#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
Non-relativistic generalized Hartree-Fock with point group symmetry.
from functools import reduce
import numpy
import scipy.linalg
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf import symm
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.scf import hf
from pyscf.scf import hf_symm
from pyscf.scf import ghf
from pyscf.scf import chkfile
from pyscf import __config__
WITH_META_LOWDIN = getattr(__config__, 'scf_analyze_with_meta_lowdin', True)
MO_BASE = getattr(__config__, 'MO_BASE', 1)
def analyze(mf, verbose=logger.DEBUG, with_meta_lowdin=WITH_META_LOWDIN,
mol = mf.mol
mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
ovlp_ao = mf.get_ovlp()
log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
if log.verbose >= logger.NOTE:
nirrep = len(mol.irrep_id)
orbsym = mf.get_orbsym(mo_coeff, ovlp_ao)
wfnsym = 0
noccs = [sum(orbsym[mo_occ>0]==ir) for ir in mol.irrep_id]
log.note('total symmetry = %s', symm.irrep_id2name(mol.groupname, wfnsym))
log.note('occupancy for each irrep: ' + (' %4s'*nirrep), *mol.irrep_name)
log.note('double occ ' + (' %4d'*nirrep), *noccs)
log.note('**** MO energy ****')
irname_full = {}
for k,ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id):
irname_full[ir] = mol.irrep_name[k]
irorbcnt = {}
for k, j in enumerate(orbsym):
if j in irorbcnt:
irorbcnt[j] += 1
irorbcnt[j] = 1
log.note('MO #%d (%s #%d), energy= %.15g occ= %g',
k+MO_BASE, irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j], mo_energy[k],
dm = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
dip = mf.dip_moment(mol, dm, verbose=log)
if with_meta_lowdin:
pop_and_chg = mf.mulliken_meta(mol, dm, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log)
pop_and_chg = mf.mulliken_pop(mol, dm, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log)
return pop_and_chg, dip
def canonicalize(mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None):
'''Canonicalization diagonalizes the UHF Fock matrix in occupied, virtual
subspaces separatedly (without change occupancy).
mol = mf.mol
if not mol.symmetry:
raise RuntimeError('mol.symmetry not enabled')
if getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None) is not None:
return hf_symm.canonicalize(mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock)
raise NotImplementedError
class SymAdaptedGHF(ghf.GHF):
__doc__ = ghf.GHF.__doc__ + '''
Attributes for symmetry allowed GHF:
irrep_nelec : dict
Specify the number of electrons for particular irrep
{'ir_name':int, ...}.
For the irreps not listed in these dicts, the program will choose the
occupancy based on the orbital energies.
_keys = {'irrep_nelec'}
def __init__(self, mol):
ghf.GHF.__init__(self, mol)
# number of electrons for each irreps
self.irrep_nelec = {}
def dump_flags(self, verbose=None):
ghf.GHF.dump_flags(self, verbose)
if self.irrep_nelec:
logger.info(self, 'irrep_nelec %s', self.irrep_nelec)
return self
def build(self, mol=None):
if mol is None: mol = self.mol
if not mol.symmetry:
raise RuntimeError('mol.symmetry not enabled')
for irname in self.irrep_nelec:
if irname not in mol.irrep_name:
logger.warn(self, 'Molecule does not have irrep %s', irname)
nelec_fix = self.irrep_nelec.values()
if any(isinstance(x, (tuple, list)) for x in nelec_fix):
msg =('Number of alpha/beta electrons cannot be assigned '
'separately in GHF. irrep_nelec = %s' % self.irrep_nelec)
raise ValueError(msg)
nelec_fix = sum(nelec_fix)
float_irname = set(mol.irrep_name) - set(self.irrep_nelec)
if nelec_fix > mol.nelectron:
msg =('More electrons defined by irrep_nelec than total num electrons. '
'mol.nelectron = %d irrep_nelec = %s' %
(mol.nelectron, self.irrep_nelec))
raise ValueError(msg)
logger.info(mol, 'Freeze %d electrons in irreps %s',
nelec_fix, self.irrep_nelec.keys())
if len(float_irname) == 0 and nelec_fix != mol.nelectron:
msg =('Num electrons defined by irrep_nelec != total num electrons. '
'mol.nelectron = %d irrep_nelec = %s' %
(mol.nelectron, self.irrep_nelec))
raise ValueError(msg)
logger.info(mol, ' %d free electrons in irreps %s',
mol.nelectron-nelec_fix, ' '.join(float_irname))
return ghf.GHF.build(self, mol)
def eig(self, h, s, symm_orb=None, irrep_id=None):
if symm_orb is None or irrep_id is None:
mol = self.mol
symm_orb = mol.symm_orb
irrep_id = mol.irrep_id
nirrep = len(symm_orb)
symm_orb = [scipy.linalg.block_diag(c, c) for c in symm_orb]
s = [reduce(numpy.dot, (c.T,s,c)) for c in symm_orb]
h = [reduce(numpy.dot, (c.T,h,c)) for c in symm_orb]
cs = []
es = []
orbsym = []
for ir in range(nirrep):
e, c = self._eigh(h[ir], s[ir])
orbsym.append([irrep_id[ir]] * e.size)
e = numpy.hstack(es)
c = hf_symm.so2ao_mo_coeff(symm_orb, cs)
c = lib.tag_array(c, orbsym=numpy.hstack(orbsym))
return e, c
def get_grad(self, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None):
g = ghf.GHF.get_grad(self, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock)
occidx = mo_occ > 0
viridx = ~occidx
orbsym = self.get_orbsym(mo_coeff)
sym_forbid = orbsym[viridx].reshape(-1,1) != orbsym[occidx]
g[sym_forbid.ravel()] = 0
return g
def get_occ(self, mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None):
''' We assumed mo_energy are grouped by symmetry irreps, (see function
self.eig). The orbitals are sorted after SCF.
if mo_energy is None: mo_energy = self.mo_energy
mol = self.mol
if not mol.symmetry:
raise RuntimeError('mol.symmetry not enabled')
orbsym = self.get_orbsym(mo_coeff)
mo_occ = numpy.zeros_like(mo_energy)
rest_idx = numpy.ones(mo_occ.size, dtype=bool)
nelec_fix = 0
for i, ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id):
irname = mol.irrep_name[i]
ir_idx = numpy.where(orbsym == ir)[0]
if irname in self.irrep_nelec:
n = self.irrep_nelec[irname]
occ_sort = numpy.argsort(mo_energy[ir_idx].round(9), kind='stable')
occ_idx = ir_idx[occ_sort[:n]]
mo_occ[occ_idx] = 1
nelec_fix += n
rest_idx[ir_idx] = False
nelec_float = mol.nelectron - nelec_fix
assert (nelec_float >= 0)
if nelec_float > 0:
rest_idx = numpy.where(rest_idx)[0]
occ_sort = numpy.argsort(mo_energy[rest_idx].round(9), kind='stable')
occ_idx = rest_idx[occ_sort[:nelec_float]]
mo_occ[occ_idx] = 1
vir_idx = (mo_occ==0)
if self.verbose >= logger.INFO and numpy.count_nonzero(vir_idx) > 0:
ehomo = max(mo_energy[~vir_idx])
elumo = min(mo_energy[ vir_idx])
noccs = []
for i, ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id):
irname = mol.irrep_name[i]
ir_idx = (orbsym == ir)
if ehomo in mo_energy[ir_idx]:
irhomo = irname
if elumo in mo_energy[ir_idx]:
irlumo = irname
logger.info(self, 'HOMO (%s) = %.15g LUMO (%s) = %.15g',
irhomo, ehomo, irlumo, elumo)
logger.debug(self, 'irrep_nelec = %s', noccs)
hf_symm._dump_mo_energy(mol, mo_energy, mo_occ, ehomo, elumo, orbsym,
if mo_coeff is not None and self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
ss, s = self.spin_square(mo_coeff[:,mo_occ>0], self.get_ovlp())
logger.debug(self, 'multiplicity <S^2> = %.8g 2S+1 = %.8g', ss, s)
return mo_occ
def _finalize(self):
# Using mergesort because it is stable. We don't want to change the
# ordering of the symmetry labels when two orbitals are degenerated.
o_sort = numpy.argsort(self.mo_energy[self.mo_occ> 0].round(9), kind='stable')
v_sort = numpy.argsort(self.mo_energy[self.mo_occ==0].round(9), kind='stable')
orbsym = self.get_orbsym(self.mo_coeff)
self.mo_energy = numpy.hstack((self.mo_energy[self.mo_occ> 0][o_sort],
self.mo_coeff = numpy.hstack((self.mo_coeff[:,self.mo_occ> 0].take(o_sort, axis=1),
self.mo_coeff[:,self.mo_occ==0].take(v_sort, axis=1)))
orbsym = numpy.hstack((orbsym[self.mo_occ> 0][o_sort],
self.mo_coeff = lib.tag_array(self.mo_coeff, orbsym=orbsym)
nocc = len(o_sort)
self.mo_occ[:nocc] = 1
self.mo_occ[nocc:] = 0
if self.chkfile:
chkfile.dump_scf(self.mol, self.chkfile, self.e_tot, self.mo_energy,
self.mo_coeff, self.mo_occ, overwrite_mol=False)
return self
def analyze(self, verbose=None, **kwargs):
if verbose is None: verbose = self.verbose
return analyze(self, verbose, **kwargs)
def get_irrep_nelec(self, mol=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, s=None):
if mol is None: mol = self.mol
if mo_occ is None: mo_occ = self.mo_occ
if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff
if s is None: s = self.get_ovlp()
return hf_symm.get_irrep_nelec(mol, mo_coeff, mo_occ, s)
canonicalize = canonicalize
def get_orbsym(self, mo_coeff=None, s=None):
if mo_coeff is None:
mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff
if getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None) is not None:
return mo_coeff.orbsym
if s is None:
s = self.get_ovlp()
return numpy.asarray(get_orbsym(self.mol, mo_coeff, s))
orbsym = property(get_orbsym)
to_gpu = lib.to_gpu
GHF = SymAdaptedGHF
class HF1e(GHF):
scf = hf._hf1e_scf
def get_orbsym(mol, mo_coeff, s=None, check=False, symm_orb=None, irrep_id=None):
if symm_orb is None or irrep_id is None:
symm_orb = mol.symm_orb
irrep_id = mol.irrep_id
if mo_coeff is None:
orbsym = numpy.hstack([[ir] * symm_orb[i].shape[1]
for i, ir in enumerate(irrep_id)])
elif getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None) is not None:
orbsym = mo_coeff.orbsym
nao = mo_coeff.shape[0] // 2
if isinstance(s, numpy.ndarray):
assert (s.size == nao**2 or numpy.allclose(s[:nao,:nao], s[nao:,nao:]))
s = s[:nao,:nao]
mo_a = mo_coeff[:nao].copy()
mo_b = mo_coeff[nao:]
zero_alpha_idx = numpy.linalg.norm(mo_a, axis=0) < 1e-7
mo_a[:,zero_alpha_idx] = mo_b[:,zero_alpha_idx]
orbsym = symm.label_orb_symm(mol, irrep_id, symm_orb,
mo_a, s, check)
return numpy.asarray(orbsym)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from pyscf import gto
mol = gto.Mole()
verbose = 1,
output = None,
atom = [['O', (0.,0.,0.)],
['O', (0.,0.,1.)], ],
basis = {'O': 'ccpvdz'},
symmetry = True,
charge = -1,
spin = 1
method = GHF(mol)
method.verbose = 5
method.irrep_nelec['A1u'] = 1
energy = method.kernel()
print(energy - -126.117033823738)
method.canonicalize(method.mo_coeff, method.mo_occ)