#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Author: Timothy Berkelbach <tim.berkelbach@gmail.com>
'''PP with numeric integration. See also pyscf/pbc/gto/pesudo/pp_int.py
For GTH/HGH PPs, see:
Goedecker, Teter, Hutter, PRB 54, 1703 (1996)
Hartwigsen, Goedecker, and Hutter, PRB 58, 3641 (1998)
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import scipy.special
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.gto import mole
from pyscf.pbc.gto.pseudo import pp_int
def get_alphas(cell):
'''alpha parameters from the non-divergent Hartree+Vloc G=0 term.
See ewald.pdf
alphas : (natm,) ndarray
return get_alphas_gth(cell)
def get_alphas_gth(cell):
'''alpha parameters for the local GTH pseudopotential.'''
G0 = np.zeros((1,3))
return -get_gth_vlocG(cell, G0)
def get_vlocG(cell, Gv=None):
'''Local PP kernel in G space: Vloc(G)
(natm, ngrids) ndarray
if Gv is None: Gv = cell.Gv
vlocG = get_gth_vlocG(cell, Gv)
return vlocG
def get_gth_vlocG(cell, Gv):
'''Local part of the GTH pseudopotential.
See MH (4.79).
Gv : (ngrids,3) ndarray
(natm, ngrids) ndarray
vlocG = pp_int.get_gth_vlocG_part1(cell, Gv)
# Add the C1, C2, C3, C4 contributions
G2 = np.einsum('ix,ix->i', Gv, Gv)
for ia in range(cell.natm):
symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
if symb not in cell._pseudo:
pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
rloc, nexp, cexp = pp[1:3+1]
G2_red = G2 * rloc**2
cfacs = 0
if nexp >= 1:
cfacs += cexp[0]
if nexp >= 2:
cfacs += cexp[1] * (3 - G2_red)
if nexp >= 3:
cfacs += cexp[2] * (15 - 10*G2_red + G2_red**2)
if nexp >= 4:
cfacs += cexp[3] * (105 - 105*G2_red + 21*G2_red**2 - G2_red**3)
vlocG[ia,:] -= (2*np.pi)**(3/2.)*rloc**3*np.exp(-0.5*G2_red) * cfacs
return vlocG
def get_projG(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
'''PP weight and projector for the nonlocal PP in G space.
hs : list( list( np.array( , ) ) )
- hs[atm][l][i,j]
projs : list( list( list( list( np.array(ngrids) ) ) ) )
- projs[atm][l][m][i][ngrids]
return get_gth_projG(cell, kpt+cell.Gv)
def get_gth_projG(cell, Gvs):
r'''G space projectors from the FT of the real-space projectors.
\int e^{iGr} p_j^l(r) Y_{lm}^*(theta,phi)
= i^l p_j^l(G) Y_{lm}^*(thetaG, phiG)
See MH Eq.(4.80)
Gs,thetas,phis = cart2polar(Gvs)
hs = []
projs = []
for ia in range(cell.natm):
symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
# nproj_types = pp[4]
h_ia = []
proj_ia = []
for l,proj in enumerate(pp[5:]):
rl, nl, hl = proj
h_ia.append( np.array(hl) )
proj_ia_l = []
for m in range(-l,l+1):
projG_ang = Ylm(l,m,thetas,phis).conj()
proj_ia_lm = []
for i in range(nl):
projG_radial = projG_li(Gs,l,i,rl)
proj_ia_lm.append( (1j)**l * projG_radial*projG_ang )
return hs, projs
def projG_li(G, l, i, rl):
G = np.array(G)
G_red = G*rl
# MH Eq. (4.81)
return (_qli(G_red,l,i) * np.pi**(5/4.) * G**l * np.sqrt(rl**(2*l+3))
/ np.exp(0.5*G_red**2) )
def _qli(x,l,i):
# MH Eqs. (4.82)-(4.93) :: beware typos!
# Mathematica formulas:
# p[l_, i_, r_] = Sqrt[2] r^(l + 2 (i - 1)) Exp[-r^2/(2 R^2)]/(R^(l + (4 i - 1)/2) Sqrt[Gamma[l + (4 i - 1)/2]])
# pG[l_, i_, G_] = Integrate[p[l, i, r] 4 Pi r^2 SphericalBesselJ[l, G r], {r, 0, Infinity}]
# qG[l_, i_, G_] := pG[l, i, G]/(Pi^(5/4) G^l Sqrt[R^(2 l + 3)]/Exp[(G R)^2/2])
# FullSimplify[qG[4, 3, G], R > 0 && G > 0]
sqrt = np.sqrt
if l==0 and i==0:
return 4*sqrt(2.)
elif l==0 and i==1:
return 8*sqrt(2/15.)*(3-x**2) # MH & GTH (right)
#return sqrt(8*2/15.)*(3-x**2) # HGH (wrong)
elif l==0 and i==2:
#return 16/3.*sqrt(2/105.)*(15-20*x**2+4*x**4) # MH (wrong)
return 16/3.*sqrt(2/105.)*(15-10*x**2+x**4) # HGH (right)
elif l==1 and i==0:
return 8*sqrt(1/3.)
elif l==1 and i==1:
return 16*sqrt(1/105.)*(5-x**2)
elif l==1 and i==2:
#return 32/3.*sqrt(1/1155.)*(35-28*x**2+4*x**4) # MH (wrong)
return 32/3.*sqrt(1/1155.)*(35-14*x**2+x**4) # HGH (right)
elif l==2 and i==0:
return 8*sqrt(2/15.)
elif l==2 and i==1:
return 16/3.*sqrt(2/105.)*(7-x**2)
elif l==2 and i==2:
#return 32/3.*sqrt(2/15015.)*(63-36*x**2+4*x**4) # MH (wrong I think)
return 32/3.*sqrt(2/15015.)*(63-18*x**2+x**4) # TCB
elif l==3 and i==0:
return 16*sqrt(1/105.)
elif l==3 and i==1:
return 32/3.*sqrt(1/1155.)*(9-x**2)
elif l==3 and i==2:
return 64/45.*sqrt(1/1001.)*(99-22*x**2+x**4)
elif l==4 and i==0:
return 16/3.*sqrt(2/105.)
elif l==4 and i==1:
return 32/3.*sqrt(2/15015.)*(11-x**2)
elif l==4 and i==2:
return 64/45.*sqrt(2/17017.)*(143-26*x**2+x**4)
print("*** WARNING *** l =", l, ", i =", i, "not yet implemented for NL PP!")
return 0.
def Ylm_real(l,m,theta,phi):
'''Real spherical harmonics, if desired.'''
Ylabsm = Ylm(l,np.abs(m),theta,phi)
if m < 0:
return np.sqrt(2.) * Ylabsm.imag
elif m > 0:
return np.sqrt(2.) * Ylabsm.real
else: # m == 0
return Ylabsm.real
def Ylm(l,m,theta,phi):
Spherical harmonics; returns a complex number
Note the "convention" for theta and phi:
#return scipy.special.sph_harm(m=m,n=l,theta=phi,phi=theta)
return scipy.special.sph_harm(m,l,phi,theta)
def cart2polar(rvec):
# The rows of rvec are the 3-component vectors
# i.e. rvec is N x 3
x,y,z = rvec.T
r = lib.norm(rvec, axis=1)
# theta is the polar angle, 0 < theta < pi
# catch possible 0/0
theta = np.arccos(z/(r+1e-200))
# phi is the azimuthal angle, 0 < phi < 2pi (or -pi < phi < pi)
phi = np.arctan2(y,x)
return r, theta, phi
def get_pp(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
'''Get the periodic pseudotential nuc-el AO matrix
from pyscf.pbc import tools
coords = cell.get_uniform_grids()
aoR = cell.pbc_eval_gto('GTOval', coords, kpt=kpt)
nao = cell.nao_nr()
SI = cell.get_SI()
vlocG = get_vlocG(cell)
vpplocG = -np.sum(SI * vlocG, axis=0)
vpplocG[0] = np.sum(get_alphas(cell)) # from get_jvloc_G0 function
# vpploc evaluated in real-space
vpplocR = tools.ifft(vpplocG, cell.mesh).real
vpploc = np.dot(aoR.T.conj(), vpplocR.reshape(-1,1)*aoR)
# vppnonloc evaluated in reciprocal space
aokG = tools.fftk(np.asarray(aoR.T, order='C'),
cell.mesh, np.exp(-1j*np.dot(coords, kpt))).T
ngrids = len(aokG)
fakemol = mole.Mole()
fakemol._atm = np.zeros((1,mole.ATM_SLOTS), dtype=np.int32)
fakemol._bas = np.zeros((1,mole.BAS_SLOTS), dtype=np.int32)
ptr = mole.PTR_ENV_START
fakemol._env = np.zeros(ptr+10)
fakemol._bas[0,mole.NPRIM_OF ] = 1
fakemol._bas[0,mole.NCTR_OF ] = 1
fakemol._bas[0,mole.PTR_EXP ] = ptr+3
fakemol._bas[0,mole.PTR_COEFF] = ptr+4
Gv = np.asarray(cell.Gv+kpt)
G_rad = lib.norm(Gv, axis=1)
vppnl = np.zeros((nao,nao), dtype=np.complex128)
for ia in range(cell.natm):
symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
if symb not in cell._pseudo:
pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
for l, proj in enumerate(pp[5:]):
rl, nl, hl = proj
if nl > 0:
hl = np.asarray(hl)
fakemol._bas[0,mole.ANG_OF] = l
fakemol._env[ptr+3] = .5*rl**2
fakemol._env[ptr+4] = rl**(l+1.5)*np.pi**1.25
pYlm_part = fakemol.eval_gto('GTOval', Gv)
pYlm = np.empty((nl,l*2+1,ngrids))
for k in range(nl):
qkl = _qli(G_rad*rl, l, k)
pYlm[k] = pYlm_part.T * qkl
# pYlm is real
SPG_lmi = np.einsum('g,nmg->nmg', SI[ia].conj(), pYlm)
SPG_lm_aoG = np.einsum('nmg,gp->nmp', SPG_lmi, aokG)
tmp = np.einsum('ij,jmp->imp', hl, SPG_lm_aoG)
vppnl += np.einsum('imp,imq->pq', SPG_lm_aoG.conj(), tmp)
vppnl *= (1./ngrids**2)
if aoR.dtype == np.double:
return vpploc.real + vppnl.real
return vpploc + vppnl
def get_jvloc_G0(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
'''Get the (separately divergent) Hartree + Vloc G=0 contribution.
ovlp = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1, kpts=kpt)
return 1./cell.vol * np.sum(get_alphas(cell)) * ovlp