#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2020-2023 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Authors: Xing Zhang <zhangxing.nju@gmail.com>
import sys
import copy
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv, det
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.symm import param
from pyscf.symm.Dmatrix import Dmatrix, get_euler_angles
from pyscf.pbc.symm import space_group
from pyscf.pbc.symm.space_group import SYMPREC, XYZ
from pyscf.pbc.tools import pbc as pbctools
def get_Dmat(op, l):
Get Wigner D-matrix
op : (3,3) ndarray
rotation operator in (x,y,z) system
l : int
angular momentum
fac = 1
det_op = det(op)
if det_op < 0:
# improper rotation has |R| = -1
assert abs(det_op + 1) < 1e-9
op = -1 * op
fac = (-1) ** l
c1 = XYZ
c2 = np.dot(op, c1.T).T
alpha, beta, gamma = get_euler_angles(c1, c2)
D = fac * Dmatrix(l, alpha, beta, gamma, reorder_p=True)
return D.round(15)
def get_Dmat_cart(op,l_max):
pp = get_Dmat(op, 1)
Ds = [np.ones((1,1))]
for l in range(1, l_max+1):
# All possible x,y,z combinations
cidx = np.sort(lib.cartesian_prod([(0, 1, 2)] * l), axis=1)
addr = 0
affine = np.ones((1,1))
for i in range(l):
nd = affine.shape[0] * 3
affine = np.einsum('ik,jl->ijkl', affine, pp).reshape(nd, nd)
addr = addr * 3 + cidx[:,i]
uniq_addr, rev_addr = np.unique(addr, return_inverse=True)
ncart = (l + 1) * (l + 2) // 2
assert ncart == uniq_addr.size
trans = np.zeros((ncart,ncart))
for i, k in enumerate(rev_addr):
trans[k] += affine[i,uniq_addr]
return Ds
def make_Dmats(cell, ops, l_max=None):
Computes < m | R | m' >
if l_max is None:
l_max = np.max(cell._bas[:,1])
l_max = max(l_max, np.max(cell._bas[:,1]))
Dmats = []
for op in ops:
if not cell.cart:
Dmats.append([get_Dmat(op, l) for l in range(l_max+1)])
Dmats.append(get_Dmat_cart(op, l_max))
return Dmats, l_max
def check_mesh_symmetry(cell, ops, mesh=None, tol=SYMPREC,
if mesh is None:
mesh = cell.mesh
ft = []
rm_list = []
for i, op in enumerate(ops):
if not op.trans_is_zero:
tmp = op.trans * np.asarray(mesh)
if (abs(tmp - tmp.round()) > tol).any():
if len(rm_list) == 0:
mesh1 = mesh
ft = np.reshape(np.asarray(ft), (-1,3))
mesh1 = copy.deepcopy(mesh)
for x in range(3):
while True:
tmp = ft[:,x] * mesh1[x]
if (abs(tmp - tmp.round()) > tol).any():
mesh1[x] = mesh1[x] + 1
if not return_mesh:
logger.warn(cell, 'Input mesh %s has lower symmetry than the lattice.\n'
'Some of the symmetry operations will be removed.\n'
'Recommended mesh is %s.', mesh, mesh1)
if return_mesh:
return rm_list, mesh1
return rm_list
class Symmetry():
Symmetry info of a crystal.
cell : :class:`Cell` object
spacegroup : :class:`SpaceGroup` object
symmorphic : bool
Whether space group is symmorphic
has_inversion : bool
Whether space group contains inversion operation
ops : list of :class:`SPGElement` object
Symmetry operators (may be a subset of the operators in the space group)
nop : int
Length of `ops`.
Dmats : list of 2d arrays
Wigner D-matries
l_max : int
Maximum angular momentum considered in `Dmats`
def __init__(self, cell):
self.cell = cell
self.spacegroup = None
self.symmorphic = True
self.ops = [space_group.SPGElement(),]
self.nop = len(self.ops)
self.has_inversion = False
self.Dmats = None
self.l_max = None
self._built = False
def build(self, space_group_symmetry=True, symmorphic=True,
check_mesh_symmetry=True, *args, **kwargs):
cell = self.cell
if cell is None:
self._built = True
return self
if not space_group_symmetry:
self.ops = [space_group.SPGElement(),]
if not cell._built:
sys.stderr.write('Warning: %s must be initialized before calling Symmetry.\n'
'Initialize %s in %s\n' % (cell, cell, self))
self.spacegroup = space_group.SpaceGroup(cell).build(dump_info=False)
self.symmorphic = symmorphic
if cell.dimension < 3:
if not self.symmorphic:
sys.stderr.write('Warning: setting symmorphic=True for low-dimensional system.\n')
self.symmorphic = True
ops = self.spacegroup.ops
if self.symmorphic:
self.ops = [op for op in ops if op.trans_is_zero]
elif check_mesh_symmetry:
rm_list = self.check_mesh_symmetry(ops=ops)
self.ops = [op for i, op in enumerate(ops) if i not in rm_list]
self.ops = ops
self.nop = len(self.ops)
self.has_inversion = any([op.rot_is_inversion for op in self.ops])
l_max = None
if 'auxcell' in kwargs:
auxcell = kwargs['auxcell']
if getattr(auxcell, '_bas', None) is not None:
l_max = np.max(auxcell._bas[:,1])
op_rot = [op.a2r(self.cell).rot for op in self.ops]
self.Dmats, self.l_max = make_Dmats(self.cell, op_rot, l_max)
self._built = True
return self
def check_mesh_symmetry(self, cell=None, ops=None, mesh=None,
tol=SYMPREC, return_mesh=False):
if cell is None:
cell = self.cell
if ops is None:
ops = self.ops
return check_mesh_symmetry(cell, ops, mesh, tol, return_mesh)
def dump_info(self):
def _get_phase(cell, op, kpt_scaled, ignore_phase=False, tol=SYMPREC):
kpt_scaled = op.a2b(cell).dot_rot(kpt_scaled)
coords_scaled = cell.get_scaled_atom_coords().reshape(-1,3)
natm = coords_scaled.shape[0]
phase = np.ones((natm,), dtype=np.complex128)
atm_map = np.arange(natm)
coords0 = pbctools.round_to_cell0(coords_scaled, tol=tol)
for iatm in range(natm):
r = coords_scaled[iatm]
op_dot_r = op.dot_rot(r) + op.trans
op_dot_r_0 = pbctools.round_to_cell0(op_dot_r, tol=tol)
equiv_atm = np.where(abs(op_dot_r_0 - coords0).sum(axis=1) < tol)[0]
assert len(equiv_atm) == 1
equiv_atm = equiv_atm[0]
atm_map[iatm] = equiv_atm
Lshift = coords_scaled[equiv_atm] - op_dot_r
# Lshift is a lattice vector
assert abs(Lshift - Lshift.round()).sum() < tol
# remove numerical noise, important for symmetry adaptation
Lshift = Lshift.round()
if not ignore_phase:
phase[iatm] = np.exp(1j * np.dot(kpt_scaled, Lshift) * 2.0 * np.pi)
return atm_map, phase
def _get_rotation_mat(cell, kpt_scaled_ibz, mo_coeff_or_dm, op, Dmats,
ignore_phase=False, tol=SYMPREC):
atm_map, phases = _get_phase(cell, op, kpt_scaled_ibz, ignore_phase, tol)
dim = mo_coeff_or_dm.shape[0]
mat = np.zeros([dim, dim], dtype=np.complex128)
aoslice = cell.aoslice_by_atom()
for iatm in range(cell.natm):
jatm = atm_map[iatm]
if iatm != jatm:
#sanity check
nao_i = aoslice[iatm][3] - aoslice[iatm][2]
nao_j = aoslice[jatm][3] - aoslice[jatm][2]
assert(nao_i == nao_j)
nshl_i = aoslice[iatm][1] - aoslice[iatm][0]
nshl_j = aoslice[jatm][1] - aoslice[jatm][0]
assert(nshl_i == nshl_j)
for ishl in range(nshl_i):
shl_i = ishl + aoslice[iatm][0]
shl_j = ishl + aoslice[jatm][0]
l_i = cell._bas[shl_i,1]
l_j = cell._bas[shl_j,1]
assert(l_i == l_j)
phase = phases[iatm]
ao_off_i = aoslice[iatm][2]
ao_off_j = aoslice[jatm][2]
shlid_0 = aoslice[iatm][0]
shlid_1 = aoslice[iatm][1]
for ishl in range(shlid_0, shlid_1):
l = cell.bas_angular(ishl)
Dmat = Dmats[l] * phase
if not cell.cart:
nao = 2 * l + 1
nao = (l+1) * (l+2) // 2
nc = cell.bas_nctr(ishl)
for _ in range(nc):
mat[ao_off_j:ao_off_j+nao, ao_off_i:ao_off_i+nao] = Dmat
ao_off_i += nao
ao_off_j += nao
assert ao_off_i == aoslice[iatm][3]
assert ao_off_j == aoslice[jatm][3]
return mat
def make_rot_loc(l_max, key):
l = np.arange(l_max+1)
if 'cart' in key:
dims = ((l+1)*(l+2)//2)**2
elif 'sph' in key:
dims = (l*2+1)**2
else: # spinor
raise NotImplementedError
rot_loc = np.empty(len(dims)+1, dtype=np.int32)
rot_loc[0] = 0
dims.cumsum(dtype=np.int32, out=rot_loc[1:])
return rot_loc
def is_eye(op):
raise NotImplementedError
def is_inversion(op):
raise NotImplementedError