tag_array(mo_a, orbsym=orbsyma)
mo_b = lib.tag_array(mo_b, orbsym=orbsymb)
return (mo_a, mo_b)
def select_mo_by_irrep(casscf, cas_occ_num, mo=None, base=BASE):
raise RuntimeError('This function has been replaced by function caslst_by_irrep')
def caslst_by_irrep(casscf, mo_coeff, cas_irrep_nocc,
cas_irrep_ncore=None, s=None, base=BASE):
'''Given number of active orbitals for each irrep, return the orbital
indices of active space
casscf : an :class:`CASSCF` or :class:`CASCI` object
cas_irrep_nocc : list or dict
Number of active orbitals for each irrep. It can be a dict, eg
{'A1': 2, 'B2': 4} to indicate the active space size based on
irrep names, or {0: 2, 3: 4} for irrep Id, or a list [2, 0, 0, 4]
(identical to {0: 2, 3: 4}) in which the list index is served as
the irrep Id.
cas_irrep_ncore : list or dict
Number of closed shells for each irrep. It can be a dict, eg
{'A1': 6, 'B2': 4} to indicate the closed shells based on
irrep names, or {0: 6, 3: 4} for irrep Id, or a list [6, 0, 0, 4]
(identical to {0: 6, 3: 4}) in which the list index is served as
the irrep Id. If cas_irrep_ncore is not given, the program
will generate a guess based on the lowest :attr:`CASCI.ncore`
s : ndarray
overlap matrix
base : int
0-based (C-like) or 1-based (Fortran-like) caslst
A list of orbital indices
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvtz', symmetry=True, verbose=0)
>>> mf = scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 12, 4)
>>> mcscf.caslst_by_irrep(mc, mf.mo_coeff, {'E1gx':4, 'E1gy':4, 'E1ux':2, 'E1uy':2})
[5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 20, 25, 26, 31, 32]
mol = casscf.mol
log = logger.Logger(casscf.stdout, casscf.verbose)
orbsym = numpy.asarray(scf.hf_symm.get_orbsym(mol, mo_coeff))
ncore = casscf.ncore
irreps = set(orbsym)
if cas_irrep_ncore is not None:
irrep_ncore = {}
for k, v in cas_irrep_ncore.items():
if isinstance(k, str):
irrep_ncore[symm.irrep_name2id(mol.groupname, k)] = v
irrep_ncore[k] = v
ncore_rest = ncore - sum(irrep_ncore.values())
if ncore_rest > 0: # guess core configuration
mask = numpy.ones(len(orbsym), dtype=bool)
for ir in irrep_ncore:
mask[orbsym == ir] = False
core_rest = orbsym[mask][:ncore_rest]
core_rest = {ir: numpy.count_nonzero(core_rest==ir)
for ir in set(core_rest)}
log.info('Given core space %s < casscf core size %d',
cas_irrep_ncore, ncore)
log.info('Add %s to core configuration', core_rest)
elif ncore_rest < 0:
raise ValueError('Given core space %s > casscf core size %d'
% (cas_irrep_ncore, ncore))
irrep_ncore = {ir: sum(orbsym[:ncore]==ir) for ir in irreps}
if not isinstance(cas_irrep_nocc, dict):
# list => dict
cas_irrep_nocc = {ir: n for ir,n in enumerate(cas_irrep_nocc)
if n > 0}
irrep_ncas = {}
for k, v in cas_irrep_nocc.items():
if isinstance(k, str):
irrep_ncas[symm.irrep_name2id(mol.groupname, k)] = v
irrep_ncas[k] = v
ncas_rest = casscf.ncas - sum(irrep_ncas.values())
if ncas_rest > 0:
mask = numpy.ones(len(orbsym), dtype=bool)
# remove core and specified active space
for ir in irrep_ncas:
mask[orbsym == ir] = False
for ir, ncore in irrep_ncore.items():
idx = numpy.where(orbsym == ir)[0]
mask[idx[:ncore]] = False
cas_rest = orbsym[mask][:ncas_rest]
cas_rest = {ir: numpy.count_nonzero(cas_rest==ir)
for ir in set(cas_rest)}
log.info('Given active space %s < casscf active space size %d',
cas_irrep_nocc, casscf.ncas)
log.info('Add %s to active space', cas_rest)
elif ncas_rest < 0:
raise ValueError('Given active space %s > casscf active space size %d'
% (cas_irrep_nocc, casscf.ncas))
caslst = []
for ir, ncas in irrep_ncas.items():
if ncas > 0:
if ir in irrep_ncore:
nc = irrep_ncore[ir]
nc = 0
no = nc + ncas
idx = numpy.where(orbsym == ir)[0]
caslst = numpy.sort(numpy.asarray(caslst)) + base
if len(caslst) < casscf.ncas:
raise ValueError('Not enough orbitals found for core %s, cas %s' %
(cas_irrep_ncore, cas_irrep_nocc))
if log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
log.info('ncore for each irreps %s',
{symm.irrep_id2name(mol.groupname, k): v
for k,v in irrep_ncore.items()})
log.info('ncas for each irreps %s',
{symm.irrep_id2name(mol.groupname, k): v
for k,v in irrep_ncas.items()})
log.info('(%d-based) caslst = %s', base, caslst)
return caslst
def sort_mo_by_irrep(casscf, mo_coeff, cas_irrep_nocc,
cas_irrep_ncore=None, s=None):
'''Given number of active orbitals for each irrep, construct the mo initial
guess for CASSCF
casscf : an :class:`CASSCF` or :class:`CASCI` object
cas_irrep_nocc : list or dict
Number of active orbitals for each irrep. It can be a dict, eg
{'A1': 2, 'B2': 4} to indicate the active space size based on
irrep names, or {0: 2, 3: 4} for irrep Id, or a list [2, 0, 0, 4]
(identical to {0: 2, 3: 4}) in which the list index is served as
the irrep Id.
cas_irrep_ncore : list or dict
Number of closed shells for each irrep. It can be a dict, eg
{'A1': 6, 'B2': 4} to indicate the closed shells based on
irrep names, or {0: 6, 3: 4} for irrep Id, or a list [6, 0, 0, 4]
(identical to {0: 6, 3: 4}) in which the list index is served as
the irrep Id. If cas_irrep_ncore is not given, the program
will generate a guess based on the lowest :attr:`CASCI.ncore`
s : ndarray
overlap matrix
sorted orbitals, ordered as [c,..,c,a,..,a,v,..,v]
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvtz', symmetry=True, verbose=0)
>>> mf = scf.RHF(mol)
>>> mf.kernel()
>>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 12, 4)
>>> mo = mc.sort_mo_by_irrep({'E1gx':4, 'E1gy':4, 'E1ux':2, 'E1uy':2})
>>> # Same to mo = sort_mo_by_irrep(mc, mf.mo_coeff, {2: 4, 3: 4, 6: 2, 7: 2})
>>> # Same to mo = sort_mo_by_irrep(mc, mf.mo_coeff, [0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0, 2, 2])
>>> mc.kernel(mo)[0]
caslst = caslst_by_irrep(casscf, mo_coeff, cas_irrep_nocc,
cas_irrep_ncore, s, base=0)
return sort_mo(casscf, mo_coeff, caslst, base=0)
def make_natural_orbitals (method_obj):
"""Make natural orbitals from a general PySCF method object.
See Eqn. (1) in Keller et al. [DOI:10.1063/1.4922352] for details.
method_obj : Any PySCF method that has the function `make_rdm1` with kwarg
`ao_repr`. This object can be a restricted OR unrestricted method.
noons : A 1-D array of the natural orbital occupations (NOONs).
natorbs : A set of natural orbitals made from method_obj.
mf = method_obj
if hasattr(method_obj, "_scf"):
mf = method_obj._scf
rdm1 = method_obj.make_rdm1(ao_repr=True)
S = mf.get_ovlp()
# Slight difference for restricted vs. unrestriced case
if isinstance(rdm1, tuple):
Dm = rdm1[0]+rdm1[1]
elif isinstance(rdm1, numpy.ndarray):
if numpy.ndim(rdm1) == 3:
Dm = rdm1[0]+rdm1[1]
elif numpy.ndim(rdm1) == 2:
Dm = rdm1
raise ValueError(
"rdm1 passed to is a numpy array," +
"but it has the wrong number of dimensions: {}".format(numpy.ndim(rdm1)))
raise ValueError(
"\n\tThe rdm1 generated by method_obj.make_rdm1() was a {}."
"\n\tThis type is not supported, please select a different method and/or "
"open an issue at https://github.com/pyscf/pyscf/issues".format(type(rdm1))
# Diagonalize the DM in AO (using Eqn. (1) referenced above)
A = reduce(numpy.dot, (S, Dm, S))
w, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(A, b=S)
# Flip NOONs (and NOs) since they're in increasing order
noons = numpy.flip(w)
natorbs = numpy.flip(v, axis=1)
return noons, natorbs
def project_init_guess (casscf, mo_init, prev_mol=None, priority=None, use_hf_core=None):
'''Project the given initial guess to the current CASSCF problem
giving using a sequence of SVDs on orthogonal orbital subspaces.
casscf : an :class:`CASSCF` or :class:`CASCI` object
mo_init : ndarray or list of ndarray
Initial guess orbitals which are not orthonormal for the
current molecule. When the casscf is UHF-CASSCF, mo_init
needs to be a list of two ndarrays, for alpha and beta
orbitals. Cannot have linear dependencies (i.e., you cannot
give more orbitals than the basis of casscf.mol has). Must
have at least ncore+ncas columns with active orbitals last,
even if use_hf_core=True. If incomplete, additional virtual
orbitals will be constructed and appended automatically.
prev_mol : an instance of :class:`Mole`
If given, the initial guess orbitals are associated to the
basis of prev_mol. Otherwise, the orbitals are presumed to
be in the basis of casscf.mol. Beware linear dependencies if
you are projecting from a LARGER basis to a SMALLER one.
priority : 'active', 'core', nested idx arrays, or mask array
If arrays are 3d, UHF-CASSCF must be used; arrays can always
be 2d. Specifies the order in which groups of orbitals are
projected. Orbitals orthogonalized earlier are deformed less
than those orthogonalized later. 'core' means core, then
active, then virtual; 'active' means active, then core, then
virtual, and the Gram-Schmidt process is generated by
[[0],[1],[2],...] or numpy.eye (nmo). Missing orbitals are
presumed virtual. Defaults to 'active' if you are projecting
from the same basis set (prev_mol is None or has the same
basis functions) and 'core' otherwise.
use_hf_core : logical
If True, the core orbitals of mo_init are swapped out with
HF orbitals chosen by maximum overlap. Defaults to True
if you are projecting from a different basis and False if
you are projecting from a different geometry.
New orthonormal initial guess orbitals'''
from pyscf import lo
ncore, ncas = casscf.ncore, casscf.ncas
s0 = casscf._scf.get_ovlp ()
mf_mo = casscf._scf.mo_coeff
nmo = numpy.asarray (mf_mo).shape[-1]
nmo_init = numpy.asarray (mo_init).shape[-1]
if nmo_init > nmo:
raise RuntimeError ("Too many orbitals in mo_init (try passing only the occupied orbitals)")
# Project orbitals from a different basis
if prev_mol is not None:
if gto.same_mol(prev_mol, casscf.mol, cmp_basis=False):
if isinstance(ncore, (int, numpy.integer)): # RHF
mo_init = scf.addons.project_mo_nr2nr(prev_mol, mo_init, casscf.mol)
mo_init = (scf.addons.project_mo_nr2nr(prev_mol, mo_init[0], casscf.mol),
scf.addons.project_mo_nr2nr(prev_mol, mo_init[1], casscf.mol))
elif gto.same_basis_set(prev_mol, casscf.mol):
prev_mol = None # Ignore! Serves no purpose unless it's a different basis set
raise NotImplementedError('Project initial guess from different system.')
if priority is None: priority = ('core','active')[prev_mol is None]
if use_hf_core is None: use_hf_core = (prev_mol is not None)
# Do the projection
def _symmcase (mo_basis, mo_target):
ovlp = reduce (numpy.dot, (mo_basis.conj ().T, s0, mo_target))
u, s, vh = scipy.linalg.svd (ovlp, full_matrices=True)
mo_proj = reduce (numpy.dot, (mo_basis, u[:,:len(s)], vh))
if u.shape[1] > len(s):
mo_null = numpy.dot (mo_basis, u[:,len(s):])
mo_null = numpy.zeros ((mo_basis.shape[0], 0))
return mo_proj, mo_null
# Iterate over irreps
def _rangecase (mo_basis, mo_target):
if not casscf.mol.symmetry:
return _symmcase (mo_basis, mo_target)
orbsym_target = scf.hf_symm.get_orbsym(casscf.mol, mo_target, s0)
orbsym_basis = scf.hf_symm.get_orbsym(casscf.mol, mo_basis, s0)
for ir in set (orbsym_target):
errstr = 'inadequate basis for symmetry {}'.format (ir)
assert (numpy.count_nonzero (orbsym_basis==ir) >=
numpy.count_nonzero (orbsym_target==ir)), errstr
# Avoid scrambling the order of the target orbitals
mo_null = []
mo_proj = numpy.zeros_like (mo_target)
for ir in set (orbsym_basis):
mo_basis_ir = mo_basis[:,orbsym_basis==ir]
idx_ir = orbsym_target == ir
if numpy.count_nonzero (idx_ir) == 0:
mo_null.append (mo_basis_ir)
mo_proj_ir, mo_null_ir = _symmcase (mo_basis_ir, mo_target[:,idx_ir])
mo_null.append (mo_null_ir)
mo_proj[:,idx_ir] = mo_proj_ir
mo_null = numpy.hstack (mo_null)
return mo_proj, mo_null
# Iterate over orbital ranges
def _spincase (mo_basis, mo_target, range_idx, sort_idx, ncore):
# Swap out HF core orbitals (making a copy for safety)
if use_hf_core:
ovlp = numpy.dot (mo_target.conj ().T, s0.dot (mo_basis))
ix = numpy.argmax (numpy.abs (ovlp[:ncore,:]), axis=1)
mo_target = numpy.append (mo_basis[:,ix], mo_target[:,ncore:], axis=1)
# Do the iteration
mo = numpy.zeros_like (mo_target)
for idx in range_idx:
mo[:,idx], mo_basis = _rangecase (mo_basis, mo_target[:,idx])
idx = numpy.any (range_idx, axis=0)
mo = mo[:,idx]
mo_target = mo_target[:,idx]
# Fix sign
sgn = numpy.einsum ('pi,pi->i', mo.conj (), s0.dot (mo_target))
mo[:,sgn<0] *= -1
# Append remaining virtual orbitals
if mo_basis.shape[-1] > 0:
mo = numpy.append (mo, mo_basis, axis=1)
# Sort and debug print
mo[:,:nmo_init] = mo[:,:nmo_init][:,sort_idx]
if casscf.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
mocc = mo[:,:ncore+ncas]
s1 = reduce(numpy.dot, (mocc.T, s0, mo_target))
tnorm = numpy.einsum ('pi,pi->i', mo_target.conj (), s0.dot (mo_target))
s1_norm = s1 / numpy.sqrt (tnorm) [None,:]
idx = numpy.argmax (numpy.abs (s1), axis=1)
for i, j in enumerate (idx):
logger.debug(casscf, 'Init guess <mo-orth|mo-init> %d %d %10.8f (%10.8f after norm)',
i+1, j+1, s1[i,j], s1_norm[i,j])
return mo
# Interpret "priority" keyword
def _interpret (priority, ncore):
# Interpret priority keyword
nocc = ncore + ncas
if isinstance (priority, str):
ridx = numpy.zeros ((2, nmo_init), dtype=bool)
ridx[0,:ncore] = ridx[1,ncore:nocc] = True
if priority.lower () == 'active': ridx = ridx[::-1,:]
elif not priority.lower () == 'core':
raise RuntimeError ("Invalid priority keyword: string must be either 'active' or 'core'")
# Edge case: ncore == 0 or ncas == 0 -> remove zero rows from ridx
ridx = ridx[ridx.sum (1).astype (bool)]
ridx = numpy.zeros ((len (priority), nmo), dtype=bool)
for row, idx in zip (ridx, priority):
row[idx] = True
except IndexError:
raise RuntimeError ("Invalid priority keyword: index array cannot address shape (*,nmo_init)")
ridx_counts = ridx.astype (int).sum (0)
if numpy.any (ridx_counts > 1):
raise RuntimeError ("Invalid priority keyword: index array has repeated elements")
incl = numpy.any (ridx, axis=0)
sidx = numpy.append (numpy.where (incl)[0], numpy.where (~incl)[0])
return ridx, numpy.argsort (sidx)
# Iterate over spin cases
if isinstance(ncore, (int, numpy.integer)):
# errstr = 'Invalid priority keyword (3-dim is valid for UHF-CAS only)'
range_idx, sort_idx = _interpret (priority, ncore)
mo = _spincase (mf_mo, mo_init, range_idx, sort_idx, ncore)
else: # UHF-based CASSCF
if (isinstance (priority, str) # single string
or (isinstance (priority, numpy.ndarray) and priority.ndim == 2) # single mask array
or isinstance (priority[0][0], (int, numpy.integer))): # 2d nested list
priority = [priority, priority]
idx = [_interpret (p, n) for p, n in zip (priority, ncore)]
mo = (_spincase (mf_mo[0], mo_init[0], idx[0][0], idx[0][1], ncore[0]),
_spincase (mf_mo[1], mo_init[1], idx[1][0], idx[1][1], ncore[1]))
return mo
def project_init_guess_old(casscf, init_mo, prev_mol=None):
'''Project the given initial guess to the current CASSCF problem. The
projected initial guess has two parts. The core orbitals are directly
taken from the Hartree-Fock orbitals, and the active orbitals are
projected from the given initial guess.
casscf : an :class:`CASSCF` or :class:`CASCI` object
init_mo : ndarray or list of ndarray
Initial guess orbitals which are not orth-normal for the current
molecule. When the casscf is UHF-CASSCF, the init_mo needs to be
a list of two ndarrays, for alpha and beta orbitals
prev_mol : an instance of :class:`Mole`
If given, the initial guess orbitals are associated to the geometry
and basis of prev_mol. Otherwise, the orbitals are based of
the geometry and basis of casscf.mol
New orthogonal initial guess orbitals with the core taken from
Hartree-Fock orbitals and projected active space from original initial
guess orbitals
.. code:: python
import numpy
from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
mol = gto.Mole()
mol.build(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 0.8', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
mf = scf.RHF(mol)
mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 6)
mo = mcscf.sort_mo(mc, mf.mo_coeff, [3,4,5,6,8,9])
print('E(0.8) = %.12f' % mc.kernel(mo)[0])
init_mo = mc.mo_coeff
for b in numpy.arange(1.0, 3., .2):
mol.atom = [['H', (0, 0, 0)], ['F', (0, 0, b)]]
mol.build(0, 0)
mf = scf.RHF(mol)
mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 6)
mo = mcscf.project_init_guess(mc, init_mo)
print('E(%2.1f) = %.12f' % (b, mc.kernel(mo)[0]))
init_mo = mc.mo_coeff
from pyscf import lo
def project(mfmo, init_mo, ncore, s):
s_init_mo = numpy.einsum('pi,pi->i', init_mo.conj(), s.dot(init_mo))
if abs(s_init_mo - 1).max() < 1e-7 and mfmo.shape[1] == init_mo.shape[1]:
# Initial guess orbitals are orthonormal
return init_mo
# TODO: test whether the canonicalized orbitals are better than the projected orbitals
# Be careful that the ordering of the canonicalized orbitals may be very different
# to the CASSCF orbitals.
# else:
# fock = casscf.get_fock(mc, init_mo, casscf.ci)
# return casscf._scf.eig(fock, s)[1]
nocc = ncore + casscf.ncas
if ncore > 0:
mo0core = init_mo[:,:ncore]
s1 = reduce(numpy.dot, (mfmo.T, s, mo0core))
s1core = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo0core.T, s, mo0core))
coreocc = numpy.einsum('ij,ji->i', s1, lib.cho_solve(s1core, s1.T))
coreidx = numpy.sort(numpy.argsort(-coreocc)[:ncore])
logger.debug(casscf, 'Core indices %s', coreidx)
logger.debug(casscf, 'Core components %s', coreocc[coreidx])
# take HF core
mocore = mfmo[:,coreidx]
# take projected CAS space
mocas = init_mo[:,ncore:nocc] \
- reduce(numpy.dot, (mocore, mocore.T, s, init_mo[:,ncore:nocc]))
mocc = lo.orth.vec_lowdin(numpy.hstack((mocore, mocas)), s)
mocc = lo.orth.vec_lowdin(init_mo[:,:nocc], s)
# remove core and active space from rest
if mocc.shape[1] < mfmo.shape[1]:
if casscf.mol.symmetry:
restorb = []
orbsym = scf.hf_symm.get_orbsym(casscf.mol, mfmo, s)
for ir in set(orbsym):
mo_ir = mfmo[:,orbsym==ir]
rest = mo_ir - reduce(numpy.dot, (mocc, mocc.T, s, mo_ir))
e, u = numpy.linalg.eigh(reduce(numpy.dot, (rest.T, s, rest)))
restorb.append(numpy.dot(rest, u[:,e>1e-7]))
restorb = numpy.hstack(restorb)
rest = mfmo - reduce(numpy.dot, (mocc, mocc.T, s, mfmo))
e, u = numpy.linalg.eigh(reduce(numpy.dot, (rest.T, s, rest)))
restorb = numpy.dot(rest, u[:,e>1e-7])
mo = numpy.hstack((mocc, restorb))
mo = mocc
if casscf.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
s1 = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo[:,ncore:nocc].T, s, mfmo))
idx = numpy.argwhere(abs(s1) > 0.4)
for i,j in idx:
logger.debug(casscf, 'Init guess <mo-CAS|mo-hf> %d %d %12.8f',
ncore+i+1, j+1, s1[i,j])
return mo
ncore = casscf.ncore
mfmo = casscf._scf.mo_coeff
s = casscf._scf.get_ovlp()
if prev_mol is None:
if init_mo.shape[0] != mfmo.shape[0]:
raise RuntimeError('Initial guess orbitals has wrong dimension')
elif gto.same_mol(prev_mol, casscf.mol, cmp_basis=False):
if isinstance(ncore, (int, numpy.integer)): # RHF
init_mo = scf.addons.project_mo_nr2nr(prev_mol, init_mo, casscf.mol)
init_mo = (scf.addons.project_mo_nr2nr(prev_mol, init_mo[0], casscf.mol),
scf.addons.project_mo_nr2nr(prev_mol, init_mo[1], casscf.mol))
elif gto.same_basis_set(prev_mol, casscf.mol):
if isinstance(ncore, (int, numpy.integer)): # RHF
fock = casscf.get_fock(init_mo, casscf.ci)
return casscf._scf.eig(fock, s)[1]
raise NotImplementedError('Project initial for UHF orbitals.')
raise NotImplementedError('Project initial guess from different system.')
# Be careful with the orbital projection. The projection may lead to bad
# initial guess orbitals if the geometry is dramatically changed.
if isinstance(ncore, (int, numpy.integer)):
mo = project(mfmo, init_mo, ncore, s)
else: # UHF-based CASSCF
mo = (project(mfmo[0], init_mo[0], ncore[0], s),
project(mfmo[1], init_mo[1], ncore[1], s))
return mo
# on AO representation
def make_rdm1(casscf, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, **kwargs):
'''One-particle densit matrix in AO representation
casscf : an :class:`CASSCF` or :class:`CASCI` object
ci : ndarray
CAS space FCI coefficients. If not given, take casscf.ci.
mo_coeff : ndarray
Orbital coefficients. If not given, take casscf.mo_coeff.
>>> import scipy.linalg
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g', verbose=0)
>>> mf = scf.RHF(mol)
>>> res = mf.scf()
>>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 6)
>>> res = mc.kernel()
>>> natocc = numpy.linalg.eigh(mcscf.make_rdm1(mc), mf.get_ovlp(), type=2)[0]
>>> print(natocc)
[ 0.0121563 0.0494735 0.0494735 1.95040395 1.95040395 1.98808879
2. 2. 2. 2. ]
return casscf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, ci, **kwargs)
# make both alpha and beta density matrices
def make_rdm1s(casscf, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, **kwargs):
'''Alpha and beta one-particle densit matrices in AO representation
return casscf.make_rdm1s(mo_coeff, ci, **kwargs)
def get_spin_square(casdm1, casdm2):
# DOI:10.1021/acs.jctc.1c00589 Eq (49)
spin_square = (0.75*numpy.einsum("ii", casdm1)
- 0.5*numpy.einsum("ijji", casdm2)
- 0.25*numpy.einsum("iijj", casdm2))
return spin_square
def make_spin_casdm1(casdm1, casdm2, spin=None, nelec=None):
# DOI: 10.1002/qua.22320 Eq (3)
if spin is None:
spin = numpy.sqrt(get_spin_square(casdm1, casdm2) + 0.25) - 0.5
if nelec is None:
nelec = numpy.einsum("ii", casdm1)
spin_casdm1 = ((2. - nelec/2.)*casdm1 - numpy.einsum('ikkj->ij', casdm2))/(spin + 1)
return spin_casdm1
def _is_uhf_mo(mo_coeff):
return not (isinstance(mo_coeff, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeff.ndim == 2)
def _make_rdm12_on_mo(casdm1, casdm2, ncore, ncas, nmo):
nocc = ncas + ncore
dm1 = numpy.zeros((nmo,nmo))
idx = numpy.arange(ncore)
dm1[idx,idx] = 2
dm1[ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc] = casdm1
dm2 = numpy.zeros((nmo,nmo,nmo,nmo))
dm2[ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc] = casdm2
for i in range(ncore):
for j in range(ncore):
dm2[i,i,j,j] += 4
dm2[i,j,j,i] += -2
dm2[i,i,ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc] = dm2[ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc,i,i] =2*casdm1
dm2[i,ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc,i] = dm2[ncore:nocc,i,i,ncore:nocc] = -casdm1
return dm1, dm2
# In AO representation
def make_rdm12(casscf, mo_coeff=None, ci=None):
if ci is None: ci = casscf.ci
if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = casscf.mo_coeff
assert (not _is_uhf_mo(mo_coeff))
nelecas = casscf.nelecas
ncas = casscf.ncas
ncore = casscf.ncore
nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1]
casdm1, casdm2 = casscf.fcisolver.make_rdm12(ci, ncas, nelecas)
rdm1, rdm2 = _make_rdm12_on_mo(casdm1, casdm2, ncore, ncas, nmo)
rdm1 = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff, rdm1, mo_coeff.T))
rdm2 = numpy.dot(mo_coeff, rdm2.reshape(nmo,-1))
rdm2 = numpy.dot(rdm2.reshape(-1,nmo), mo_coeff.T)
rdm2 = rdm2.reshape(nmo,nmo,nmo,nmo).transpose(2,3,0,1)
rdm2 = numpy.dot(mo_coeff, rdm2.reshape(nmo,-1))
rdm2 = numpy.dot(rdm2.reshape(-1,nmo), mo_coeff.T)
return rdm1, rdm2.reshape(nmo,nmo,nmo,nmo)
def get_fock(casscf, mo_coeff=None, ci=None):
'''Generalized Fock matrix in AO representation
if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = casscf.mo_coeff
if _is_uhf_mo(mo_coeff):
raise RuntimeError('TODO: UCAS general fock')
return casscf.get_fock(mo_coeff, ci)
def cas_natorb(casscf, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, sort=False):
'''Natural orbitals in CAS space
if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = casscf.mo_coeff
if _is_uhf_mo(mo_coeff):
raise RuntimeError('TODO: UCAS natural orbitals')
return casscf.cas_natorb(mo_coeff, ci, sort=sort)
def map2hf(casscf, mf_mo=None, base=BASE, tol=MAP2HF_TOL):
'''The overlap between the CASSCF optimized orbitals and the canonical HF orbitals.
if mf_mo is None: mf_mo = casscf._scf.mo_coeff
s = casscf.mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
s = reduce(numpy.dot, (casscf.mo_coeff.T, s, mf_mo))
idx = numpy.argwhere(abs(s) > tol)
for i,j in idx:
logger.info(casscf, '<mo_coeff-mcscf|mo_coeff-hf> %-5d %-5d % 12.8f',
i+base, j+base, s[i,j])
return idx
def spin_square(casscf, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, ovlp=None):
'''Spin square of the UHF-CASSCF wavefunction
A list of two floats. The first is the expectation value of S^2.
The second is the corresponding 2S+1
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; O 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g', spin=2, verbose=0)
>>> mf = scf.UHF(mol)
>>> res = mf.scf()
>>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4, 6)
>>> res = mc.kernel()
>>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f' % mcscf.spin_square(mc))
S^2 = 3.9831589, 2S+1 = 4.1149284
if ci is None: ci = casscf.ci
ncore = casscf.ncore
ncas = casscf.ncas
nelecas = casscf.nelecas
if isinstance(ncore, (int, numpy.integer)):
return fci.spin_op.spin_square0(ci, ncas, nelecas)
if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = casscf.mo_coeff
if ovlp is None: ovlp = casscf._scf.get_ovlp()
nocc = (ncore[0] + ncas, ncore[1] + ncas)
mocas = (mo_coeff[0][:,ncore[0]:nocc[0]], mo_coeff[1][:,ncore[1]:nocc[1]])
if isinstance(ci, (list, tuple, RANGE_TYPE)):
sscas = numpy.array([fci.spin_op.spin_square(c, ncas, nelecas, mocas, ovlp)[0]
for c in ci])
sscas = fci.spin_op.spin_square(ci, ncas, nelecas, mocas, ovlp)[0]
mocore = (mo_coeff[0][:,:ncore[0]], mo_coeff[1][:,:ncore[1]])
sscore = casscf._scf.spin_square(mocore, ovlp)[0]
logger.debug(casscf, 'S^2 of core %s S^2 of cas %s', sscore, sscas)
ss = sscas+sscore
s = numpy.sqrt(ss+.25) - .5
return ss, s*2+1
# A tag to label the derived MCSCF class
class StateAverageMCSCFSolver:
def state_average(casscf, weights=(0.5,0.5), wfnsym=None):
''' State average over the energy. The energy functional is
E = w1<psi1|H|psi1> + w2<psi2|H|psi2> + ...
Note we may need change the FCI solver to
mc.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol, False)
before calling state_average_(mc), to mix the singlet and triplet states
MRH, 04/08/2019: Instead of turning casscf._finalize into an instance attribute
that points to the previous casscf object, I'm going to make a whole new child class.
This will have the added benefit of making state_average and state_average_
actually behave differently for the first time (until now they *both* modified the
casscf object inplace). I'm also going to assign the weights argument as a member
of the mc child class because an accurate second-order CASSCF algorithm for state-averaged
calculations requires that the gradient and Hessian be computed for CI vectors of each root
individually and then multiplied by that root's weight. The second derivatives computed
by newton_casscf.py need to be extended to state-averaged calculations in order to be
used as intermediates for calculations of the gradient of a single root in the context
of the SA-CASSCF method; see: Mol. Phys. 99, 103 (2001).
assert (abs(sum(weights)-1) < 1e-3)
fcisolver = casscf.fcisolver
# No recursion is allowed!
if isinstance (fcisolver, StateAverageFCISolver):
fcisolver.nroots = len(weights)
fcisolver.weights = weights
fcisolver = lib.set_class(StateAverageFCISolver(fcisolver, weights, wfnsym),
(StateAverageFCISolver, fcisolver.__class__))
fcisolver_cls = fcisolver.__class__
if getattr(fcisolver, 'spin_square', None):
def spin_square(self, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
ss, multip = self.states_spin_square(ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs)
weights = self.weights
return numpy.dot(ss, weights), numpy.dot(multip, weights)
def states_spin_square(self, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
fcibase = super(StateAverageFCISolver, self)
s = [fcibase.spin_square(ci0[i], norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs)
for i, wi in enumerate(self.weights)]
return [x[0] for x in s], [x[1] for x in s]
fcisolver_cls.spin_square = spin_square
fcisolver_cls.states_spin_square = states_spin_square
return _state_average_mcscf_solver(casscf, fcisolver)
class StateAverageFCISolver:
__name_mixin__ = 'StateAverage'
_keys = {'weights', 'e_states'}
def __init__(self, fcibase, weights, wfnsym):
self.__dict__.update (fcibase.__dict__)
self.nroots = len(weights)
self.weights = weights
if wfnsym is not None:
self.wfnsym = wfnsym
self.e_states = [None]
# MRH 09/09/2022: I turned the _base_class property into an
# attribute to prevent conflict with fix_spin_ dynamic class
self._base_class = fcibase.__class__
def undo_state_average(self):
obj = lib.view(self, lib.drop_class(self.__class__, StateAverageFCISolver))
del obj.weights
del obj.e_states
return obj
def dump_flags(self, verbose=None):
log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
log.info('State-average over %d states with weights %s',
len(self.weights), self.weights)
return self
def kernel(self, h1, h2, norb, nelec, ci0=None, **kwargs):
if 'nroots' not in kwargs:
kwargs['nroots'] = self.nroots
fcibase = super()
# call fcibase_class.kernel function because the attribute orbsym
# is available in self but undefined in fcibase object
e, c = fcibase.kernel(h1, h2, norb, nelec, ci0=ci0,
wfnsym=self.wfnsym, **kwargs)
self.e_states = e
log = logger.new_logger(self, kwargs.get('verbose'))
if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
if getattr(fcibase, 'spin_square', None):
ss = self.states_spin_square(c, norb, nelec)[0]
for i, ei in enumerate(e):
log.debug('state %d E = %.15g S^2 = %.7f', i, ei, ss[i])
for i, ei in enumerate(e):
log.debug('state %d E = %.15g', i, ei)
return numpy.einsum('i,i->', e, self.weights), c
def approx_kernel(self, h1, h2, norb, nelec, ci0=None, **kwargs):
fcibase = super()
if hasattr(fcibase, 'approx_kernel'):
e, c = fcibase.approx_kernel(h1, h2, norb, nelec,
ci0=ci0, nroots=self.nroots,
wfnsym=self.wfnsym, **kwargs)
e, c = fcibase.kernel(h1, h2, norb, nelec, ci0=ci0,
nroots=self.nroots, wfnsym=self.wfnsym, **kwargs)
return numpy.einsum('i,i->', e, self.weights), c
def states_make_rdm1(self, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
fcibase = super()
dm1 = [fcibase.make_rdm1(c, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs) for c in ci0]
return dm1
def make_rdm1(self, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
return sum ([w * dm for w, dm in zip(self.weights,
self.states_make_rdm1(ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs))])
def states_make_rdm1s(self, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
fcibase = super()
dm1a = []
dm1b = []
for c in ci0:
dm1s = fcibase.make_rdm1s(c, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs)
dm1a.append (dm1s[0])
dm1b.append (dm1s[1])
return dm1a, dm1b
def make_rdm1s(self, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
dm1s = self.states_make_rdm1s(ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs)
dm1s = numpy.einsum ('r,srpq->spq', self.weights, dm1s)
return dm1s[0], dm1s[1]
def states_make_rdm12(self, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
fcibase = super()
rdm1 = []
rdm2 = []
for c in ci0:
dm1, dm2 = fcibase.make_rdm12(c, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs)
rdm1.append (dm1)
rdm2.append (dm2)
return rdm1, rdm2
def make_rdm12(self, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
rdm1, rdm2 = self.states_make_rdm12(ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs)
rdm1 = numpy.einsum ('r,rpq->pq', self.weights, rdm1)
rdm2 = numpy.einsum ('r,rpqst->pqst', self.weights, rdm2)
return rdm1, rdm2
def states_make_rdm12s(self, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
fcibase = super()
dm1a, dm1b = [], []
dm2aa, dm2ab, dm2bb = [], [], []
for c in ci0:
dm1s, dm2s = fcibase.make_rdm12s(c, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs)
return (dm1a, dm1b), (dm2aa, dm2ab, dm2bb)
def make_rdm12s(self, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
rdm1s, rdm2s = self.states_make_rdm12s(ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs)
rdm1s = numpy.einsum ('r,srpq->spq', self.weights, rdm1s)
rdm2s = numpy.einsum ('r,srpqtu->spqtu', self.weights, rdm2s)
return rdm1s, rdm2s
def states_trans_rdm12 (self, ci1, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
fcibase = super()
tdm1 = []
tdm2 = []
for c1, c0 in zip (ci1, ci0):
dm1, dm2 = fcibase.trans_rdm12 (c1, c0, norb, nelec)
tdm1.append (dm1)
tdm2.append (dm2)
return tdm1, tdm2
def trans_rdm12 (self, ci1, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
tdm1, tdm2 = self.states_trans_rdm12 (ci1, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs)
tdm1 = numpy.einsum ('r,rpq->pq', self.weights, tdm1)
tdm2 = numpy.einsum ('r,rpqst->pqst', self.weights, tdm2)
return tdm1, tdm2
def _state_average_mcscf_solver(casscf, fcisolver):
'''A common routine for function state_average and state_average_mix to
generate state-average MCSCF solver.
if isinstance (casscf, StateAverageMCSCFSolver):
casscf = casscf.undo_state_average()
return lib.set_class(StateAverageMCSCF(casscf, fcisolver),
(StateAverageMCSCF, casscf.__class__))
class StateAverageMCSCF(StateAverageMCSCFSolver):
__name_mixin__ = 'StateAverage'
def __init__(self, my_mc, fcisolver):
self.__dict__.update (my_mc.__dict__)
self.fcisolver = fcisolver
def undo_state_average(self):
obj = lib.view(self, lib.drop_class(self.__class__, StateAverageMCSCF))
if isinstance(self.fcisolver, StateAverageFCISolver):
obj.fcisolver = self.fcisolver.undo_state_average()
return obj
def _base_class (self):
''' for convenience; this is equal to mcscfbase_class '''
return self.__class__.__bases__[1]
def weights (self):
''' I want these to be accessible but not separable from fcisolver.weights '''
return self.fcisolver.weights
def weights (self, x):
self.fcisolver.weights = x
return self.fcisolver.weights
def e_average(self):
return numpy.dot(self.fcisolver.weights, self.fcisolver.e_states)
def e_states(self):
return self.fcisolver.e_states
def _finalize(self):
# Do not overwrite self.e_tot because .e_tot needs to be used in
# geometry optimization. self.e_states can be used to access the
# energy of each state
#self.e_tot = self.fcisolver.e_states
logger.note(self, 'CASCI state-averaged energy = %.15g', self.e_average)
logger.note(self, 'CASCI energy for each state')
if getattr(self.fcisolver, 'states_spin_square', None):
ss = self.fcisolver.states_spin_square(self.ci, self.ncas,
for i, ei in enumerate(self.e_states):
logger.note(self, ' State %d weight %g E = %.15g S^2 = %.7f',
i, self.weights[i], ei, ss[i])
for i, ei in enumerate(self.e_states):
logger.note(self, ' State %d weight %g E = %.15g',
i, self.weights[i], ei)
return self
def nuc_grad_method (self, state=None):
if callable (getattr (self, '_state_average_nuc_grad_method', None)):
return self._state_average_nuc_grad_method (state=state)
else: # Avoid messing up state-average CASCI
return self._base_class.nuc_grad_method (self)
Gradients = nuc_grad_method
def nac_method(self):
if callable(getattr(self, '_state_average_nac_method', None)):
return self._state_average_nac_method()
raise NotImplementedError("NAC method")
NACs = nac_method
def state_average_(casscf, weights=(0.5,0.5), wfnsym=None):
''' Inplace version of state_average '''
sacasscf = state_average (casscf, weights, wfnsym)
casscf.__class__ = sacasscf.__class__
casscf.__dict__ = sacasscf.__dict__
return casscf
def state_specific_(casscf, state=1, wfnsym=None):
'''For excited state
state : int
0 for ground state; 1 for first excited state.
fcisolver = casscf.fcisolver
if isinstance(fcisolver, StateSpecificFCISolver):
fcisolver.nroots = state+1
fcisolver._civec = None
if wfnsym is not None:
fcisolver.wfnsym = wfnsym
elif isinstance(fcisolver, StateAverageFCISolver):
fcisolver = fcisolver.undo_state_average()
fcisolver = lib.set_class(StateSpecificFCISolver(fcisolver, state, wfnsym),
(StateSpecificFCISolver, fcisolver.__class__))
casscf.fcisolver = fcisolver
return casscf
state_specific = state_specific_
class StateSpecificFCISolver:
__name_mixin__ = 'StateSpecific'
_keys = {'state', 'nroots'}
def __init__(self, fcibase, state, wfnsym):
self.state = state
self.nroots = state+1
self._civec = None
if wfnsym is not None:
self.wfnsym = wfnsym
def undo_state_specific(self):
obj = lib.view(self, lib.drop_class(self.__class__, StateSpecificFCISolver))
del obj._civec
return obj
def kernel(self, h1, h2, norb, nelec, ci0=None, **kwargs):
if self._civec is not None:
ci0 = self._civec
fcibase = super()
e, c = fcibase.kernel(h1, h2, norb, nelec, ci0=ci0,
nroots=self.nroots, wfnsym=self.wfnsym, **kwargs)
state = self.state
if state == 0:
e = [e]
c = [c]
self._civec = c
log = logger.new_logger(self, kwargs.get('verbose'))
if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
if getattr(fcibase, 'spin_square', None):
ss = fcibase.spin_square(c[state], norb, nelec)
log.debug('state %d E = %.15g S^2 = %.7f',
state, e[state], ss[0])
log.debug('state %d E = %.15g', state, e[state])
return e[state], c[state]
def approx_kernel(self, h1, h2, norb, nelec, ci0=None, **kwargs):
if self._civec is not None:
ci0 = self._civec
fcibase = super()
if hasattr(fcibase, 'approx_kernel'):
e, c = fcibase.approx_kernel(h1, h2, norb, nelec,
ci0=ci0, nroots=self.nroots,
wfnsym=self.wfnsym, **kwargs)
e, c = fcibase.kernel(h1, h2, norb, nelec, ci0=ci0,
nroots=self.nroots, wfnsym=self.wfnsym, **kwargs)
state = self.state
if state == 0:
self._civec = [c]
return e, c
self._civec = c
return e[state], c[state]
class StateAverageMixFCISolver_solver_args:
def __init__(self, data):
self._data = data
def __getitem__(self, key): # Handle data = None
return self._data[key]
except TypeError as e:
assert (self._data is None), e
return None
class StateAverageMixFCISolver_state_args (StateAverageMixFCISolver_solver_args):
class StateAverageMixFCISolver(StateAverageFCISolver):
__name_mixin__ = 'StateAverageMix'
_keys = {'weights','e_states','fcisolvers'}
_solver_args = StateAverageMixFCISolver_solver_args
_state_args = StateAverageMixFCISolver_state_args
def __init__(self, fcisolvers, weights):
self.nroots = len(weights)
self.weights = weights
self.e_states = [None]
self.fcisolvers = fcisolvers
def undo_state_average(self):
obj = lib.view(self, lib.drop_class(self.__class__, StateAverageMixFCISolver))
del obj.weights
del obj.e_states
del obj.fcisolvers
return obj
def _base_class (self):
return self.fcisolvers[0].__base__
# MRH 06/24/2020: I need these functions in newton_casscf!
# TODO: handle things like linkstr somehow (variables that
# have to be different for different solvers or ci vecs)
def _loop_solver(self, *args, **kwargs):
_solver_args = self._solver_args
_state_args = self._state_args
p0 = 0
for ix, solver in enumerate (self.fcisolvers):
my_args = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance (arg, _state_args):
my_arg = arg[p0:p0+solver.nroots]
if solver.nroots == 1 and my_arg is not None: my_arg = my_arg[0]
my_args.append (my_arg)
elif isinstance (arg, _solver_args):
my_args.append (arg[ix])
my_args.append (arg)
my_kwargs = {}
for key, item in kwargs.items ():
if isinstance (item, _state_args):
my_arg = item[p0:p0+solver.nroots]
if solver.nroots == 1 and my_arg is not None: my_arg = my_arg[0]
my_kwargs[key] = my_arg
elif isinstance (item, _solver_args):
my_kwargs[key] = item[ix]
my_kwargs[key] = item
yield solver, my_args, my_kwargs
p0 += solver.nroots
def _loop_civecs(self, *args, **kwargs):
_solver_args = self._solver_args
_state_args = self._state_args
p0 = 0
for i, solver in enumerate (self.fcisolvers):
for j in range(p0, p0+solver.nroots):
my_args = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance (arg, _state_args):
my_args.append (arg[j])
elif isinstance (arg, _solver_args):
my_args.append (arg[i])
my_args.append (arg)
my_kwargs = {}
for key, item in kwargs.items ():
if isinstance (item, _state_args):
my_kwargs[key] = item[j]
elif isinstance (item, _solver_args):
my_kwargs[key] = item[i]
my_kwargs[key] = item
yield solver, my_args, my_kwargs
p0 += solver.nroots
def _get_nelec(self, solver, nelec):
# FCISolver does not need this function. Some external solver may not
# have the function to handle nelec and spin
# MRH 06/24/2020: Yes, FCISolver DOES need this function!
if solver.spin is not None:
nelec = numpy.sum(nelec)
nelec = (nelec+solver.spin)//2, (nelec-solver.spin)//2
return nelec
def _collect(self, fname, *args, **kwargs):
for solver, args, kwargs in self._loop_civecs(*args, **kwargs):
fn = getattr(solver, fname)
yield fn(*args, **kwargs)
def kernel(self, h1, h2, norb, nelec, ci0=None, verbose=0, **kwargs):
# Note self.orbsym is initialized lazily in mc1step_symm.kernel function
_state_args = self._state_args
log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
es = []
cs = []
for solver, my_args, my_kwargs in self._loop_solver(_state_args (ci0)):
c0 = my_args[0]
e, c = solver.kernel(h1, h2, norb, self._get_nelec(solver, nelec), ci0=c0,
orbsym=self.orbsym, verbose=log, **kwargs)
if solver.nroots == 1:
self.e_states = es
self.converged = numpy.all(getattr(sol, 'converged', True)
for sol in self.fcisolvers)
if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
if all(getattr(solver, 'spin_square', None) for solver in self.fcisolvers):
ss = self.states_spin_square(cs, norb, nelec)[0]
for i, ei in enumerate(es):
log.debug('state %d E = %.15g S^2 = %.7f', i, ei, ss[i])
for i, ei in enumerate(es):
log.debug('state %d E = %.15g', i, ei)
return numpy.einsum('i,i', numpy.array(es), self.weights), cs
def approx_kernel(self, h1, h2, norb, nelec, ci0=None, **kwargs):
_state_args = self._state_args
es = []
cs = []
for ix, (solver, my_args, my_kwargs) in enumerate (self._loop_solver(_state_args (ci0))):
c0 = my_args[0]
if hasattr(solver, 'approx_kernel'):
e, c = solver.approx_kernel(h1, h2, norb, self._get_nelec(solver, nelec), ci0=c0,
orbsym=self.orbsym, **kwargs)
e, c = solver.kernel(h1, h2, norb, self._get_nelec(solver, nelec), ci0=c0,
orbsym=self.orbsym, **kwargs)
if solver.nroots == 1:
return numpy.einsum('i,i->', es, self.weights), cs
def states_make_rdm1 (self, ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
_solver_args = self._solver_args
_state_args = self._state_args
ci0 = _state_args (ci0)
link_index = _solver_args (link_index)
nelec = _solver_args ([self._get_nelec (solver, nelec) for solver in self.fcisolvers])
return [dm for dm in self._collect ('make_rdm1', ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=link_index, **kwargs)]
def make_rdm1(self, ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
dm1 = self.states_make_rdm1 (ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=link_index, **kwargs)
return numpy.einsum ('r,rpq->pq', self.weights, dm1)
def states_make_rdm1s (self, ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
_solver_args = self._solver_args
_state_args = self._state_args
ci0 = _state_args (ci0)
link_index = _solver_args (link_index)
nelec = _solver_args ([self._get_nelec (solver, nelec) for solver in self.fcisolvers])
dm1a = []
dm1b = []
for dm1s in self._collect ('make_rdm1s', ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=link_index, **kwargs):
dm1a.append (dm1s[0])
dm1b.append (dm1s[1])
return dm1a, dm1b
def make_rdm1s(self, ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
dm1a, dm1b = self.states_make_rdm1s (ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=link_index, **kwargs)
dm1s = numpy.einsum ('r,srpq->spq', self.weights, [dm1a, dm1b])
return dm1s[0], dm1s[1]
def states_make_rdm12 (self, ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
_solver_args = self._solver_args
_state_args = self._state_args
ci0 = _state_args (ci0)
link_index = _solver_args (link_index)
nelec = _solver_args ([self._get_nelec (solver, nelec) for solver in self.fcisolvers])
rdm1 = []
rdm2 = []
for dm1, dm2 in self._collect ('make_rdm12', ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=link_index, **kwargs):
rdm1.append (dm1)
rdm2.append (dm2)
return rdm1, rdm2
def make_rdm12(self, ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
rdm1, rdm2 = self.states_make_rdm12 (ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=link_index, **kwargs)
rdm1 = numpy.einsum ('r,rpq->pq', self.weights, rdm1)
rdm2 = numpy.einsum ('r,rpqst->pqst', self.weights, rdm2)
return rdm1, rdm2
def states_make_rdm12s(self, ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
_solver_args = self._solver_args
_state_args = self._state_args
ci0 = _state_args (ci0)
link_index = _solver_args (link_index)
nelec = _solver_args ([self._get_nelec (solver, nelec) for solver in self.fcisolvers])
dm1a, dm1b = [], []
dm2aa, dm2ab, dm2bb = [], [], []
for dm1s, dm2s in self._collect ('make_rdm12s', ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=link_index, **kwargs):
return (dm1a, dm1b), (dm2aa, dm2ab, dm2bb)
def make_rdm12s(self, ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
rdm1s, rdm2s = self.states_make_rdm12s(ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=link_index, **kwargs)
rdm1s = numpy.einsum ('r,srpq->spq', self.weights, rdm1s)
rdm2s = numpy.einsum ('r,srpqtu->spqtu', self.weights, rdm2s)
return rdm1s, rdm2s
# TODO: linkstr support
def states_trans_rdm12 (self, ci1, ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
_solver_args = self._solver_args
_state_args = self._state_args
ci1 = _state_args (ci1)
ci0 = _state_args (ci0)
link_index = _solver_args (link_index)
nelec = _solver_args ([self._get_nelec (solver, nelec) for solver in self.fcisolvers])
tdm1 = []
tdm2 = []
for dm1, dm2 in self._collect ('trans_rdm12', ci1, ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=link_index, **kwargs):
tdm1.append (dm1)
tdm2.append (dm2)
return tdm1, tdm2
def trans_rdm12 (self, ci1, ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
tdm1, tdm2 = self.states_trans_rdm12 (ci1, ci0, norb, nelec, link_index=link_index, **kwargs)
tdm1 = numpy.einsum ('r,rpq->pq', self.weights, tdm1)
tdm2 = numpy.einsum ('r,rpqst->pqst', self.weights, tdm2)
return tdm1, tdm2
spin_square = None
large_ci = None
transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation = None
def state_average_mix(casscf, fcisolvers, weights=(0.5,0.5)):
'''State-average CASSCF over multiple FCI solvers.
nroots = sum(solver.nroots for solver in fcisolvers)
assert (nroots == len(weights))
fcisolver = lib.set_class(StateAverageMixFCISolver(fcisolvers, weights),
(StateAverageMixFCISolver, fcisolvers[0].__class__))
fcisolver_cls = fcisolver.__class__
has_spin_square = all(getattr(solver, 'spin_square', None)
for solver in fcisolvers)
has_large_ci = all(getattr(solver, 'large_ci', None)
for solver in fcisolvers)
has_transform_ci = all(getattr(solver, 'transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation', None)
for solver in fcisolvers)
if has_spin_square:
def spin_square(self, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
ss, multip = self.states_spin_square(ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs)
weights = self.weights
return numpy.dot(ss, weights), numpy.dot(multip, weights)
def states_spin_square(self, ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
_solver_args = self._solver_args
_state_args = self._state_args
ci0 = _state_args (ci0)
nelec = _solver_args ([self._get_nelec (solver, nelec) for solver in self.fcisolvers])
res = list(self._collect('spin_square', ci0, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs))
ss = [x[0] for x in res]
multip = [x[1] for x in res]
return ss, multip
fcisolver_cls.spin_square = spin_square
fcisolver_cls.states_spin_square = states_spin_square
if has_large_ci:
def states_large_ci(self, fcivec, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs):
_solver_args = self._solver_args
_state_args = self._state_args
fcivec = _state_args (fcivec)
nelec = _solver_args ([self._get_nelec (solver, nelec) for solver in self.fcisolvers])
return list(self._collect('large_ci', fcivec, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs))
fcisolver_cls.states_large_ci = states_large_ci
if has_transform_ci:
def states_transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation(self, fcivec, norb, nelec,
*args, **kwargs):
_solver_args = self._solver_args
_state_args = self._state_args
fcivec = _state_args (fcivec)
nelec = _solver_args ([self._get_nelec (solver, nelec) for solver in self.fcisolvers])
return list(self._collect('transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation',
fcivec, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs))
fcisolver_cls.states_transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation = states_transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation
mc = _state_average_mcscf_solver(casscf, fcisolver)
return mc
def state_average_mix_(casscf, fcisolvers, weights=(0.5,0.5)):
''' Inplace version of state_average '''
sacasscf = state_average_mix(casscf, fcisolvers, weights)
casscf.__class__ = sacasscf.__class__
casscf.__dict__ = sacasscf.__dict__
return casscf