#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2018,2021 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
Analytical Fourier transformation AO-pair product for PBC
import ctypes
import numpy as np
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.pbc import gto as pbcgto
from pyscf.gto.ft_ao import ft_ao as mol_ft_ao
from pyscf.pbc.tools import k2gamma
from pyscf.pbc.tools import pbc as pbctools
from pyscf.pbc.lib.kpts_helper import is_zero, gamma_point
from pyscf import __config__
RCUT_THRESHOLD = getattr(__config__, 'pbc_scf_rsjk_rcut_threshold', 1.0)
# kecut=10 can rougly converge GTO with alpha=0.5
KECUT_THRESHOLD = getattr(__config__, 'pbc_scf_rsjk_kecut_threshold', 10.0)
libpbc = lib.load_library('libpbc')
# \int mu*nu*exp(-ik*r) dr
def ft_aopair(cell, Gv, shls_slice=None, aosym='s1',
b=None, gxyz=None, Gvbase=None, kpti_kptj=np.zeros((2,3)),
q=None, intor='GTO_ft_ovlp', comp=1, verbose=None):
Fourier transform AO pair for a pair of k-points
\sum_T exp(-i k_j * T) \int exp(-i(G+q)r) i(r) j(r-T) dr^3
kpti, kptj = kpti_kptj
if q is None:
q = kptj - kpti
val = ft_aopair_kpts(cell, Gv, shls_slice, aosym, b, gxyz, Gvbase,
q, kptj.reshape(1,3), intor, comp)
return val[0]
def ft_aopair_kpts(cell, Gv, shls_slice=None, aosym='s1',
b=None, gxyz=None, Gvbase=None, q=np.zeros(3),
kptjs=np.zeros((1,3)), intor='GTO_ft_ovlp', comp=1,
bvk_kmesh=None, out=None):
Fourier transform AO pair for a group of k-points
\sum_T exp(-i k_j * T) \int exp(-i(G+q)r) i(r) j(r-T) dr^3
The return array holds the AO pair
corresponding to the kpoints given by kptjs
log = logger.new_logger(cell)
kptjs = np.asarray(kptjs, order='C').reshape(-1,3)
rs_cell = _RangeSeparatedCell.from_cell(cell, KECUT_THRESHOLD,
if bvk_kmesh is None:
bvk_kmesh = k2gamma.kpts_to_kmesh(cell, kptjs)
log.debug2('Set bvk_kmesh = %s', bvk_kmesh)
rcut = estimate_rcut(rs_cell)
supmol = ExtendedMole.from_cell(rs_cell, bvk_kmesh, rcut.max(), log)
supmol = supmol.strip_basis(rcut)
ft_kern = supmol.gen_ft_kernel(aosym, intor=intor, comp=comp,
return_complex=True, verbose=log)
return ft_kern(Gv, gxyz, Gvbase, q, kptjs, shls_slice)
def ft_ao(mol, Gv, shls_slice=None, b=None,
gxyz=None, Gvbase=None, kpt=np.zeros(3), verbose=None):
if gamma_point(kpt):
return mol_ft_ao(mol, Gv, shls_slice, b, gxyz, Gvbase, verbose)
kG = Gv + kpt
return mol_ft_ao(mol, kG, shls_slice, None, None, None, verbose)
def gen_ft_kernel(supmol, aosym='s1', intor='GTO_ft_ovlp', comp=1,
return_complex=False, kpts=None, verbose=None):
Generate the analytical fourier transform kernel for AO products
\sum_T exp(-i k_j * T) \int exp(-i(G+q)r) i(r) j(r-T) dr^3
log = logger.new_logger(supmol)
cput0 = logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()
rs_cell = supmol.rs_cell
assert isinstance(rs_cell, _RangeSeparatedCell)
# The number of basis in the original cell
nbasp = rs_cell.ref_cell.nbas
cell0_ao_loc = rs_cell.ref_cell.ao_loc
bvk_ncells, rs_nbas, nimgs = supmol.bas_mask.shape
ovlp_mask = supmol.get_ovlp_mask()
bvk_ovlp_mask = lib.condense('np.any', ovlp_mask, rs_cell.sh_loc, supmol.sh_loc)
cell0_ovlp_mask = bvk_ovlp_mask.reshape(nbasp, bvk_ncells, nbasp).any(axis=1)
ovlp_mask = ovlp_mask.astype(np.int8)
cell0_ovlp_mask = cell0_ovlp_mask.astype(np.int8)
if kpts is not None:
expLk = np.exp(1j*np.dot(supmol.bvkmesh_Ls, kpts.T))
expLkR = np.asarray(expLk.real, order='C')
expLkI = np.asarray(expLk.imag, order='C')
_expLk = (expLkR, expLkI)
_expLk = None
b = rs_cell.reciprocal_vectors()
if abs(b-np.diag(b.diagonal())).sum() < 1e-8:
_eval_gz = 'GTO_Gv_orth'
_eval_gz = 'GTO_Gv_nonorth'
drv = libpbc.PBC_ft_bvk_drv
cintor = getattr(libpbc, rs_cell._add_suffix(intor))
log.timer_debug1('ft_ao kernel initialization', *cput0)
# TODO: use Gv = b * gxyz + q in c code
# TODO: add zfill
def ft_kernel(Gv, gxyz=None, Gvbase=None, q=np.zeros(3), kptjs=None,
shls_slice=None, aosym=aosym, out=None):
Analytical FT for orbital products. The output tensor has the shape [nGv, nao, nao]
cput0 = logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()
assert q.ndim == 1
if kptjs is None:
if _expLk is None:
expLkR = np.ones((nimgs,1))
expLkI = np.zeros((nimgs,1))
expLkR, expLkI = _expLk
kptjs = np.asarray(kptjs, order='C').reshape(-1,3)
expLk = np.exp(1j*np.dot(supmol.bvkmesh_Ls, kptjs.T))
expLkR = np.asarray(expLk.real, order='C')
expLkI = np.asarray(expLk.imag, order='C')
expLk = None
nkpts = expLkR.shape[1]
GvT = np.asarray(Gv.T + q[:,None], order='C')
nGv = GvT.shape[1]
if shls_slice is None:
shls_slice = (0, nbasp, 0, nbasp)
ni = cell0_ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] - cell0_ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
nj = cell0_ao_loc[shls_slice[3]] - cell0_ao_loc[shls_slice[2]]
shape = (nkpts, comp, ni, nj, nGv)
aosym = aosym[:2]
if aosym == 's1hermi':
# Gamma point only
assert is_zero(q) and is_zero(kptjs) and ni == nj
# Theoretically, hermitian symmetry can be also found for kpti == kptj != 0:
# f_ji(G) = \int f_ji exp(-iGr) = \int f_ij^* exp(-iGr) = [f_ij(-G)]^*
# hermi operation needs to reorder axis-0. It is inefficient.
elif aosym == 's2':
i0 = cell0_ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
i1 = cell0_ao_loc[shls_slice[1]]
nij = i1*(i1+1)//2 - i0*(i0+1)//2
shape = (nkpts, comp, nij, nGv)
if gxyz is None or Gvbase is None or (abs(q).sum() > 1e-9):
p_gxyzT = lib.c_null_ptr()
p_mesh = (ctypes.c_int*3)(0,0,0)
p_b = (ctypes.c_double*1)(0)
eval_gz = 'GTO_Gv_general'
eval_gz = _eval_gz
gxyzT = np.asarray(gxyz.T, order='C', dtype=np.int32)
p_gxyzT = gxyzT.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
bqGv = np.hstack((b.ravel(), q) + Gvbase)
p_b = bqGv.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
p_mesh = (ctypes.c_int*3)(*[len(x) for x in Gvbase])
eval_gz = getattr(libpbc, eval_gz)
if nkpts == 1:
fill = getattr(libpbc, 'PBC_ft_bvk_nk1'+aosym)
fill = getattr(libpbc, 'PBC_ft_bvk_k'+aosym)
if return_complex:
fsort = getattr(libpbc, 'PBC_ft_zsort_' + aosym)
out = np.ndarray(shape, dtype=np.complex128, buffer=out)
fsort = getattr(libpbc, 'PBC_ft_dsort_' + aosym)
out = np.ndarray((2,) + shape, buffer=out)
if nGv > 0:
drv(cintor, eval_gz, fill, fsort,
ctypes.c_int(bvk_ncells), ctypes.c_int(nimgs),
ctypes.c_int(nkpts), ctypes.c_int(nbasp), ctypes.c_int(comp),
GvT.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), p_b, p_gxyzT, p_mesh, ctypes.c_int(nGv),
supmol._atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(supmol.natm),
supmol._bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(supmol.nbas),
log.timer_debug1(f'ft_ao intor {intor}', *cput0)
if return_complex:
if aosym == 's1hermi':
for i in range(1, ni):
out[:,:,:i,i] = out[:,:,i,:i]
out = np.rollaxis(out, -1, 2)
if comp == 1:
out = out[:,0]
return out
if aosym == 's1hermi':
for i in range(1, ni):
out[:,:,:,:i,i] = out[:,:,:,i,:i]
out = np.rollaxis(out, -1, 3)
if comp == 1:
out = out[:,:,0]
return out
return ft_kernel
class _RangeSeparatedCell(pbcgto.Cell):
'''Cell with partially de-contracted basis'''
def __init__(self):
# ref_cell is the original cell of which the basis to be de-contracted
self.ref_cell = None
# For each de-contracted basis, the shell Id in the original cell
self.bas_map = None
# Type of each de-contracted basis
self.bas_type = None
# Each shell in the original cell can have several segments in the rs-cell.
# sh_loc indicates the shell Id in rs-cell for each shell in cell.
self.sh_loc = None
def from_cell(cls, cell, ke_cut_threshold=None, rcut_threshold=None,
in_rsjk=False, verbose=None):
from pyscf.pbc.df import aft
rs_cell = cls()
rs_cell.ref_cell = cell
if ke_cut_threshold is None:
rs_cell.bas_map = np.arange(cell.nbas, dtype=np.int32)
rs_cell.bas_type = np.empty(cell.nbas, dtype=np.int32)
rs_cell.bas_type[:] = LOCAL_BASIS
rs_cell.sh_loc = np.arange(cell.nbas + 1, dtype=np.int32)
return rs_cell
log = logger.new_logger(cell, verbose)
if not isinstance(ke_cut_threshold, float):
ke_cut_threshold = np.min(ke_cut_threshold)
precision = cell.precision
# preserves all environments defined in cell (e.g. omega, gauge origin)
_env = cell._env.copy()
decontracted_bas = []
bas_type = []
# For each basis of rs_cell, bas_map gives the basis in cell
bas_map = []
# For each basis of cell, bas_loc gives the first basis in rs_cell
bas_loc = [0]
def _append_to_decontracted_bas(orig_id, e_offset, nprim, btype):
new_bas = cell._bas[orig_id].copy()
new_bas[gto.PTR_EXP] += e_offset
new_bas[gto.PTR_COEFF] += e_offset * new_bas[gto.NCTR_OF]
new_bas[gto.NPRIM_OF] = nprim
for ib, orig_bas in enumerate(cell._bas):
nprim = orig_bas[gto.NPRIM_OF]
nctr = orig_bas[gto.NCTR_OF]
l = orig_bas[gto.ANG_OF]
es = cell.bas_exp(ib)
# Sort exponents because integral screening of rsjk method relies on
# the dscending order in exponents
es_idx = es.argsort()[::-1]
es = es[es_idx]
cs = cell._libcint_ctr_coeff(ib)[es_idx]
abs_cs = abs(cs).max(axis=1)
# aft._estimate_ke_cutoff is accurate for 4c2e integrals
# For other integrals such as nuclear attraction.
# aft._estimate_ke_cutoff may put some primitive GTOs of large es
# and small cs in the group SMOOTH_BASIS. These GTOs requires a
# large ke_cutoff (mesh) in _RSNucBuilder or _CCNucBuilder.
if in_rsjk:
ke = aft._estimate_ke_cutoff(es, l, abs_cs, precision)
ke = pbcgto.cell._estimate_ke_cutoff(es, l, abs_cs, precision)
smooth_mask = ke < ke_cut_threshold
if rcut_threshold is None:
local_mask = ~smooth_mask
steep_mask = np.zeros_like(local_mask)
rcut = None
norm_ang = ((2*l+1)/(4*np.pi))**.5
fac = 2*np.pi*abs_cs/cell.vol * norm_ang/es / precision
rcut = cell.rcut
rcut = (np.log(fac * rcut**(l+1) + 1.) / es)**.5
rcut = (np.log(fac * rcut**(l+1) + 1.) / es)**.5
steep_mask = (~smooth_mask) & (rcut < rcut_threshold)
local_mask = (~steep_mask) & (~smooth_mask)
pexp = orig_bas[gto.PTR_EXP]
pcoeff = orig_bas[gto.PTR_COEFF]
c_steep = cs[steep_mask]
c_local = cs[local_mask]
c_smooth = cs[smooth_mask]
_env[pcoeff:pcoeff+nprim*nctr] = np.hstack([
_env[pexp:pexp+nprim] = np.hstack([
if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG2:
log.debug2('bas %d rcut %s kecut %s', ib, rcut, ke)
log.debug2('steep %s, %s', np.where(steep_mask)[0], es[steep_mask])
log.debug2('local %s, %s', np.where(local_mask)[0], es[local_mask])
log.debug2('smooth %s, %s', np.where(smooth_mask)[0], es[smooth_mask])
nprim_steep = c_steep.shape[0]
nprim_local = c_local.shape[0]
nprim_smooth = c_smooth.shape[0]
if nprim_steep > 0:
_append_to_decontracted_bas(ib, 0, nprim_steep, STEEP_BASIS)
if nprim_local > 0:
_append_to_decontracted_bas(ib, nprim_steep, nprim_local, LOCAL_BASIS)
if nprim_smooth > 0:
_append_to_decontracted_bas(ib, nprim_steep+nprim_local,
nprim_smooth, SMOOTH_BASIS)
rs_cell._bas = np.asarray(decontracted_bas, dtype=np.int32, order='C')
# rs_cell._bas might be of size (0, BAS_SLOTS)
rs_cell._bas = rs_cell._bas.reshape(-1, gto.BAS_SLOTS)
rs_cell._env = _env
rs_cell.bas_map = np.asarray(bas_map, dtype=np.int32)
rs_cell.bas_type = np.asarray(bas_type, dtype=np.int32)
rs_cell.sh_loc = np.asarray(bas_loc, dtype=np.int32)
rs_cell.ke_cutoff = ke_cut_threshold
if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
bas_type = rs_cell.bas_type
log.debug('rs_cell.nbas %d nao %d', rs_cell.nbas, rs_cell.nao)
log.debug1('No. steep_bas in rs_cell %d', np.count_nonzero(bas_type == STEEP_BASIS))
log.debug1('No. local_bas in rs_cell %d', np.count_nonzero(bas_type == LOCAL_BASIS))
log.debug('No. smooth_bas in rs_cell %d', np.count_nonzero(bas_type == SMOOTH_BASIS))
map_bas = rs_cell._reverse_bas_map(rs_cell.bas_map)
log.debug2('bas_map from cell to rs_cell %s', map_bas)
assert np.array_equiv(map_bas, bas_loc)
log.debug2('%s.bas_type %s', cls, rs_cell.bas_type)
log.debug2('%s.sh_loc %s', cls, rs_cell.sh_loc)
return rs_cell
def _reverse_bas_map(bas_map):
'''Map basis between the original cell and the derived rs-cell.
For each shell in the original cell, the first basis Id of the
de-contracted basis in the rs-cell'''
uniq_bas, map_bas = np.unique(bas_map, return_index=True)
assert uniq_bas[-1] == len(uniq_bas) - 1
return np.append(map_bas, len(bas_map)).astype(np.int32)
def smooth_basis_cell(self):
'''Construct a cell with only the smooth part of the AO basis'''
cell_d = self.view(pbcgto.Cell)
mask = self.bas_type == SMOOTH_BASIS
cell_d._bas = self._bas[mask]
segs = np.zeros(self.ref_cell.nbas)
segs[self.bas_map[mask]] = 1
cell_d.sh_loc = np.append(0, np.cumsum(segs)).astype(np.int32)
logger.debug1(self, 'cell_d.nbas %d', cell_d.nbas)
if cell_d.nbas == 0:
return cell_d
cell_d.ke_cutoff = ke_cutoff = pbcgto.estimate_ke_cutoff(cell_d)
cell_d.mesh = cell_d.cutoff_to_mesh(ke_cutoff)
logger.debug1(self, 'cell_d rcut %g ke_cutoff %g, mesh %s',
cell_d.rcut, ke_cutoff, cell_d.mesh)
return cell_d
def compact_basis_cell(self):
'''Construct a cell with only the smooth part of the AO basis'''
cell_c = self.copy(deep=False)
mask = self.bas_type != SMOOTH_BASIS
cell_c._bas = self._bas[mask]
cell_c.bas_map = cell_c.bas_map[mask]
cell_c.bas_type = cell_c.bas_type[mask]
segs = self.sh_loc[1:] - self.sh_loc[:-1]
segs[self.bas_map[~mask]] -= 1
cell_c.sh_loc = np.append(0, np.cumsum(segs)).astype(np.int32)
cell_c.rcut = pbcgto.estimate_rcut(cell_c, self.precision)
return cell_c
def merge_diffused_block(self, aosym='s1'):
'''For AO pair that are evaluated in blocks with using the basis
partitioning self.compact_basis_cell() and self.smooth_basis_cell(),
merge the DD block into the CC, CD, DC blocks (C ~ compact basis,
D ~ diffused basis)
ao_loc = self.ref_cell.ao_loc
smooth_bas_idx = self.bas_map[self.bas_type == SMOOTH_BASIS]
smooth_ao_idx = self.get_ao_indices(smooth_bas_idx, ao_loc)
nao = ao_loc[-1]
naod = smooth_ao_idx.size
drv = getattr(libpbc, f'PBCnr3c_fuse_dd_{aosym}')
def merge(j3c, j3c_dd, shls_slice=None):
if j3c_dd.size == 0:
return j3c
# The AO index in the original cell
if shls_slice is None:
slice_in_cell = (0, nao, 0, nao)
slice_in_cell = ao_loc[list(shls_slice[:4])]
# Then search the corresponding index in the diffused block
slice_in_cell_d = np.searchsorted(smooth_ao_idx, slice_in_cell)
# j3c_dd may be an h5 object. Load j3c_dd to memory
d0, d1 = slice_in_cell_d[:2]
j3c_dd = np.asarray(j3c_dd[d0:d1], order='C')
naux = j3c_dd.shape[-1]
ctypes.c_int(nao), ctypes.c_int(naod), ctypes.c_int(naux))
return j3c
return merge
def recontract(self, dim=1):
'''Recontract the vector evaluated with the RS-cell to the vector
associated to the basis of reference cell
ao_loc = self.ref_cell.ao_loc
ao_map = self.get_ao_indices(self.bas_map, ao_loc)
nao = ao_loc[-1]
if dim == 1:
def recontractor(a):
assert a.ndim == 2
a = np.asarray(a, order='C')
ngrids = a.shape[1]
out = np.zeros((nao, ngrids), dtype=a.dtype)
idx = np.arange(ngrids, dtype=np.int32)
return lib.takebak_2d(out, a, ao_map, idx, thread_safe=False)
elif dim == 2:
def recontractor(a):
assert a.ndim == 2
a = np.asarray(a, order='C')
out = np.zeros((nao, nao), dtype=a.dtype)
return lib.takebak_2d(out, a, ao_map, ao_map, thread_safe=False)
raise NotImplementedError(f'dim = {dim}')
return recontractor
def recontract_1d(self, vec):
'''Recontract the vector evaluated with the RS-cell to the vector
associated to the basis of reference cell
return self.recontract()(vec)
def get_ao_type(self):
'''Assign a label (STEEP_BASIS, LOCAL_BASIS, SMOOTH_BASIS) to each AO function'''
ao_loc = self.ao_loc
nao = ao_loc[-1]
ao_type = np.empty(nao, dtype=int)
def assign(type_code):
ao_idx = self.get_ao_indices(self.bas_type == type_code, ao_loc)
ao_type[ao_idx] = type_code
return ao_type
def decontract_basis(self, to_cart=True):
pcell, ctr_coeff = self.ref_cell.decontract_basis(to_cart=to_cart)
pcell = pcell.view(self.__class__)
pcell.ref_cell = None
# Set bas_type labels for the primitive basis of decontracted cell
smooth_mask = self.bas_type == SMOOTH_BASIS
smooth_exp_thresholds = {}
for ia, (ib0, ib1) in enumerate(self.aoslice_by_atom()[:,:2]):
smooth_bas_ids = ib0 + np.where(smooth_mask[ib0:ib1])[0]
for ib in smooth_bas_ids:
l = self._bas[ib,gto.ANG_OF]
nprim = self._bas[ib,gto.NPRIM_OF]
pexp = self._bas[ib,gto.PTR_EXP]
smooth_exp_thresholds[(ia, l)] = max(
smooth_exp_thresholds.get((ia, l), 0))
pcell_ls = pcell._bas[:,gto.ANG_OF]
pcell_exps = pcell._env[pcell._bas[:,gto.PTR_EXP]]
pcell_ao_slices = pcell.aoslice_by_atom()
pcell.bas_type = np.empty(pcell.nbas, dtype=np.int32)
pcell.bas_type[:] = LOCAL_BASIS
for (ia, l), exp_cut in smooth_exp_thresholds.items():
ib0, ib1 = pcell_ao_slices[ia,:2]
smooth_mask = ((pcell_exps[ib0:ib1] <= exp_cut+1e-8) &
(pcell_ls[ib0:ib1] == l))
pcell.bas_type[ib0:ib1][smooth_mask] = SMOOTH_BASIS
pcell.bas_map = np.arange(pcell.nbas, dtype=np.int32)
pcell.sh_loc = np.append(np.arange(pcell.nbas), pcell.nbas).astype(np.int32)
logger.debug3(pcell, 'decontracted cell bas_type %s', pcell.bas_type)
logger.debug3(pcell, 'decontracted cell sh_loc %s', pcell.sh_loc)
return pcell, ctr_coeff
class ExtendedMole(gto.Mole):
'''An extended Mole object to mimic periodicity'''
def __init__(self):
# The cell which used to generate the supmole
self.rs_cell: _RangeSeparatedCell = None
self.bvk_kmesh = None
self.Ls = None
self.bvkmesh_Ls = None
# seg_loc maps the shell Id in bvk cell to shell Id in bvk rs-cell.
# seg2sh maps the shell Id in bvk rs-cell to the shell Id in supmol.
# Lattice sum range for each bvk cell shell can be obtained
# (seg2sh[n+1] - seg2sh[n])
self.seg_loc = None
self.seg2sh = None
# whether the basis bas_mask[bvk-cell-id, basis-id, image-id] is
# needed to reproduce the periodicity
self.bas_mask = None
self.precision = None
def sh_loc(self):
# A map for shell in bvk cell to shell Id in supmol
return self.seg2sh[self.seg_loc]
def bas_map(self):
# A map to assign each basis of supmol._bas the index in
# [bvk_cell-id, bas-id, image-id]
return np.where(self.bas_mask.ravel())[0].astype(np.int32)
def from_cell(cls, cell, kmesh, rcut=None, verbose=None):
if rcut is None: rcut = cell.rcut
log = logger.new_logger(cell, verbose)
if not isinstance(cell, _RangeSeparatedCell):
cell = _RangeSeparatedCell.from_cell(cell)
bvkcell = pbctools.super_cell(cell, kmesh, wrap_around=True)
Ls = bvkcell.get_lattice_Ls(rcut=rcut)
Ls = Ls[np.linalg.norm(Ls, axis=1).argsort()]
bvkmesh_Ls = k2gamma.translation_vectors_for_kmesh(cell, kmesh, True)
LKs = Ls[:,None,:] + bvkmesh_Ls
nimgs, bvk_ncells = LKs.shape[:2]
log.debug1('Generate supmol with rcut = %g nimgs = %d bvk_ncells = %d',
rcut, nimgs, bvk_ncells)
supmol = cls()
supmol = pbctools._build_supcell_(supmol, cell, LKs.reshape(nimgs*bvk_ncells, 3))
supmol.rs_cell = cell
supmol.bvk_kmesh = kmesh
supmol.Ls = Ls
supmol.bvkmesh_Ls = bvkmesh_Ls
bas_mask = np.ones((bvk_ncells, cell.nbas, nimgs), dtype=bool)
supmol.seg_loc, supmol.seg2sh = supmol.bas_mask_to_segment(cell, bas_mask, verbose)
supmol.bas_mask = bas_mask
supmol.precision = cell.precision
supmol._env[gto.PTR_EXPCUTOFF] = -np.log(cell.precision*1e-4)
_bas_reordered = supmol._bas.reshape(
nimgs, bvk_ncells, cell.nbas, gto.BAS_SLOTS).transpose(1,2,0,3)
supmol._bas = np.asarray(_bas_reordered.reshape(-1, gto.BAS_SLOTS),
dtype=np.int32, order='C')
return supmol
def strip_basis(self, rcut):
rs_cell = self.rs_cell
dim = rs_cell.dimension
if dim == 0:
return self
# Search the shortest distance to the reference cell for each atom in the supercell.
atom_coords = self.atom_coords()
d = np.linalg.norm(atom_coords[:,None] - rs_cell.atom_coords(), axis=2)
shortest_dist = np.min(d, axis=1)
bas_dist = shortest_dist[self._bas[:,gto.ATOM_OF]]
# filter _bas
nbas0 = self._bas.shape[0]
if bas_dist.size == self.bas_mask.size:
bas_dist = bas_dist.reshape(self.bas_mask.shape)
self.bas_mask = bas_mask = bas_dist < rcut[:,None]
self._bas = self._bas[bas_mask.ravel()]
dr = np.empty(self.bas_mask.shape)
dr[:] = 1e9
dr[self.bas_mask] = bas_dist
bas_mask = dr < rcut[:,None]
self._bas = self._bas[bas_mask[self.bas_mask]]
self.bas_mask = bas_mask
# filter _atm
atm_ids = np.unique(self._bas[:,gto.ATOM_OF])
atm_mapping = np.zeros(self._atm.shape[0], dtype=np.int32)
atm_mapping[atm_ids] = np.arange(atm_ids.size)
self._atm = self._atm[atm_ids]
self._bas[:,gto.ATOM_OF] = atm_mapping[self._bas[:,gto.ATOM_OF]]
nbas1 = self._bas.shape[0]
logger.debug1(self, 'strip_basis %d to %d ', nbas0, nbas1)
self.seg_loc, self.seg2sh = self.bas_mask_to_segment(rs_cell, self.bas_mask)
return self
def get_ovlp_mask(self, cutoff=None):
'''integral screening mask for basis product between cell and supmol'''
rs_cell = self.rs_cell
supmol = self
# consider only the most diffused component of a basis
cell_exps, cell_cs = pbcgto.cell._extract_pgto_params(rs_cell, 'min')
cell_l = rs_cell._bas[:,gto.ANG_OF]
cell_bas_coords = rs_cell.atom_coords()[rs_cell._bas[:,gto.ATOM_OF]]
if cutoff is None:
theta_ij = cell_exps.min() / 2
vol = rs_cell.vol
lattice_sum_factor = max(2*np.pi*rs_cell.rcut/(vol*theta_ij), 1)
cutoff = rs_cell.precision/lattice_sum_factor * .1
logger.debug(self, 'Set ft_ao cutoff to %g', cutoff)
supmol_exps, supmol_cs = pbcgto.cell._extract_pgto_params(supmol, 'min')
supmol_bas_coords = supmol.atom_coords()[supmol._bas[:,gto.ATOM_OF]]
supmol_l = supmol._bas[:,gto.ANG_OF]
aij = cell_exps[:,None] + supmol_exps
theta = cell_exps[:,None] * supmol_exps / aij
dr = np.linalg.norm(cell_bas_coords[:,None,:] - supmol_bas_coords, axis=2)
aij1 = 1./aij
aij2 = aij**-.5
dri = supmol_exps*aij1 * dr + aij2
drj = cell_exps[:,None]*aij1 * dr + aij2
norm_i = cell_cs * ((2*cell_l+1)/(4*np.pi))**.5
norm_j = supmol_cs * ((2*supmol_l+1)/(4*np.pi))**.5
fl = 2*np.pi/rs_cell.vol*dr/theta + 1.
ovlp = (np.pi**1.5 * norm_i[:,None]*norm_j * np.exp(-theta*dr**2) *
dri**cell_l[:,None] * drj**supmol_l * aij1**1.5 * fl)
return ovlp > cutoff
def bas_mask_to_segment(rs_cell, bas_mask, verbose=None):
bas_mask shape [bvk_ncells, nbas, nimgs]
log = logger.new_logger(rs_cell, verbose)
bvk_ncells, cell_rs_nbas, nimgs = bas_mask.shape
images_count = np.count_nonzero(bas_mask, axis=2)
# seg_loc maps shell Id in bvk-cell to segment Id in supmol
# seg2sh maps the segment Id to shell Id of supmol
seg_loc = np.arange(bvk_ncells)[:,None] * cell_rs_nbas + rs_cell.sh_loc[:-1]
seg_loc = np.append(seg_loc.ravel(), bvk_ncells * cell_rs_nbas)
seg2sh = np.append(0, np.cumsum(images_count.ravel()))
if log.verbose > logger.DEBUG:
steep_mask = rs_cell.bas_type == STEEP_BASIS
local_mask = rs_cell.bas_type == LOCAL_BASIS
diffused_mask = rs_cell.bas_type == SMOOTH_BASIS
log.debug1('No. steep basis in sup-mol %d', images_count[:,steep_mask].sum())
log.debug1('No. local basis in sup-mol %d', images_count[:,local_mask].sum())
log.debug1('No. diffused basis in sup-mol %d', images_count[:,diffused_mask].sum())
log.debug3('sup-mol seg_loc %s', seg_loc)
log.debug3('sup-mol seg2sh %s', seg2sh)
return seg_loc.astype(np.int32), seg2sh.astype(np.int32)
def bas_type_to_indices(self, type_code=SMOOTH_BASIS):
'''Return the basis indices of required bas_type'''
cell0_mask = self.rs_cell.bas_type == type_code
if np.any(cell0_mask):
# (bvk_ncells, rs_cell.nbas, nimgs)
bas_type_mask = np.empty_like(self.bas_mask)
bas_type_mask[:] = cell0_mask[None,:,None]
bas_type_mask = bas_type_mask[self.bas_mask]
return np.where(bas_type_mask)[0]
return np.arange(0)
gen_ft_kernel = gen_ft_kernel
def estimate_rcut(cell, precision=None):
'''Estimate rcut for each basis based on Schwarz inequality
Q_ij ~ S_ij * (sqrt(2aij/pi) * aij**(lij*2) * (4*lij-1)!!)**.5
if precision is None:
# The rcut estimated with this function is sufficient to converge
# the integrals to the required precision. Errors around the required
# precision is found when checking hermitian symmetry of the integrals.
# The discrepancy in hermitian symmetry may cause issues in post-HF
# methods which assume the hermitian symmetry in MO integrals.
# Therefore precision is adjusted to ensure hermitian symmetry.
precision = cell.precision * 1e-2
if cell.nbas == 0:
return np.zeros(1)
# consider only the most diffused component of a basis
exps, cs = pbcgto.cell._extract_pgto_params(cell, 'min')
ls = cell._bas[:,gto.ANG_OF]
ai_idx = exps.argmin()
ai = exps[ai_idx]
li = ls[ai_idx]
ci = cs[ai_idx]
aj = exps
lj = ls
cj = cs
aij = ai + aj
lij = li + lj
norm_ang = ((2*li+1)*(2*lj+1))**.5/(4*np.pi)
c1 = ci * cj * norm_ang
theta = ai * aj / aij
aij1 = aij**-.5
fac = np.pi**1.5*c1 * aij1**(lij+3) * (2*aij/np.pi)**.25 * aij**lij
fac /= precision
r0 = cell.rcut
dri = aj*aij1 * r0 + 1.
drj = ai*aij1 * r0 + 1.
fl = 2*np.pi/cell.vol * r0/theta
r0 = (np.log(fac * dri**li * drj**lj * fl + 1.) / theta)**.5
dri = aj*aij1 * r0 + 1.
drj = ai*aij1 * r0 + 1.
fl = 2*np.pi/cell.vol * r0/theta
r0 = (np.log(fac * dri**li * drj**lj * fl + 1.) / theta)**.5
return r0