Source code for pyscf.pbc.tdscf.krhf_slow_supercell

#  Author: Artem Pulkin
This and other `_slow` modules implement the time-dependent Hartree-Fock procedure. The primary performance drawback is
that, unlike other 'fast' routines with an implicit construction of the eigenvalue problem, these modules construct
TDHF matrices explicitly via an AO-MO transformation, i.e. with a O(N^5) complexity scaling. As a result, regular
`numpy.linalg.eig` can be used to retrieve TDHF roots in a reliable fashion without any issues related to the Davidson
procedure. Several variants of TDHF are available:

 * `pyscf.tdscf.rhf_slow`: the molecular implementation;
 * `pyscf.pbc.tdscf.rhf_slow`: PBC (periodic boundary condition) implementation for RHF objects of `pyscf.pbc.scf`
 * (this module) `pyscf.pbc.tdscf.krhf_slow_supercell`: PBC implementation for KRHF objects of `pyscf.pbc.scf` modules.
   Works with an arbitrary number of k-points but has a overhead due to an effective construction of a supercell.
 * `pyscf.pbc.tdscf.krhf_slow_gamma`: A Gamma-point calculation resembling the original `pyscf.pbc.tdscf.krhf`
   module. Despite its name, it accepts KRHF objects with an arbitrary number of k-points but finds only few TDHF roots
   corresponding to collective oscillations without momentum transfer;
 * `pyscf.pbc.tdscf.krhf_slow`: PBC implementation for KRHF objects of `pyscf.pbc.scf` modules. Works with
   an arbitrary number of k-points and employs k-point conservation (diagonalizes matrix blocks separately).

from pyscf.tdscf.common_slow import TDERIMatrixBlocks, PeriodicMFMixin
from pyscf.tdscf import rhf_slow

from pyscf.pbc.lib.kpts_helper import loop_kkk
from pyscf.lib import logger

import numpy
import scipy
from itertools import product

# Convention for these modules:
# * PhysERI, PhysERI4, PhysERI8 are 2-electron integral routines computed directly (for debug purposes), with a 4-fold
#   symmetry and with an 8-fold symmetry
# * vector_to_amplitudes reshapes and normalizes the solution
# * TDRHF provides a container

[docs] class PhysERI(PeriodicMFMixin, TDERIMatrixBlocks): def __init__(self, model, frozen=None): """ The TDHF ERI implementation performing a full transformation of integrals to Bloch functions. No symmetries are employed in this class. Args: model (KRHF): the base model; frozen (int, Iterable): the number of frozen valence orbitals or the list of frozen orbitals for all k-points or multiple lists of frozen orbitals for each k-point; """ TDERIMatrixBlocks.__init__(self) PeriodicMFMixin.__init__(self, model, frozen=frozen) # Phys representation self.__full_eri_k__ = {} for k in loop_kkk(len(model.kpts)): k = k + (self.kconserv[k],) self.__full_eri_k__[k] = self.ao2mo_k(tuple(self.mo_coeff[j] for j in k), k)
[docs] def ao2mo_k(self, coeff, k): """ Phys ERI in MO basis. Args: coeff (Iterable): MO orbitals; k (Iterable): the 4 k-points MOs correspond to; Returns: ERI in MO basis. """ coeff = (coeff[0], coeff[2], coeff[1], coeff[3]) k = (k[0], k[2], k[1], k[3]) result = self.model.with_df.ao2mo(coeff, tuple(self.model.kpts[i] for i in k), compact=False) return result.reshape( tuple(i.shape[1] for i in coeff) ).swapaxes(1, 2)
def __get_mo_energies__(self, k1, k2): """This routine collects occupied and virtual MO energies.""" return self.mo_energy[k1][:self.nocc[k1]], self.mo_energy[k2][self.nocc[k2]:]
[docs] def tdhf_diag_k(self, k1, k2): """ Retrieves the diagonal block. Args: k1 (int): first k-index (row); k2 (int): second k-index (column); Returns: The diagonal block. """ # Everything is already implemented in molecular code return super().tdhf_diag(k1, k2)
[docs] def tdhf_diag(self, pairs=None): """ Retrieves the merged diagonal block with specified or all possible k-index pairs. Args: pairs (Iterable): pairs of k-points to assmble; Returns: The diagonal block. """ if pairs is None: pairs = product(range(len(self.model.kpts)), range(len(self.model.kpts))) result = [] for k1, k2 in pairs: result.append(self.tdhf_diag_k(k1, k2)) return scipy.linalg.block_diag(*result)
def __calc_block__(self, item, k): if k in self.__full_eri_k__: slc = tuple(slice(self.nocc[_k]) if i == 'o' else slice(self.nocc[_k], None) for i, _k in zip(item, k)) return self.__full_eri_k__[k][slc] else: return numpy.zeros(tuple( self.nocc[_k] if i == 'o' else self.nmo[_k] - self.nocc[_k] for i, _k in zip(item, k) ))
[docs] def eri_mknj_k(self, item, k): """ Retrieves ERI block using 'mknj' notation. Args: item (str): a 4-character string of 'mknj' letters; k (Iterable): k indexes; Returns: The corresponding block of ERI (phys notation). """ # Everything is already implemented in molecular code return super().eri_mknj(item, k)
[docs] def eri_mknj(self, item, pairs_row=None, pairs_column=None): """ Retrieves the merged ERI block using 'mknj' notation with all k-indexes. Args: item (str): a 4-character string of 'mknj' letters; pairs_row (Iterable): iterator for pairs of row k-points (first index in the output matrix); pairs_column (Iterable): iterator for pairs of column k-points (second index in the output matrix); Returns: The corresponding block of ERI (phys notation). """ if pairs_row is None: pairs_row = product(range(len(self.model.kpts)), range(len(self.model.kpts))) if pairs_column is None: pairs_column = product(range(len(self.model.kpts)), range(len(self.model.kpts))) # Second index has to support re-iterations pairs_column = tuple(pairs_column) result = [] for k1, k2 in pairs_row: result.append([]) for k3, k4 in pairs_column: result[-1].append(self.eri_mknj_k(item, (k1, k2, k3, k4))) r = numpy.block(result) return r / len(self.model.kpts)
[docs] class PhysERI4(PhysERI): symmetries = [ ((0, 1, 2, 3), False), ((1, 0, 3, 2), False), ((2, 3, 0, 1), True), ((3, 2, 1, 0), True), ] def __init__(self, model, frozen=None): """ The TDHF ERI implementation performing a partial transformation of integrals to Bloch functions. A 4-fold symmetry of complex-valued wavefunctions is employed in this class. Args: model (KRHF): the base model; frozen (int, Iterable): the number of frozen valence orbitals or the list of frozen orbitals for all k-points or multiple lists of frozen orbitals for each k-point; """ TDERIMatrixBlocks.__init__(self) PeriodicMFMixin.__init__(self, model, frozen=frozen) def __calc_block__(self, item, k): if self.kconserv[k[:3]] == k[3]:, "Computing {} {} ...".format(''.join(item), repr(k))) return self.ao2mo_k(tuple( self.mo_coeff[_k][:, :self.nocc[_k]] if i == "o" else self.mo_coeff[_k][:, self.nocc[_k]:] for i, _k in zip(item, k) ), k) else: return numpy.zeros(tuple( self.nocc[_k] if i == 'o' else self.nmo[_k] - self.nocc[_k] for i, _k in zip(item, k) ))
[docs] class PhysERI8(PhysERI4): symmetries = [ ((0, 1, 2, 3), False), ((1, 0, 3, 2), False), ((2, 3, 0, 1), False), ((3, 2, 1, 0), False), ((2, 1, 0, 3), False), ((3, 0, 1, 2), False), ((0, 3, 2, 1), False), ((1, 2, 3, 0), False), ] def __init__(self, model, frozen=None): """ The TDHF ERI implementation performing a partial transformation of integrals to Bloch functions. An 8-fold symmetry of real-valued wavefunctions is employed in this class. Args: model (KRHF): the base model; frozen (int, Iterable): the number of frozen valence orbitals or the list of frozen orbitals for all k-points or multiple lists of frozen orbitals for each k-point; """ super().__init__(model, frozen=frozen)
[docs] def vector_to_amplitudes(vectors, nocc, nmo): """ Transforms (reshapes) and normalizes vectors into amplitudes. Args: vectors (numpy.ndarray): raw eigenvectors to transform; nocc (tuple): numbers of occupied orbitals; nmo (tuple): the total numbers of AOs per k-point; Returns: Amplitudes with the following shape: (# of roots, 2 (x or y), # of kpts, # of kpts, # of occupied orbitals, # of virtual orbitals). """ if not all(i == nocc[0] for i in nocc): raise NotImplementedError("Varying occupation numbers are not implemented yet") nk = len(nocc) nocc = nocc[0] if not all(i == nmo[0] for i in nmo): raise NotImplementedError("Varying AO spaces are not implemented yet") nmo = nmo[0] vectors = numpy.asanyarray(vectors) vectors = vectors.reshape(2, nk, nk, nocc, nmo-nocc, vectors.shape[1]) norm = (abs(vectors) ** 2).sum(axis=(1, 2, 3, 4)) norm = 2 * (norm[0] - norm[1]) vectors /= norm ** .5 return vectors.transpose(5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
[docs] class TDRHF(rhf_slow.TDRHF): eri4 = PhysERI4 eri8 = PhysERI8 v2a = staticmethod(vector_to_amplitudes)