#!/usr/bin/env python
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# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
Restricted coupled pertubed Hartree-Fock solver
import numpy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
def solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1=None,
max_cycle=50, tol=1e-9, hermi=False, verbose=logger.WARN,
fvind : function
Given density matrix, compute (ij|kl)D_{lk}*2 - (ij|kl)D_{jk}
hermi : boolean
Whether the matrix defined by fvind is Hermitian or not.
level_shift : float
Add to diagonal terms to slightly improve the convergence speed of
Krylov solver
if s1 is None:
return solve_nos1(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1,
max_cycle, tol, hermi, verbose, level_shift)
return solve_withs1(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1,
max_cycle, tol, hermi, verbose, level_shift)
kernel = solve
# h1 shape is (:,nvir,nocc)
def solve_nos1(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1,
max_cycle=50, tol=1e-9, hermi=False, verbose=logger.WARN,
'''For field independent basis. First order overlap matrix is zero
level_shift : float
Add to diagonal terms to slightly improve the convergence speed of
Krylov solver
assert not hermi
log = logger.new_logger(verbose=verbose)
t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
e_a = mo_energy[mo_occ==0]
e_i = mo_energy[mo_occ>0]
e_ai = 1 / (e_a[:,None] + level_shift - e_i)
mo1base = h1 * -e_ai
def vind_vo(mo1):
mo1 = mo1.reshape(h1.shape)
v = fvind(mo1).reshape(h1.shape)
if level_shift != 0:
v -= mo1 * level_shift
v *= e_ai
return v.ravel()
mo1 = lib.krylov(vind_vo, mo1base.ravel(),
tol=tol, max_cycle=max_cycle, hermi=hermi, verbose=log)
log.timer('krylov solver in CPHF', *t0)
return mo1.reshape(h1.shape), None
# h1 shape is (:,nocc+nvir,nocc)
def solve_withs1(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1,
max_cycle=50, tol=1e-9, hermi=False, verbose=logger.WARN,
'''For field dependent basis. First order overlap matrix is non-zero.
The first order orbitals are set to
C^1_{ij} = -1/2 S1
e1 = h1 - s1*e0 + (e0_j-e0_i)*c1 + vhf[c1]
level_shift : float
Add to diagonal terms to slightly improve the convergence speed of
Krylov solver
First order orbital coefficients (in MO basis) and first order orbital
energy matrix
assert not hermi
log = logger.new_logger(verbose=verbose)
t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
occidx = mo_occ > 0
viridx = mo_occ == 0
e_a = mo_energy[viridx]
e_i = mo_energy[occidx]
e_ai = 1 / (e_a[:,None] + level_shift - e_i)
nvir, nocc = e_ai.shape
nmo = nocc + nvir
s1 = s1.reshape(-1,nmo,nocc)
hs = mo1base = h1.reshape(-1,nmo,nocc) - s1*e_i
mo1base = hs.copy()
mo1base[:,viridx] *= -e_ai
mo1base[:,occidx] = -s1[:,occidx] * .5
def vind_vo(mo1):
mo1 = mo1.reshape(mo1base.shape)
v = fvind(mo1).reshape(mo1base.shape)
if level_shift != 0:
v -= mo1 * level_shift
v[:,viridx,:] *= e_ai
v[:,occidx,:] = 0
return v.ravel()
mo1 = lib.krylov(vind_vo, mo1base.ravel(),
tol=tol, max_cycle=max_cycle, hermi=hermi, verbose=log)
mo1 = mo1.reshape(mo1base.shape)
mo1[:,occidx] = mo1base[:,occidx]
log.timer('krylov solver in CPHF', *t0)
hs += fvind(mo1).reshape(mo1base.shape)
mo1[:,viridx] = hs[:,viridx] / (e_i - e_a[:,None])
# mo_e1 has the same symmetry as the first order Fock matrix (hermitian or
# anti-hermitian). mo_e1 = v1mo - s1*lib.direct_sum('i+j->ij',e_i,e_i)
mo_e1 = hs[:,occidx,:]
mo_e1 += mo1[:,occidx] * (e_i[:,None] - e_i)
if h1.ndim == 3:
return mo1, mo_e1
return mo1.reshape(h1.shape), mo_e1.reshape(nocc,nocc)
if __name__ == '__main__':
nd = 3
nocc = 5
nmo = 12
nvir = nmo - nocc
a = numpy.random.random((nocc*nvir,nocc*nvir))
a = a + a.T
def fvind(x):
v = numpy.dot(a,x[:,nocc:].reshape(-1,nocc*nvir).T)
v1 = numpy.zeros((nd,nmo,nocc))
v1[:,nocc:] = v.T.reshape(nd,nvir,nocc)
return v1
mo_energy = numpy.sort(numpy.random.random(nmo)) * 10
mo_occ = numpy.zeros(nmo)
mo_occ[:nocc] = 2
e_i = mo_energy[mo_occ>0]
e_a = mo_energy[mo_occ==0]
e_ai = 1 / lib.direct_sum('a-i->ai', e_a, e_i)
h1 = numpy.random.random((nd,nmo,nocc))
h1[:,:nocc,:nocc] = h1[:,:nocc,:nocc] + h1[:,:nocc,:nocc].transpose(0,2,1)
s1 = numpy.random.random((nd,nmo,nocc))
s1[:,:nocc,:nocc] = s1[:,:nocc,:nocc] + s1[:,:nocc,:nocc].transpose(0,2,1)
x = solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1, max_cycle=30)[0]
hs = h1.reshape(-1,nmo,nocc) - s1.reshape(-1,nmo,nocc)*e_i
print(abs(hs[:,nocc:] + fvind(x)[:,nocc:]+x[:,nocc:]/e_ai).sum())
xref = solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1*0, max_cycle=30)[0][:,mo_occ==0]
def fvind(x):
return numpy.dot(a,x.reshape(nd,nocc*nvir).T).T.reshape(nd,nvir,nocc)
h1 = h1[:,nocc:]
x0 = numpy.linalg.solve(numpy.diag(1/e_ai.ravel())+a, -h1.reshape(nd,-1).T).T.reshape(nd,nvir,nocc)
x1 = solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, max_cycle=30)[0]
print(abs(h1 + fvind(x1)+x1/e_ai).sum())