Source code for pyscf.pbc.df.rsdf_helper

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2020 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# Author: Hong-Zhou Ye <>

import ctypes
import h5py
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gamma, gammaincc, comb

from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.lib.parameters import BOHR
from pyscf import gto as mol_gto
from pyscf.pbc.df.rsdf_builder import _round_off_to_odd_mesh
from pyscf.pbc.df.incore import libpbc, make_auxcell
from pyscf.pbc.lib.kpts_helper import is_zero, gamma_point, unique, KPT_DIFF_TOL
from import pbc as pbctools
from pyscf.scf import _vhf
from import k2gamma

""" General helper functions
[docs] class MoleNoBasSort(mol_gto.mole.Mole):
[docs] def build(self, **kwargs): self.atom = kwargs.pop('atom') self.basis = kwargs.pop('basis') self._atom = mol_gto.format_atom(self.atom) if isinstance(self.basis, dict): self._basis = self.basis else: self._basis = {a[0]: self.basis for a in self._atom} env = np.zeros(mol_gto.PTR_ENV_START) # _bas should be constructed as it is in the input (see issue #1942). self._atm, self._bas, self._env = self.make_env( self._atom, self._basis, env) self._built = True return self
def _remove_exp_basis_(bold, amin, amax): bnew = [] for b in bold: l = b[0] ecs = np.array(b[1:]) if ecs.ndim == 1: ecs = np.array([ecs]) nprim, nctr = ecs.shape if nprim == 1: # pGTO e = ecs[0,0] if e >= amin and e <= amax: bnew.append(b) else: # cGTO es = ecs[:,0] ecsnew = ecs[(es>=amin) & (es<=amax)] nprimnew = ecsnew.shape[0] if nprimnew == 0: # no prims left continue elif nprimnew == 1: # cGTO reduces to pGTO bnew.append([l, [ecsnew[0,0], 1.]]) else: csnew = ecsnew[:,1:] # cGTOs having zero coeff after expn discard are removed csnew = csnew[:,abs(csnew).sum(axis=0) > 1e-16] esnew = ecsnew[:,:1] ecsnew = np.hstack([esnew,csnew]) bnew.append([l] + [ec.tolist() for ec in ecsnew]) return bnew
[docs] def remove_exp_basis(basis, amin=None, amax=None): r""" Removing primitives with exponents not in (amin,amax). Args: basis (list or dict): PySCF GTO basis format (as in mol/cell._basis), e.g.,: basis = [[0, (1.5, 1.)], [1, (0.7, 1.)]] basis = {"C": [[0, (1.5, 1.)], [1, (0.7, 1.)]], "H": [[0, (0.3, 1.)]]} amin/amax (float; default: None): Primitives with exponents <= amin or >= amax will be removed. If either is not provided (default), no primitives will be removed by that criterion. """ if amin is None and amax is None: return basis if amin is None: amin = 0. if amax is None: amax = float('inf') if isinstance(basis, dict): basisnew = {atm:_remove_exp_basis_(blist,amin,amax) for atm,blist in basis.items()} else: basisnew = _remove_exp_basis_(basis,amin,amax) return basisnew
def _binary_search(xlo, xhi, xtol, ret_bigger, fcheck, args=None, MAX_RESCALE=5, MAX_CYCLE=20, early_exit=True): if args is None: args = () # rescale xlo/xhi if necessary first_time = True count = 0 while True: ylo = fcheck(xlo, *args) if not ylo: xlo_rescaled = count > 0 break if ylo and first_time and early_exit: return xlo if first_time: first_time = False xlo *= 0.5 if count > MAX_RESCALE: return xlo count += 1 if xlo_rescaled and xlo*2 < xhi: xhi = xlo * 2 else: count = 0 while True: yhi = fcheck(xhi, *args) if yhi: xhi_rescaled = count > 0 break xhi *= 1.5 if count > MAX_RESCALE: raise RuntimeError("Failed to find a rhs bound.") count += 1 if xhi_rescaled and xhi/1.5 > xlo: xlo = xhi / 1.5 # search cycle = 0 while xhi-xlo > xtol: if cycle > MAX_CYCLE: raise RuntimeError cycle += 1 xmi = 0.5*(xlo + xhi) fmi = fcheck(xmi, *args) if fmi: xhi = xmi else: xlo = xmi xret = xhi if ret_bigger else xlo return xret def _get_refuniq_map(cell): """ Return: refuniqshl_map[Ish]: the uniq shl "ISH" that corresponds to ref shl "Ish". uniq_atms: a list of unique atom symbols. uniq_bas: concatenate basis for all uniq atomsm, i.e., [*cell._basis[atm] for atm in uniq_atms] uniq_bas_loc: uniq bas loc by uniq atoms (similar to cell.ao_loc) """ # get uniq atoms that respect the order it appears in cell n = len(cell._basis.keys()) uniq_atms = [] for i in range(cell.natm): atm = cell.atom_symbol(i) if atm not in uniq_atms: uniq_atms.append(atm) if len(uniq_atms) == n: break natm_uniq = len(uniq_atms) # get uniq basis uniq_bas = [bas for ATM in uniq_atms for bas in cell._basis[ATM]] uniq_bas_loc = np.cumsum([0]+[len(cell._basis[ATM]) for ATM in uniq_atms]) atms = np.array([cell.atom_symbol(i) for i in range(cell.natm)]) shlstart = np.concatenate([cell.aoslice_nr_by_atom()[:,0], [cell.nbas]]) refuniqshl_map = np.empty(cell.nbas, dtype=int) for IATM in range(natm_uniq): Iatms = np.where(atms==uniq_atms[IATM])[0] for ISHL in range(*uniq_bas_loc[IATM:IATM+2]): Ishlshift = ISHL - uniq_bas_loc[IATM] refuniqshl_map[shlstart[Iatms]+Ishlshift] = ISHL # format to int32 (for interfacing C code) refuniqshl_map = np.asarray(refuniqshl_map, dtype=np.int32) return refuniqshl_map, uniq_atms, uniq_bas, uniq_bas_loc def _get_norm(a, axis=None): return np.linalg.norm(a, axis=axis) def _get_cell_id_in_cellplusimag(cell, nimgs): Nimgs = np.array(nimgs)*2+1 natm = cell.natm i0 = Nimgs[0]//2 *[1:]) + \ Nimgs[1]//2 * Nimgs[2] + Nimgs[2]//2 return i0 * natm def _get_dist_mat(rs1, rs2, dmin=1e-16): d = (np.linalg.norm(rs1,axis=1)**2.)[:,None] + \ np.linalg.norm(rs2,axis=1)**2. - 2.*,rs2.T) np.clip(d, dmin**2., None, out=d) return d**0.5 def _get_Lsmin(cell, Rcuts, uniq_atms, dimension=None): """ Given atom-pairwise cutoff, determine the needed lattice translational vectors, Ls. """ natm_uniq = len(uniq_atms) Rcut = Rcuts.max() # build cell plus imgs b = cell.reciprocal_vectors(norm_to=1) heights_inv = np.linalg.norm(b, axis=1) # see issue #1017 and PR #1044 for details of boundary_penalty scaled_atom_coords = cell.atom_coords().dot(b.T) boundary_penalty = np.max([abs(scaled_atom_coords).max(axis=0), abs(1 - scaled_atom_coords).max(axis=0)], axis=0) nimgs = np.ceil(Rcut * heights_inv + boundary_penalty).astype(int) if dimension is None: dimension = cell.dimension if dimension == 0: nimgs = [0, 0, 0] elif dimension == 1: nimgs = [nimgs[0], 0, 0] elif dimension == 2: nimgs = [nimgs[0], nimgs[1], 0] cell_all = pbctools.cell_plus_imgs(cell, nimgs) Rs_all = cell_all.atom_coords() natm_all = cell_all.natm atms_all = np.asarray([cell_all.atom_symbol(ia) for ia in range(natm_all)]) # find atoms from the ref cell iatm0_ref = _get_cell_id_in_cellplusimag(cell, nimgs) natm_ref = cell.natm atms_ref = np.asarray([cell.atom_symbol(ia) for ia in range(natm_ref)]) Rs_ref = Rs_all[iatm0_ref:iatm0_ref+natm_ref] mask_ref = np.zeros(natm_all, dtype=bool) mask_ref[iatm0_ref:iatm0_ref+natm_ref] = True # find all atoms that (1) outside ref cell and (2) within Rcut uniq_atm_ids_ref = [np.where(atms_ref==atm)[0] for atm in uniq_atms] atm_ref_uniq_ids = np.empty(natm_ref, dtype=int) for iatm in range(natm_uniq): atm_ref_uniq_ids[uniq_atm_ids_ref[iatm]] = iatm atm_to_keep = [] for iatm in range(natm_uniq): atm1 = uniq_atms[iatm] atm1_ids = np.where(atms_all==atm1)[0] d_atm1_ref = _get_dist_mat(Rs_all[atm1_ids], Rs_ref) d_atm1_ref[mask_ref[atm1_ids]] = Rcut*100 # exclude atms from ref cell mask_ = np.zeros(d_atm1_ref.shape[0], dtype=bool) for jatm_ref in range(natm_ref): jatm_uniq = atm_ref_uniq_ids[jatm_ref] np.logical_or(mask_, d_atm1_ref[:,jatm_ref]<Rcuts[iatm,jatm_uniq], out=mask_) atm_to_keep.append(atm1_ids[mask_]) atm_to_keep = np.sort(np.concatenate(atm_to_keep)) Rs_sup = np.vstack([Rs_ref, Rs_all[atm_to_keep]]) # atom posvec to (uniq) cell posvec latvec = cell.lattice_vectors() rs = cell.atom_coords() ds = (Rs_sup[:,None,:] - rs).reshape(-1,3) ts = np.round( np.linalg.solve(latvec.T, ds.T).T, 4 ) ids_keep = np.where(abs(np.rint(ts)-ts).sum(axis=1) < 1e-6)[0] Ts = ts[ids_keep] Ls =, latvec) ls =, np.random.rand(3)) uniq_ls, uniq_idx = np.unique(ls, return_index=True) return np.asarray(Ls[uniq_idx], order="C") """ Prescreening 2c """ def _Gamma(s, x): return gammaincc(s,x) * gamma(s) def _get_multipole(l, alp): return 0.5*np.pi * (2*l+1)**0.5 / alp**(l+1.5) def _get_2c2e_Rcut(bas_lst, omega, precision, Rprec=1., lmp=True, lasympt=True, eta_correct=True, R_correct=False): r""" Given a list of pgto by "bas_lst", determine the cutoff radii for j2c lat sum s.t. the truncation error drops below "precision". Ref: Ye, and Berkelbach J. Chem. Phys. 155, 124106 (2021) DOI: 10.1063/5.0064151 Args: bas_lst (list): A list of basis where the cutoff is estimated for all pairs. Example: [[0,(0.5,1.)], [1,(10.2,-0.02),(1.7,0.5),(0.3,0.37)]] omega (float): Range-separation parameter (only the absolute value matters). precision (float): Desired precision, e.g., 1e-8. Rprec (float): The precision for which the cutoff eqn is solved (default: 1 BOHR). lmp & lasympt (bool, default: both True): These two args together determine the estimator used for the 2c2e SR integrals. We *recommend* using the default. A full list of option (all eqns are referred to the ref above): --------------------------------- lmp lasympt estimator --------------------------------- True True Olvl, eqn (19) True False Olv0, eqn (22) False True O0vl, eqn (23) False False O0v0, eqn (10) --------------------------------- eta_correct & R_correct (bool, default: True & False): See the discussion in Sec. II E 3 and particularly eqn (60) in the ref above. We *recommend* using the default. Returns: A 1d array of cutoff distances for each AO shl pair (compressed in the usual upper triangular way, ish<jsh). """ nbas = len(bas_lst) n2 = nbas*(nbas+1)//2 ls = np.array([bas_lst[i][0] for i in range(nbas)]) es = np.array([bas_lst[i][1][0] for i in range(nbas)]) cs = np.zeros_like(es) lmax = ls.max() for l in range(lmax+1): idx = np.where(ls==l)[0] cs[idx] = mol_gto.gto_norm(l, es[idx]) etas = lib.pack_tril( 1/((1/es)[:,None]+1/es+1/omega**2.) ) if lmp: # use real multipoles Os = _get_multipole(ls, es) else: # use charges Os = _get_multipole(np.zeros_like(ls), es) if lasympt: # invoke angl dependence in R Ls = lib.pack_tril( ls[:,None]+ls ) else: # use (s|s) formula Ls = np.zeros_like(etas).astype(int) Os *= cs facs = lib.pack_tril(Os[:,None] * Os) / np.pi**0.5 def estimate1(ij, R0,R1): l = Ls[ij] fac = facs[ij] eta = etas[ij] prec0 = precision * (min(eta,1.) if eta_correct else 1.) def fcheck(R): prec = prec0 * (min(1./R,1.) if R_correct else 1.) I = fac * _Gamma(l+0.5, eta*R**2.) / R**(l+1) return I < prec return _binary_search(R0, R1, Rprec, True, fcheck) R0 = 5 R1 = 20 Rcuts = np.zeros(n2) ij = 0 for i in range(nbas): for j in range(i+1): Rcuts[ij] = estimate1(ij, R0,R1) ij += 1 return Rcuts def _get_atom_Rcuts_2c(Rcuts, bas_loc): natm = len(bas_loc) - 1 atom_Rcuts = np.zeros((natm,natm)) Rcuts_ = lib.unpack_tril(Rcuts) for iatm in range(natm): i0,i1 = bas_loc[iatm:iatm+2] for jatm in range(iatm+1): j0,j1 = bas_loc[jatm:jatm+2] Rcut = Rcuts_[i0:i1,j0:j1].max() atom_Rcuts[iatm,jatm] = atom_Rcuts[jatm,iatm] = Rcut return atom_Rcuts """ Prescreening 3c """ def _fintor_sreri(mol, intor, shls_slice, omega, safe): if safe: I = mol.intor(intor, shls_slice=shls_slice) with mol.with_range_coulomb(abs(omega)): I -= mol.intor(intor, shls_slice=shls_slice) else: with mol.with_range_coulomb(-abs(omega)): I = mol.intor(intor, shls_slice=shls_slice) return I def _get_schwartz_data(bas_lst, omega, dijs_lst=None, keep1ctr=True, safe=True): """ if dijs_lst is None: "2c"-mode: Q = 2-norm[(a|a)]^(1/2) else: "4c"-mode: Q = 2-norm[(ab|ab)]^(1/2) """ def get1ctr(bas_lst): """ For a shell consists of multiple contracted GTOs, keep only the one with the greatest weight on the most diffuse primitive GTOs (since others are likely core orbitals). """ bas_lst_new = [] for bas in bas_lst: nprim = len(bas) - 1 nctr = len(bas[1]) - 1 if nprim == 1 or nctr == 1: # prim shell or ctr shell with 1 cGTO bas_new = bas else: ecs = np.array(bas[1:]) es = ecs[:,0] imin = es.argmin() jmax = abs(ecs[imin,1:]).argmax() cs = ecs[:,jmax+1] bas_new = [bas[0]] + [(e,c) for e,c in zip(es,cs)] bas_lst_new.append(bas_new) return bas_lst_new if keep1ctr: bas_lst = get1ctr(bas_lst) if dijs_lst is None: mol = MoleNoBasSort(), parse_arg=False, atom="H 0 0 0", basis=bas_lst, spin=None) nbas = mol.nbas intor = "int2c2e" Qs = np.zeros(nbas) for k in range(nbas): shls_slice = (k,k+1,k,k+1) I = _fintor_sreri(mol, intor, shls_slice, omega, safe) Qs[k] = _get_norm( I )**0.5 else: def compute1_(mol, dij, intor, shls_slice, omega, safe): mol._env[mol._atm[1,mol_gto.PTR_COORD]] = dij return _get_norm( _fintor_sreri(mol, intor, shls_slice, omega, safe) )**0.5 mol = MoleNoBasSort(), parse_arg=False, atom="H 0 0 0", basis=bas_lst, spin=None) nbas = mol.nbas//2 n2 = nbas*(nbas+1)//2 if len(dijs_lst) != n2: raise RuntimeError("dijs_lst has wrong len (expecting %d; got %d)" % (n2, len(dijs_lst))) intor = "int2e" Qs = [None] * n2 ij = 0 for i in range(nbas): for j in range(i+1): j_ = j + nbas shls_slice = (i,i+1,j_,j_+1,i,i+1,j_,j_+1) dijs = dijs_lst[ij] Qs[ij] = [compute1_(mol, dij, intor, shls_slice, omega, safe) for dij in dijs] ij += 1 return Qs def _get_schwartz_dcut(bas_lst, omega, precision, r0=None, safe=True): """ Given a list of basis, determine cutoff radius for the Schwartz Q between each unique shell pair to drop below "precision". The Schwartz Q is define: Q = 2-norm[ (ab|ab) ]^(1/2) Return: 1d array of length nbas*(nbas+1)//2 with nbas=len(bas_lst). """ mol = MoleNoBasSort(), parse_arg=False, atom="H 0 0 0; H 0 0 0", basis=bas_lst) nbas = len(bas_lst) n2 = nbas*(nbas+1)//2 es = np.array([mol.bas_exp(i).min() for i in range(nbas)]) etas = 1/(1/es[:,None] + 1/es) intor = "int2e" def estimate1(ish,jsh,R0,R1): shls_slice = (ish,ish+1,nbas+jsh,nbas+jsh+1, ish,ish+1,nbas+jsh,nbas+jsh+1) prec0 = precision * min(etas[ish,jsh],1.) def fcheck(R): mol._env[mol._atm[1,mol_gto.PTR_COORD]] = R I = _get_norm(_fintor_sreri(mol, intor, shls_slice, omega, safe))**0.5 prec = prec0 * min(1./R,1.) return I < prec return _binary_search(R0, R1, 1, True, fcheck) if r0 is None: r0 = 30 R0 = r0 * 0.3 R1 = r0 dcuts = np.zeros(n2) ij = 0 for i in range(nbas): for j in range(i+1): dcuts[ij] = estimate1(i,j,R0, R1) ij += 1 return dcuts def _make_dijs_lst(dcuts, dstep): return [np.arange(0,dcut,dstep) for dcut in dcuts] def _get_bincoeff(d,e1,e2,l1,l2): d1 = -e2/(e1+e2) * d d2 = e1/(e1+e2) * d lmax = l1+l2 cbins = np.zeros(lmax+1) for l in range(0,lmax+1): cl = 0. lpmin = max(-l,l-2*l2) lpmax = min(l,2*l1-l) for lp in range(lpmin,lpmax+1,2): l1p = (l+lp) // 2 l2p = (l-lp) // 2 cl += d1**(l1-l1p)*d2**(l2-l2p) * comb(l1,l1p) * comb(l2,l2p) cbins[l] = cl return cbins def _get_3c2e_Rcuts_for_d(mol, auxmol, ish, jsh, dij, omega, precision, estimator, Qij, Rprec=1, eta_correct=True, R_correct=True): r""" Determine for AO shlpr (ish,jsh) separated by dij, the cutoff radius for 2-norm( (ksh|v_SR(omega)|ish,jsh) ) < precision. Ref: Ye, and Berkelbach J. Chem. Phys. 155, 124106 (2021) DOI: 10.1063/5.0064151 Args: mol/auxmol (Mole object): Provide AO/aux basis info. ish/jsh (int): AO shl index. dij (float): Separation between ish and jsh; in BOHR omega (float): Define the SR Coulomb potential: erfc(omega * r12) / r12 precision (float): The target precision. estimator (str): Estimator for the SR integrals. We *recommend* using "ME". A full list of options (all eqns are referred to the ref above): - "ISF": eqn (28) Assuming (ss|s) type integrals. - "ISF0": Assuming (ss|X), i.e., the angular momentum of ket (auxiliary) is considered. - "ISFQ0": eqn (35) Assuming (Q_ss|X), i.e., the AO pair density in the bra is approximated by the Schwartz Q integrals of two s orbitals. - "ISFQL": eqn (36) Assuming (Q_lmax|X). Similar to "ISFQ0" but the angular dependence of the AO pair is considered with lmax=l1+l2. This is found to improve upon "ISFQ0" when omega is not small. - "ME": eqn (41) An approximate multiple expansion. Qij (float): The Schwarz Q integrals between ish and jsh; see eqn (31) in the ref above. Rprec (float; default: 1): A binary search will be used to find the appropriate cutoff Rcut. This arg controls the precision to which the binary search is performed. The default is 1 [Bohr]. eta_correct/R_correct (bool; default: both True): See the discussion in Sec. II E 3 and particularly eqn (59) in the ref above. We *recommend* using the default. Returns: An array of cutoff distances by ksh (i.e,. the auxiliary shl index). """ # sanity check for estimators ESTIMATOR = estimator.upper() if ESTIMATOR not in ["ISF0", "ISF", "ISFQ0", "ISFQL", "ME"]: raise RuntimeError("Unknown estimator requested {}".format(estimator)) # get bas info nbasaux = auxmol.nbas # some auxbasis sets like def2-ri/jkfit have cGTOs --> use most diffuse pGTO eks = [auxmol.bas_exp(ksh)[-1] for ksh in range(nbasaux)] lks = [int(auxmol.bas_angular(ksh)) for ksh in range(nbasaux)] cks = [abs(auxmol._libcint_ctr_coeff(ksh)[-1]).max() for ksh in range(nbasaux)] def get_lec(mol, i): l = int(mol.bas_angular(i)) es = mol.bas_exp(i) imin = es.argmin() e = es[imin] c = abs(mol._libcint_ctr_coeff(i)[imin]).max() return l,e,c l1,e1,c1 = get_lec(mol, ish) l2,e2,c2 = get_lec(mol, jsh) # local helper funcs def init_feval(e1,e2,e3,l1,l2,l3,c1,c2,c3, d, Q, ESTIMATOR): e12 = e1+e2 l12 = l1+l2 eta1 = 1/(1/e12+1/e3) eta2 = 1/(1/eta1+1/omega**2.) eta12 = 1/(1/e1+1/e2) fac = c1*c2*c3 * 0.5/np.pi if ESTIMATOR == "ME": O3 = _get_multipole(l3, e3) if d < 1e-3: # concentric ls = np.arange(abs(l1-l2),l12+1) O12s = _get_multipole(ls, e12) l_facs = O12s * O3 * e12**(0.5*(ls-l12)) * ( gamma(max(l12,1))/gamma(np.maximum(ls,1)))**0.5 else: fac *= np.exp(-eta12*d**2.) ls = np.arange(0,l12+1) O12s = _get_multipole(ls, e12) l_facs = O12s * O3 * abs(_get_bincoeff(d,e1,e2,l1,l2)) def feval(R): I = (l_facs * _Gamma(ls+l3+0.5,eta2*R**2.) / R**(ls+l3+1)).sum() return I * fac elif ESTIMATOR == "ISF0": O12 = _get_multipole(0, e12) O3 = _get_multipole(0, e3) fac *= np.exp(-eta12*d**2.) def feval(R): return fac * O12 * O3 * _Gamma(0.5, eta2*R**2) / R elif ESTIMATOR == "ISF": O12 = _get_multipole(0, e12) O3 = _get_multipole(l3, e3) fac *= np.exp(-eta12*d**2.) def feval(R): return fac * O12 * O3 * _Gamma(l3+0.5, eta2*R**2) / R**(l3+1) elif ESTIMATOR in ["ISFQ0","ISFQL"]: eta1212 = 0.5 * e12 eta1212w = 1/(1/eta1212+1/omega**2.) O3 = _get_multipole(l3, e3) def feval(R): if ESTIMATOR == "ISFQ0": L12 = 0 Q2S = 2*np.pi**0.75/(2*(eta1212**0.5-eta1212w**0.5))**0.5/(c1*c2) O12 = Q * Q2S veff = _Gamma(L12+l3+0.5, eta2*R**2) / R**(L12+l3+1) else: l12min = abs(l1-l2) if d<1e-3 else 0 ls = np.arange(l12min,l12+1) l_facs = (eta1212**(ls+0.5) - eta1212w**(ls+0.5))**-0.5 veffs = _Gamma(ls+l3+0.5, eta2*R**2.) / R**(ls+l3+1) ilmax = (l_facs*veffs).argmax() l_fac = l_facs[ilmax] veff = veffs[ilmax] Q2S = 2**0.5*np.pi**0.75/(c1*c2) * l_fac O12 = Q * Q2S return fac * O12 * O3 * veff else: raise RuntimeError return feval def estimate1(ksh, R0, R1): l3 = lks[ksh] e3 = eks[ksh] c3 = cks[ksh] feval = init_feval(e1,e2,e3,l1,l2,l3,c1,c2,c3, dij, Qij, ESTIMATOR) eta2 = 1/(1/(e1+e2)+1/e2+1/omega**2.) prec0 = precision * (min(eta2,1.) if eta_correct else 1.) def fcheck(R): prec = prec0 * (min(1./R,1.) if R_correct else 1.) I = feval(R) return I < prec return _binary_search(R0, R1, Rprec, True, fcheck) # estimating Rcuts Rcuts = np.zeros(nbasaux) R0 = 5 R1 = 20 for ksh in range(nbasaux): Rcuts[ksh] = estimate1(ksh, R0, R1) return Rcuts def _get_3c2e_Rcuts(bas_lst_or_mol, auxbas_lst_or_auxmol, dijs_lst, omega, precision, estimator, Qijs_lst, Rprec=1, eta_correct=True, R_correct=True): """ Given a list of basis ("bas_lst") and auxiliary basis ("auxbas_lst"), determine the cutoff radius for 2-norm( (k|v_SR(omega)|ij) ) < precision where i and j shls are separated by d specified by "dijs_lst". """ if isinstance(bas_lst_or_mol, mol_gto.mole.MoleBase): mol = bas_lst_or_mol else: bas_lst = bas_lst_or_mol mol = MoleNoBasSort(), parse_arg=False, atom="H 0 0 0", basis=bas_lst, spin=None) if isinstance(auxbas_lst_or_auxmol, mol_gto.mole.MoleBase): auxmol = auxbas_lst_or_auxmol else: auxbas_lst = auxbas_lst_or_auxmol auxmol = MoleNoBasSort(), parse_arg=False, atom="H 0 0 0", basis=auxbas_lst, spin=None) nbas = mol.nbas ij = 0 Rcuts = [] for i in range(nbas): for j in range(i+1): dijs = dijs_lst[ij] Qijs = Qijs_lst[ij] for dij,Qij in zip(dijs,Qijs): Rcuts_dij = _get_3c2e_Rcuts_for_d(mol, auxmol, i, j, dij, omega, precision, estimator, Qij, Rprec=Rprec, eta_correct=eta_correct, R_correct=R_correct) Rcuts.append(Rcuts_dij) ij += 1 Rcuts = np.asarray(Rcuts).reshape(-1) return Rcuts def _get_atom_Rcuts_3c(Rcuts, dijs_lst, bas_exps, bas_loc, auxbas_loc): natm = len(bas_loc) - 1 assert (len(auxbas_loc) == natm+1) bas_loc_inv = np.concatenate([[i]*(bas_loc[i+1]-bas_loc[i]) for i in range(natm)]) nbas = bas_loc[-1] nbas2 = nbas*(nbas+1)//2 nbasaux = auxbas_loc[-1] Rcuts_ = Rcuts.reshape(-1,nbasaux) dijs_loc = np.cumsum([0]+[len(dijs) for dijs in dijs_lst]) atom_Rcuts = np.zeros((natm,natm)) for katm in range(natm): # aux atm k0, k1 = auxbas_loc[katm:katm+2] Rcuts_katm = np.max(Rcuts_[:,k0:k1], axis=1) rcuts_katm = np.zeros(natm) for ij in range(nbas2): i = int(np.floor((-1+(1+8*ij)**0.5)*0.5)) j = ij - i*(i+1)//2 ei = bas_exps[i] ej = bas_exps[j] bi = ej/(ei+ej) bj = ei/(ei+ej) dijs = dijs_lst[ij] idij0,idij1 = dijs_loc[ij:ij+2] rimax = (Rcuts_katm[idij0:idij1] + dijs*bi).max() rjmax = (Rcuts_katm[idij0:idij1] + dijs*bj).max() iatm = bas_loc_inv[i] jatm = bas_loc_inv[j] rcuts_katm[iatm] = max(rcuts_katm[iatm],rimax) rcuts_katm[jatm] = max(rcuts_katm[jatm],rjmax) atom_Rcuts[katm] = rcuts_katm return atom_Rcuts """ bvk """ def _get_bvk_data(cell, Ls, bvk_kmesh): ### [START] Hongzhou's style of bvk # Using Ls = translations = np.linalg.solve(cell.lattice_vectors().T, Ls.T) # t_mod is the translations inside the BvK cell t_mod = translations.round(3).astype(int) % np.asarray(bvk_kmesh)[:,None] cell_loc_bvk = np.ravel_multi_index(t_mod, bvk_kmesh).astype(np.int32) nimgs = Ls.shape[0] bvk_nimgs = iL_by_bvk = np.zeros(nimgs, dtype=int) cell_loc = np.zeros(bvk_nimgs+1, dtype=int) shift = 0 for i in range(bvk_nimgs): x = np.where(cell_loc_bvk == i)[0] nx = x.size cell_loc[i+1] = nx iL_by_bvk[shift:shift+nx] = x shift += nx cell_loc[1:] = np.cumsum(cell_loc[1:]) cell_loc_bvk = np.asarray(cell_loc, dtype=np.int32, order="C") Ls_sorted = np.array(Ls[iL_by_bvk], order="C") ### [END] Hongzhou's style of bvk bvkmesh_Ls = k2gamma.translation_vectors_for_kmesh(cell, bvk_kmesh, True) return Ls_sorted, bvkmesh_Ls, cell_loc_bvk """ determining omega/mesh and basis splitting """ def _estimate_ke_cutoff_for_omega_kpt_corrected(cell, omega, precision, kmax): fac = 32*np.pi**2 # Qiming # fac = 4 * cell.vol / np.pi # Hongzhou ke_cutoff = -2*omega**2 * np.log(precision / (fac*omega**2)) ke_cutoff = ((2*ke_cutoff)**0.5 + kmax)**2. * 0.5 return ke_cutoff
[docs] def estimate_omega_for_npw(cell, npw_max, precision=None, kmax=0, round2odd=True): """ Find the biggest omega where the appropriate PW mesh for achieving a given precision in the LR integrals computed using AFT does not exceed npw_max in size. Args: cell (PBC Cell object) npw_max (int): The returned mesh will stasify mesh[0]*mesh[1]*mesh[2] <= npw_max precision (float; default: None): Target precision for the integrals. If not provided, cell.precision is used. kmax (float; default: 0): 'Gmin' in eqn (28) of See :func:'RSDF._rs_build' for how to determine it for given a kpt mesh; note the use of a minimum kmax there to improve accuracy for Gamma point. round2odd (bool; default: True): If True, the mesh is required to be odd in each dimension. Returns: omega (float), ke_cutoff (float), mesh (array of size 3). """ if precision is None: precision = cell.precision # TODO: add extra precision for small omega ~ 2*omega / np.pi**0.5 latvecs = cell.lattice_vectors() def omega2all(omega): ke_cutoff = _estimate_ke_cutoff_for_omega_kpt_corrected(cell, omega, precision, kmax) mesh = pbctools.cutoff_to_mesh(latvecs, ke_cutoff) if round2odd: mesh = _round_off_to_odd_mesh(mesh) return ke_cutoff, mesh def fcheck(omega): return[1]) > npw_max omega_rg = np.asarray([0.05,2]) omega = _binary_search(*omega_rg, 0.02, False, fcheck) ke_cutoff, mesh = omega2all(omega) return omega, ke_cutoff, mesh
[docs] def estimate_mesh_for_omega(cell, omega, precision=None, kmax=0, round2odd=True): """ Find the appropriate PW mesh size s.t. the LR integrals computed via AFT achieves a given precision. Args: See Args for :func:'estimate_omega_for_npw'. """ if precision is None: precision = cell.precision ke_cutoff = _estimate_ke_cutoff_for_omega_kpt_corrected(cell, omega, precision, kmax) mesh = pbctools.cutoff_to_mesh(cell.lattice_vectors(), ke_cutoff) if round2odd: mesh = _round_off_to_odd_mesh(mesh) return ke_cutoff, mesh
""" short-range j2c via screened lattice sum """
[docs] def intor_j2c(cell, omega, precision=None, kpts=None, hermi=1, shls_slice=None, no_screening=False): """ Calculate the SR 2c integrals (i| erfc(omega*r12)/r12 |j) via a real- space lattice sum. Args: cell (PBC Cell object) omega (float): The omega in the SR Coulomb potential (only its absolute value will be used). precision (float; default: None): Target precision for the integrals. If not provided, cell.precision is used. kpts (array; default: None): The kpoint mesh used to sample the Brillouin zone. If not provided, Gamma point is used. hermi (int; default: 1): Hermitian symmetry: 0 for s1, and 1 for s2. shls_slice (array of size 4; default: None): Range of shl indices organized as (ish0, ish1, jsh0, jsh1). If not provided, i/jsh0 = 0 and i/jsh1 = cell.nbas. no_screening (bool; default: False): If set to True, the integral bound is only used in determining a global rcut for the lattice sum and no further (i.e., shlpair-wise) screening is performed. This arg is for debug purpose. Returns: If a single kpt, return the matrix of integrals in the GTO basis. Otherwise, return a list of matrices corresponding to different kpts. """ log = logger.Logger(cell.stdout, cell.verbose) t1 = np.asarray([logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()]) intor = "int2c2e" intor, comp = mol_gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp( cell._add_suffix(intor), None) assert (comp == 1) # prescreening data if precision is None: precision = cell.precision refuniqshl_map, uniq_atms, uniq_bas, uniq_bas_loc = _get_refuniq_map(cell) Rcuts = _get_2c2e_Rcut(uniq_bas, omega, precision, lmp=True, lasympt=True, eta_correct=True, R_correct=False) Rcut2s = np.ones(Rcuts)*1e20 if no_screening else Rcuts**2. atom_Rcuts = _get_atom_Rcuts_2c(Rcuts, uniq_bas_loc) cell_rcut = atom_Rcuts.max() Ls = _get_Lsmin(cell, atom_Rcuts, uniq_atms) log.debug1("j2c prescreening: cell rcut %.2f Bohr keep %d imgs", cell_rcut, Ls.shape[0]) t1 = log.timer_debug1('prescrn warmup', *t1) # end prescreening data if kpts is None: kpts_lst = np.zeros((1,3)) else: kpts_lst = np.reshape(kpts, (-1,3)) nkpts = len(kpts_lst) if hermi == 0: aosym = 's1' else: aosym = 's2' fill = getattr(libpbc, 'PBCsr2c_fill_k'+aosym) fintor = getattr(mol_gto.moleintor.libcgto, intor) cintopt = lib.c_null_ptr() pcell = cell.copy(deep=False) pcell.precision = min(cell.precision, cell.precision) pcell._atm, pcell._bas, pcell._env = \ atm, bas, env = mol_gto.conc_env(cell._atm, cell._bas, cell._env, cell._atm, cell._bas, cell._env) env[mol_gto.PTR_RANGE_OMEGA] = -abs(omega) if shls_slice is None: shls_slice = (0, cell.nbas, 0, cell.nbas) i0, i1, j0, j1 = shls_slice[:4] j0 += cell.nbas j1 += cell.nbas ao_loc = mol_gto.moleintor.make_loc(bas, intor) ni = ao_loc[i1] - ao_loc[i0] nj = ao_loc[j1] - ao_loc[j0] out = np.empty((nkpts,comp,ni,nj), dtype=np.complex128) expkL = np.asarray(np.exp(1j*, Ls.T)), order='C') drv = libpbc.PBCsr2c_k_drv drv(fintor, fill, out.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nkpts), ctypes.c_int(comp), ctypes.c_int(len(Ls)), Ls.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), expkL.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), (ctypes.c_int*4)(i0, i1, j0, j1), ao_loc.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), cintopt, refuniqshl_map.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), Rcut2s.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(pcell.natm), bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(pcell.nbas), env.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(env.size)) mat = [] for k, kpt in enumerate(kpts_lst): v = out[k] if hermi != 0: for ic in range(comp): lib.hermi_triu(v[ic], hermi=hermi, inplace=True) if comp == 1: v = v[0] if abs(kpt).sum() < 1e-9: # gamma_point v = v.real mat.append(v) if kpts is None or np.shape(kpts) == (3,): # A single k-point mat = mat[0] t1 = log.timer_debug1('j2c latsum', *t1) return mat
""" short-range j3c via real space lattice sum Modified from pyscf.pbc.df.outcore/incore """ def _aux_e2_nospltbas(cell, auxcell_or_auxbasis, omega, erifile, intor='int3c2e', aosym='s2ij', comp=None, kptij_lst=None, dataname='eri_mo', shls_slice=None, max_memory=2000, bvk_kmesh=None, precision=None, estimator="ME", verbose=0): r'''3-center AO integrals (ij|L) with double lattice sum: \sum_{lm} (i[l]j[m]|L[0]), where L is the auxiliary basis. Three-index integral tensor (kptij_idx, nao_pair, naux) or four-index integral tensor (kptij_idx, comp, nao_pair, naux) are stored on disk. **This function should be only used by RSGDF initialization function _make_j3c** Args: kptij_lst : (*,2,3) array A list of (kpti, kptj) estimator (str; default: "ME"): The integral estimator used for screening. Options are - "ME": multipole expansion-based estimator - "ISFQ0": Izmaylov-Scuseris-Frisch (ISF)-style estimator adapted to 3c2e integrals. - "ISFQL": Modified ISF-style estimator to account for angular momentum (hence "L" in the name). "ME" (the default) is slightly more accurate than the other two, especially for orbitals of high angular momentum. For details, see discussion in Ye, and Berkelbach J. Chem. Phys. 155, 124106 (2021) DOI: 10.1063/5.0064151 ''' log = logger.Logger(cell.stdout, cell.verbose) if isinstance(auxcell_or_auxbasis, mol_gto.MoleBase): auxcell = auxcell_or_auxbasis else: auxcell = make_auxcell(cell, auxcell_or_auxbasis) # prescreening data t1 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) if precision is None: precision = cell.precision refuniqshl_map, uniq_atms, uniq_bas, uniq_bas_loc = _get_refuniq_map(cell) auxuniqshl_map, uniq_atms, uniq_basaux, uniq_basaux_loc = \ _get_refuniq_map(auxcell) dstep = 1 # 1 Ang bin size for shl pair dstep_BOHR = dstep / BOHR Qauxs = _get_schwartz_data(uniq_basaux, omega, keep1ctr=False, safe=True) dcuts = _get_schwartz_dcut(uniq_bas, omega, precision/Qauxs.max(), r0=cell.rcut) dijs_lst = _make_dijs_lst(dcuts, dstep_BOHR) dijs_loc = np.cumsum([0]+[len(dijs) for dijs in dijs_lst]).astype(np.int32) if estimator.upper() in ["ISFQ0","ISFQL"]: Qs_lst = _get_schwartz_data(uniq_bas, omega, dijs_lst, keep1ctr=True, safe=True) else: Qs_lst = [np.zeros_like(dijs) for dijs in dijs_lst] Rcuts = _get_3c2e_Rcuts(uniq_bas, uniq_basaux, dijs_lst, omega, precision, estimator, Qs_lst) bas_exps = np.array([np.asarray(b[1:])[:,0].min() for b in uniq_bas]) atom_Rcuts = _get_atom_Rcuts_3c(Rcuts, dijs_lst, bas_exps, uniq_bas_loc, uniq_basaux_loc) cell_rcut = atom_Rcuts.max() uniqexp = np.array([np.asarray(b[1:])[:,0].min() for b in uniq_bas]) nbasauxuniq = len(uniq_basaux) dcut2s = dcuts**2. Rcut2s = Rcuts**2. Ls = _get_Lsmin(cell, atom_Rcuts, uniq_atms) prescreening_data = (refuniqshl_map, auxuniqshl_map, nbasauxuniq, uniqexp, dcut2s, dstep_BOHR, Rcut2s, dijs_loc, Ls) log.debug("j3c prescreening: cell rcut %.2f Bohr keep %d imgs", cell_rcut, Ls.shape[0]) t1 = log.timer_debug1('prescrn warmup', *t1) # prescreening data ends here intor, comp = mol_gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp(cell._add_suffix(intor), comp) if isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group): feri = erifile elif h5py.is_hdf5(erifile): feri = lib.H5FileWrap(erifile, 'a') else: feri = lib.H5FileWrap(erifile, 'w') if dataname in feri: del (feri[dataname]) if dataname+'-kptij' in feri: del (feri[dataname+'-kptij']) if kptij_lst is None: kptij_lst = np.zeros((1,2,3)) feri[dataname+'-kptij'] = kptij_lst if shls_slice is None: shls_slice = (0, cell.nbas, 0, cell.nbas, 0, auxcell.nbas) shlpr_mask = np.ones((shls_slice[1]-shls_slice[0], shls_slice[3]-shls_slice[2]), dtype=np.int8, order="C") ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr() aux_loc = auxcell.ao_loc_nr(auxcell.cart or 'ssc' in intor)[:shls_slice[5]+1] ni = ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[0]] nj = ao_loc[shls_slice[3]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[2]] nkptij = len(kptij_lst) nii = (ao_loc[shls_slice[1]]*(ao_loc[shls_slice[1]]+1)//2 - ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]*(ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]+1)//2) nij = ni * nj kpti = kptij_lst[:,0] kptj = kptij_lst[:,1] aosym_ks2 = abs(kpti-kptj).sum(axis=1) < KPT_DIFF_TOL j_only = np.all(aosym_ks2) #aosym_ks2 &= (aosym[:2] == 's2' and shls_slice[:2] == shls_slice[2:4]) aosym_ks2 &= aosym[:2] == 's2' if j_only and aosym[:2] == 's2': assert (shls_slice[2] == 0) nao_pair = nii else: nao_pair = nij if gamma_point(kptij_lst): dtype = np.double else: dtype = np.complex128 buflen = max(8, int(max_memory*.47e6/16/(nkptij*ni*nj*comp))) auxdims = aux_loc[shls_slice[4]+1:shls_slice[5]+1] - aux_loc[shls_slice[4]:shls_slice[5]] from pyscf.ao2mo.outcore import balance_segs auxranges = balance_segs(auxdims, buflen) buflen = max([x[2] for x in auxranges]) buf = np.empty(nkptij*comp*ni*nj*buflen, dtype=dtype) bufs = [buf, np.empty_like(buf)] bufmem = buf.size*16/1024**2. if bufmem > max_memory * 0.5: raise RuntimeError(""" Computing 3c2e integrals requires %.2f MB memory, which exceeds the given maximum memory %.2f MB. Try giving PySCF more memory.""" % (bufmem*2., max_memory)) int3c = wrap_int3c_nospltbas(cell, auxcell, omega, shlpr_mask, prescreening_data, intor, aosym, comp, kptij_lst, bvk_kmesh=bvk_kmesh) tspans = np.zeros((2,2)) # cmpt, cmpt+save tspannames = ["cmpt", "cmpt+save"] def process(aux_range): sh0, sh1, nrow = aux_range sub_slice = (shls_slice[0], shls_slice[1], shls_slice[2], shls_slice[3], shls_slice[4]+sh0, shls_slice[4]+sh1) mat = np.ndarray((nkptij,comp,nao_pair,nrow), dtype=dtype, buffer=bufs[0]) bufs[:] = bufs[1], bufs[0] tick_ = np.asarray((logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())) int3c(sub_slice, mat) tock_ = np.asarray((logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())) tspans[0] += tock_ - tick_ return mat kptis = kptij_lst[:,0] kptjs = kptij_lst[:,1] kpt_ji = kptjs - kptis uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji) # sorted_ij_idx: Sort and group the kptij_lst according to the ordering in # df._make_j3c to reduce the data fragment in the hdf5 file. When datasets # are written to hdf5, they are saved sequentially. If the integral data are # saved as the order of kptij_lst, removing the datasets in df._make_j3c will # lead to holes that can not be reused. sorted_ij_idx = np.hstack([np.where(uniq_inverse == k)[0] for k, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts)]) tril_idx = np.tril_indices(ni) tril_idx = tril_idx[0] * ni + tril_idx[1] tick_ = np.asarray((logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())) for istep, mat in enumerate(lib.map_with_prefetch(process, auxranges)): for k in sorted_ij_idx: v = mat[k] if gamma_point(kptij_lst[k]): v = v.real if aosym_ks2[k] and nao_pair == ni**2: v = v[:,tril_idx] feri['%s/%d/%d' % (dataname,k,istep)] = v mat = None tock_ = np.asarray((logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())) tspans[1] += tock_ - tick_ for tspan, tspanname in zip(tspans, tspannames): log.debug1(" CPU time for %10s %9.2f sec, wall time %9.2f sec", "%10s"%tspanname, *tspan) log.debug1("%s", "") if not isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group): feri.close() return erifile
[docs] def wrap_int3c_nospltbas(cell, auxcell, omega, shlpr_mask, prescreening_data, intor='int3c2e', aosym='s1', comp=1, kptij_lst=np.zeros((1,2,3)), cintopt=None, bvk_kmesh=None): log = logger.Logger(cell.stdout, cell.verbose) refuniqshl_map, auxuniqshl_map, nbasauxuniq, uniqexp, dcut2s, dstep_BOHR, Rcut2s, dijs_loc, Ls = prescreening_data # GTO data intor = cell._add_suffix(intor) pcell = cell.copy(deep=False) pcell._atm, pcell._bas, pcell._env = \ atm, bas, env = mol_gto.conc_env(cell._atm, cell._bas, cell._env, cell._atm, cell._bas, cell._env) ao_loc = mol_gto.moleintor.make_loc(bas, intor) aux_loc = auxcell.ao_loc_nr(auxcell.cart or 'ssc' in intor) ao_loc = np.asarray(np.hstack([ao_loc, ao_loc[-1]+aux_loc[1:]]), dtype=np.int32) atm, bas, env = mol_gto.conc_env(atm, bas, env, auxcell._atm, auxcell._bas, auxcell._env) env[mol_gto.PTR_RANGE_OMEGA] = -abs(omega) nimgs = len(Ls) nbas = cell.nbas kpti = kptij_lst[:,0] kptj = kptij_lst[:,1] if bvk_kmesh is None: Ls_ = Ls else: Ls, Ls_, cell_loc_bvk = _get_bvk_data(cell, Ls, bvk_kmesh) bvk_nimgs = Ls_.shape[0] if gamma_point(kptij_lst): assert (aosym[:2] == "s2") kk_type = 'g' dtype = np.double nkpts = nkptij = 1 kptij_idx = np.array([0], dtype=np.int32) expkL = np.ones(1) elif is_zero(kpti-kptj): # j_only kk_type = 'k' dtype = np.complex128 kpts = kptij_idx = np.asarray(kpti, order='C') expkL = np.exp(1j *, Ls_.T)) nkpts = nkptij = len(kpts) else: kk_type = 'kk' dtype = np.complex128 kpts = unique(np.vstack([kpti,kptj]))[0] expkL = np.exp(1j *, Ls_.T)) wherei = np.where(abs(kpti.reshape(-1,1,3)-kpts).sum(axis=2) < KPT_DIFF_TOL)[1] wherej = np.where(abs(kptj.reshape(-1,1,3)-kpts).sum(axis=2) < KPT_DIFF_TOL)[1] nkpts = len(kpts) kptij_idx = np.asarray(wherei*nkpts+wherej, dtype=np.int32) nkptij = len(kptij_lst) if cintopt is None: if nbas > 0: cintopt = _vhf.make_cintopt(atm, bas, env, intor) else: cintopt = lib.c_null_ptr() # Remove the precomputed pair data because the pair data corresponds to the # integral of cell #0 while the lattice sum moves shls to all repeated images. if intor[:3] != 'ECP': libpbc.CINTdel_pairdata_optimizer(cintopt) cfunc_prefix = "PBCsr3c" if not (gamma_point(kptij_lst) or bvk_kmesh is None): cfunc_prefix += "_bvk" fill = "%s_%s%s" % (cfunc_prefix, kk_type, aosym[:2]) drv = getattr(libpbc, "%s_%s_drv"%(cfunc_prefix,kk_type)) log.debug("Using %s to evaluate SR integrals", fill) if gamma_point(kptij_lst): def int3c(shls_slice, out): assert out.dtype == dtype shls_slice = (shls_slice[0], shls_slice[1], nbas+shls_slice[2], nbas+shls_slice[3], nbas*2+shls_slice[4], nbas*2+shls_slice[5]) drv(getattr(libpbc, intor), getattr(libpbc, fill), out.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(comp), ctypes.c_int(nimgs), Ls.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), (ctypes.c_int*6)(*shls_slice), ao_loc.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), cintopt, shlpr_mask.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), # shlpr_mask refuniqshl_map.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), auxuniqshl_map.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nbasauxuniq), uniqexp.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), dcut2s.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_double(dstep_BOHR), Rcut2s.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), dijs_loc.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(cell.natm), bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nbas), env.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(env.size) ) return out else: if bvk_kmesh is None: def int3c(shls_slice, out): assert out.dtype == dtype shls_slice = (shls_slice[0], shls_slice[1], nbas+shls_slice[2], nbas+shls_slice[3], nbas*2+shls_slice[4], nbas*2+shls_slice[5]) drv(getattr(libpbc, intor), getattr(libpbc, fill), out.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nkptij), ctypes.c_int(nkpts), ctypes.c_int(comp), ctypes.c_int(nimgs), Ls.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), expkL.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), kptij_idx.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), (ctypes.c_int*6)(*shls_slice), ao_loc.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), cintopt, shlpr_mask.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), # shlpr_mask refuniqshl_map.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), auxuniqshl_map.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nbasauxuniq), uniqexp.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), dcut2s.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_double(dstep_BOHR), Rcut2s.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), dijs_loc.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(cell.natm), bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nbas), # need to pass cell.nbas to libpbc.PBCsr3c_drv env.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(env.size) ) return out else: def int3c(shls_slice, out): assert out.dtype == dtype shls_slice = (shls_slice[0], shls_slice[1], nbas+shls_slice[2], nbas+shls_slice[3], nbas*2+shls_slice[4], nbas*2+shls_slice[5]) drv(getattr(libpbc, intor), getattr(libpbc, fill), out.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nkptij), ctypes.c_int(nkpts), ctypes.c_int(comp), ctypes.c_int(nimgs), ctypes.c_int(bvk_nimgs), Ls.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), expkL.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), kptij_idx.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), (ctypes.c_int*6)(*shls_slice), ao_loc.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), cintopt, cell_loc_bvk.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), # cell_loc_bvk shlpr_mask.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), # shlpr_mask refuniqshl_map.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), auxuniqshl_map.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nbasauxuniq), uniqexp.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), dcut2s.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_double(dstep_BOHR), Rcut2s.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), dijs_loc.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(cell.natm), bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nbas), env.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(env.size) ) return out return int3c