#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
'''Wave Function Stability Analysis
JCP 66, 3045 (1977); DOI:10.1063/1.434318
JCP 104, 9047 (1996); DOI:10.1063/1.471637
See also tddft/rhf.py and scf/newton_ah.py
import numpy
import scipy
from functools import reduce
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.scf import hf, hf_symm, uhf_symm
from pyscf.scf import _response_functions # noqa
from pyscf.soscf import newton_ah
def rhf_stability(mf, internal=True, external=False, verbose=None, return_status=False):
Stability analysis for RHF/RKS method.
mf : RHF or RKS object
internal : bool
Internal stability, within the RHF space.
external : bool
External stability. Including the RHF -> UHF and real -> complex
stability analysis.
return_status: bool
Whether to return `stable_i` and `stable_e`
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes
two set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition.
The first corresponds to the internal stability
and the second corresponds to the external stability.
Else, another two boolean variables (indicating current status:
stable or unstable) are returned.
The first corresponds to the internal stability
and the second corresponds to the external stability.
mo_i = mo_e = None
if return_status:
stable_i = stable_e = None
if internal:
mo_i, stable_i = rhf_internal(mf, verbose=verbose, return_status=True)
if external:
mo_e, stable_e = rhf_external(mf, verbose=verbose, return_status=True)
return mo_i, mo_e, stable_i, stable_e
if internal:
mo_i = rhf_internal(mf, verbose=verbose)
if external:
mo_e = rhf_external(mf, verbose=verbose)
return mo_i, mo_e
def uhf_stability(mf, internal=True, external=False, verbose=None, return_status=False):
Stability analysis for UHF/UKS method.
mf : UHF or UKS object
internal : bool
Internal stability, within the UHF space.
external : bool
External stability. Including the UHF -> GHF and real -> complex
stability analysis.
return_status: bool
Whether to return `stable_i` and `stable_e`
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes
two set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition.
The first corresponds to the internal stability
and the second corresponds to the external stability.
Else, another two boolean variables (indicating current status:
stable or unstable) are returned.
The first corresponds to the internal stability
and the second corresponds to the external stability.
mo_i = mo_e = None
if return_status:
stable_i = stable_e = None
if internal:
mo_i, stable_i = uhf_internal(mf, verbose=verbose, return_status=True)
if external:
mo_e, stable_e = uhf_external(mf, verbose=verbose, return_status=True)
return mo_i, mo_e, stable_i, stable_e
if internal:
mo_i = uhf_internal(mf, verbose=verbose)
if external:
mo_e = uhf_external(mf, verbose=verbose)
return mo_i, mo_e
def rohf_stability(mf, internal=True, external=False, verbose=None, return_status=False):
Stability analysis for ROHF/ROKS method.
mf : ROHF or ROKS object
internal : bool
Internal stability, within the RHF space.
external : bool
External stability. It is not available in current version.
return_status: bool
Whether to return `stable_i` and `stable_e`
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes
two set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition.
The first corresponds to the internal stability
and the second corresponds to the external stability.
Else, another two boolean variables (indicating current status:
stable or unstable) are returned.
The first corresponds to the internal stability
and the second corresponds to the external stability.
mo_i = mo_e = None
if return_status:
stable_i = stable_e = None
if internal:
mo_i, stable_i = rohf_internal(mf, verbose=verbose, return_status=True)
if external:
mo_e, stable_e = rohf_external(mf, verbose=verbose, return_status=True)
return mo_i, mo_e, stable_i, stable_e
if internal:
mo_i = rohf_internal(mf, verbose=verbose)
if external:
mo_e = rohf_external(mf, verbose=verbose)
return mo_i, mo_e
def ghf_stability(mf, verbose=None, return_status=False):
Stability analysis for GHF/GKS method.
mf : GHF or GKS object
return_status: bool
Whether to return `stable_i` and `stable_e`
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes
a new set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition.
Else, another one boolean variable (indicating current status:
stable or unstable) is returned.
log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
with_symmetry = True
g, hop, hdiag = newton_ah.gen_g_hop_ghf(mf, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ)
hdiag *= 2
stable = True
def precond(dx, e, x0):
hdiagd = hdiag - e
hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
return dx/hdiagd
def hessian_x(x): # See comments in function rhf_internal
return hop(x).real * 2
x0 = numpy.zeros_like(g)
x0[g!=0] = 1. / hdiag[g!=0]
if not with_symmetry: # allow to break point group symmetry
x0[numpy.argmin(hdiag)] = 1
e, v = lib.davidson(hessian_x, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
if e < -1e-5:
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction has an internal instability')
mo = _rotate_mo(mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ, v)
stable = False
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction is stable in the internal '
'stability analysis')
mo = mf.mo_coeff
if return_status:
return mo, stable
return mo
def dhf_stability(mf, verbose=None, return_status=False):
Stability analysis for DHF/DKS method.
mf : DHF or DKS object
return_status: bool
Whether to return `stable_i` and `stable_e`
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes
a new set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition.
Else, another one boolean variable (indicating current status:
stable or unstable) is returned.
log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
g, hop, hdiag = newton_ah.gen_g_hop_dhf(mf, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ)
hdiag *= 2
stable = True
def precond(dx, e, x0):
hdiagd = hdiag - e
hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
return dx/hdiagd
def hessian_x(x): # See comments in function rhf_internal
return hop(x).real * 2
x0 = numpy.zeros_like(g)
x0[g!=0] = 1. / hdiag[g!=0]
x0[numpy.argmin(hdiag)] = 1
e, v = lib.davidson(hessian_x, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
if e < -1e-5:
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction has an internal instability')
mo = _rotate_mo(mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ, v)
stable = False
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction is stable in the internal '
'stability analysis')
mo = mf.mo_coeff
if return_status:
return mo, stable
return mo
def rhf_internal(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None, return_status=False):
log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
g, hop, hdiag = newton_ah.gen_g_hop_rhf(mf, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ,
hdiag *= 2
stable = True
def precond(dx, e, x0):
hdiagd = hdiag - e
hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
return dx/hdiagd
# The results of hop(x) corresponds to a displacement that reduces
# gradients g. It is the vir-occ block of the matrix vector product
# (Hessian*x). The occ-vir block equals to x2.T.conj(). The overall
# Hessian for internal reotation is x2 + x2.T.conj(). This is
# the reason we apply (.real * 2) below
def hessian_x(x):
return hop(x).real * 2
x0 = numpy.zeros_like(g)
x0[g!=0] = 1. / hdiag[g!=0]
if not with_symmetry: # allow to break point group symmetry
x0[numpy.argmin(hdiag)] = 1
e, v = lib.davidson(hessian_x, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
if e < -1e-5:
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction has an internal instability')
mo = _rotate_mo(mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ, v)
stable = False
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction is stable in the internal '
'stability analysis')
mo = mf.mo_coeff
if return_status:
return mo, stable
return mo
def _rotate_mo(mo_coeff, mo_occ, dx):
dr = hf.unpack_uniq_var(dx, mo_occ)
u = newton_ah.expmat(dr)
return numpy.dot(mo_coeff, u)
def _gen_hop_rhf_external(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None):
mol = mf.mol
mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
occidx = numpy.where(mo_occ==2)[0]
viridx = numpy.where(mo_occ==0)[0]
nocc = len(occidx)
nvir = len(viridx)
orbv = mo_coeff[:,viridx]
orbo = mo_coeff[:,occidx]
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
orbsym = hf_symm.get_orbsym(mol, mo_coeff)
sym_forbid = orbsym[viridx].reshape(-1,1) != orbsym[occidx]
h1e = mf.get_hcore()
dm0 = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
fock_ao = h1e + mf.get_veff(mol, dm0)
fock = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff.conj().T, fock_ao, mo_coeff))
foo = fock[occidx[:,None],occidx]
fvv = fock[viridx[:,None],viridx]
hdiag = fvv.diagonal().reshape(-1,1) - foo.diagonal()
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
hdiag[sym_forbid] = 0
hdiag = hdiag.ravel()
vrespz = mf.gen_response(singlet=None, hermi=2)
def hop_real2complex(x1):
x1 = x1.reshape(nvir,nocc)
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
x1 = x1.copy()
x1[sym_forbid] = 0
x2 = numpy.einsum('ps,sq->pq', fvv, x1)
x2-= numpy.einsum('ps,rp->rs', foo, x1)
d1 = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv, x1*2, orbo.conj().T))
dm1 = d1 - d1.conj().T
# No Coulomb and fxc contribution for anti-hermitian DM
v1 = vrespz(dm1)
x2 += reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv.conj().T, v1, orbo))
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
x2[sym_forbid] = 0
return x2.ravel()
vresp1 = mf.gen_response(singlet=False, hermi=1)
def hop_rhf2uhf(x1):
# See also rhf.TDA triplet excitation
x1 = x1.reshape(nvir,nocc)
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
x1 = x1.copy()
x1[sym_forbid] = 0
x2 = numpy.einsum('ps,sq->pq', fvv, x1)
x2-= numpy.einsum('ps,rp->rs', foo, x1)
d1 = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv, x1*2, orbo.conj().T))
dm1 = d1 + d1.conj().T
v1ao = vresp1(dm1)
x2 += reduce(numpy.dot, (orbv.conj().T, v1ao, orbo))
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
x2[sym_forbid] = 0
return x2.real.ravel()
return hop_real2complex, hdiag, hop_rhf2uhf, hdiag
def rhf_external(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None, return_status=False):
log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
hop1, hdiag1, hop2, hdiag2 = _gen_hop_rhf_external(mf, with_symmetry)
stable = True
def precond(dx, e, x0):
hdiagd = hdiag1 - e
hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
return dx/hdiagd
x0 = numpy.zeros_like(hdiag1)
x0[hdiag1>1e-5] = 1. / hdiag1[hdiag1>1e-5]
if not with_symmetry: # allow to break point group symmetry
x0[numpy.argmin(hdiag1)] = 1
e1, v1 = lib.davidson(hop1, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
if e1 < -1e-5:
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction has a real -> complex instability')
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction is stable in the real -> complex '
'stability analysis')
def precond(dx, e, x0):
hdiagd = hdiag2 - e
hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
return dx/hdiagd
x0 = numpy.zeros_like(hdiag2)
x0[hdiag2>1e-5] = 1. / hdiag2[hdiag2>1e-5]
e3, v3 = lib.davidson(hop2, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
if e3 < -1e-5:
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction has a RHF/RKS -> UHF/UKS instability.')
mo = (_rotate_mo(mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ, v3), mf.mo_coeff)
stable = False
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction is stable in the RHF/RKS -> '
'UHF/UKS stability analysis')
mo = (mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_coeff)
if return_status:
return mo, stable
return mo
def rohf_internal(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None, return_status=False):
log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
g, hop, hdiag = newton_ah.gen_g_hop_rohf(mf, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ,
hdiag *= 2
stable = True
def precond(dx, e, x0):
hdiagd = hdiag - e
hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
return dx/hdiagd
def hessian_x(x): # See comments in function rhf_internal
return hop(x).real * 2
x0 = numpy.zeros_like(g)
x0[g!=0] = 1. / hdiag[g!=0]
if not with_symmetry: # allow to break point group symmetry
x0[numpy.argmin(hdiag)] = 1
e, v = lib.davidson(hessian_x, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
if e < -1e-5:
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction has an internal instability.')
mo = _rotate_mo(mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ, v)
stable = False
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction is stable in the internal '
'stability analysis')
mo = mf.mo_coeff
if return_status:
return mo, stable
return mo
def rohf_external(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None, return_status=False):
raise NotImplementedError
def uhf_internal(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None, return_status=False):
log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
g, hop, hdiag = newton_ah.gen_g_hop_uhf(mf, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ,
hdiag *= 2
stable = True
def precond(dx, e, x0):
hdiagd = hdiag - e
hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
return dx/hdiagd
def hessian_x(x): # See comments in function rhf_internal
return hop(x).real * 2
x0 = numpy.zeros_like(g)
x0[g!=0] = 1. / hdiag[g!=0]
if not with_symmetry: # allow to break point group symmetry
x0[numpy.argmin(hdiag)] = 1
e, v = lib.davidson(hessian_x, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
if e < -1e-5:
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction has an internal instability.')
nocca = numpy.count_nonzero(mf.mo_occ[0]> 0)
nvira = numpy.count_nonzero(mf.mo_occ[0]==0)
mo = (_rotate_mo(mf.mo_coeff[0], mf.mo_occ[0], v[:nocca*nvira]),
_rotate_mo(mf.mo_coeff[1], mf.mo_occ[1], v[nocca*nvira:]))
stable = False
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction is stable in the internal '
'stability analysis')
mo = mf.mo_coeff
if return_status:
return mo, stable
return mo
def _gen_hop_uhf_external(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None):
mol = mf.mol
mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
occidxa = numpy.where(mo_occ[0]>0)[0]
occidxb = numpy.where(mo_occ[1]>0)[0]
viridxa = numpy.where(mo_occ[0]==0)[0]
viridxb = numpy.where(mo_occ[1]==0)[0]
nocca = len(occidxa)
noccb = len(occidxb)
nvira = len(viridxa)
nvirb = len(viridxb)
orboa = mo_coeff[0][:,occidxa]
orbob = mo_coeff[1][:,occidxb]
orbva = mo_coeff[0][:,viridxa]
orbvb = mo_coeff[1][:,viridxb]
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
orbsyma, orbsymb = uhf_symm.get_orbsym(mol, mo_coeff)
sym_forbida = orbsyma[viridxa].reshape(-1,1) != orbsyma[occidxa]
sym_forbidb = orbsymb[viridxb].reshape(-1,1) != orbsymb[occidxb]
sym_forbid1 = numpy.hstack((sym_forbida.ravel(), sym_forbidb.ravel()))
h1e = mf.get_hcore()
dm0 = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
fock_ao = h1e + mf.get_veff(mol, dm0)
focka = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff[0].conj().T, fock_ao[0], mo_coeff[0]))
fockb = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff[1].conj().T, fock_ao[1], mo_coeff[1]))
fooa = focka[occidxa[:,None],occidxa]
fvva = focka[viridxa[:,None],viridxa]
foob = fockb[occidxb[:,None],occidxb]
fvvb = fockb[viridxb[:,None],viridxb]
h_diaga =(focka[viridxa,viridxa].reshape(-1,1) - focka[occidxa,occidxa])
h_diagb =(fockb[viridxb,viridxb].reshape(-1,1) - fockb[occidxb,occidxb])
hdiag1 = numpy.hstack((h_diaga.reshape(-1), h_diagb.reshape(-1)))
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
hdiag1[sym_forbid1] = 0
vrespz = mf.gen_response(with_j=False, hermi=2)
def hop_real2complex(x1):
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
x1 = x1.copy()
x1[sym_forbid1] = 0
x1a = x1[:nvira*nocca].reshape(nvira,nocca)
x1b = x1[nvira*nocca:].reshape(nvirb,noccb)
x2a = numpy.einsum('pr,rq->pq', fvva, x1a)
x2a-= numpy.einsum('sq,ps->pq', fooa, x1a)
x2b = numpy.einsum('pr,rq->pq', fvvb, x1b)
x2b-= numpy.einsum('qs,ps->pq', foob, x1b)
d1a = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbva, x1a, orboa.conj().T))
d1b = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbvb, x1b, orbob.conj().T))
dm1 = numpy.array((d1a-d1a.conj().T, d1b-d1b.conj().T))
v1 = vrespz(dm1)
x2a += reduce(numpy.dot, (orbva.conj().T, v1[0], orboa))
x2b += reduce(numpy.dot, (orbvb.conj().T, v1[1], orbob))
x2 = numpy.hstack((x2a.ravel(), x2b.ravel()))
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
x2[sym_forbid1] = 0
return x2
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
orbsyma, orbsymb = uhf_symm.get_orbsym(mol, mo_coeff)
sym_forbidab = orbsyma[viridxa].reshape(-1,1) != orbsymb[occidxb]
sym_forbidba = orbsymb[viridxb].reshape(-1,1) != orbsyma[occidxa]
sym_forbid2 = numpy.hstack((sym_forbidab.ravel(), sym_forbidba.ravel()))
hdiagab = fvva.diagonal().reshape(-1,1) - foob.diagonal()
hdiagba = fvvb.diagonal().reshape(-1,1) - fooa.diagonal()
hdiag2 = numpy.hstack((hdiagab.ravel(), hdiagba.ravel()))
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
hdiag2[sym_forbid2] = 0
vresp1 = mf.gen_response(with_j=False, hermi=0)
# Spin flip GHF solution is not considered
def hop_uhf2ghf(x1):
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
x1 = x1.copy()
x1[sym_forbid2] = 0
x1ab = x1[:nvira*noccb].reshape(nvira,noccb)
x1ba = x1[nvira*noccb:].reshape(nvirb,nocca)
x2ab = numpy.einsum('pr,rq->pq', fvva, x1ab)
x2ab-= numpy.einsum('sq,ps->pq', foob, x1ab)
x2ba = numpy.einsum('pr,rq->pq', fvvb, x1ba)
x2ba-= numpy.einsum('qs,ps->pq', fooa, x1ba)
d1ab = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbva, x1ab, orbob.conj().T))
d1ba = reduce(numpy.dot, (orbvb, x1ba, orboa.conj().T))
dm1 = numpy.array((d1ab+d1ba.conj().T, d1ba+d1ab.conj().T))
v1 = vresp1(dm1)
x2ab += reduce(numpy.dot, (orbva.conj().T, v1[0], orbob))
x2ba += reduce(numpy.dot, (orbvb.conj().T, v1[1], orboa))
x2 = numpy.hstack((x2ab.real.ravel(), x2ba.real.ravel()))
if with_symmetry and mol.symmetry:
x2[sym_forbid2] = 0
return x2
return hop_real2complex, hdiag1, hop_uhf2ghf, hdiag2
def uhf_external(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None, return_status=False):
log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
hop1, hdiag1, hop2, hdiag2 = _gen_hop_uhf_external(mf, with_symmetry)
stable = True
def precond(dx, e, x0):
hdiagd = hdiag1 - e
hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
return dx/hdiagd
x0 = numpy.zeros_like(hdiag1)
x0[hdiag1>1e-5] = 1. / hdiag1[hdiag1>1e-5]
if not with_symmetry: # allow to break point group symmetry
x0[numpy.argmin(hdiag1)] = 1
e1, v = lib.davidson(hop1, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
if e1 < -1e-5:
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction has a real -> complex instability')
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction is stable in the real -> complex '
'stability analysis')
def precond(dx, e, x0):
hdiagd = hdiag2 - e
hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
return dx/hdiagd
x0 = numpy.zeros_like(hdiag2)
x0[hdiag2>1e-5] = 1. / hdiag2[hdiag2>1e-5]
if not with_symmetry: # allow to break point group symmetry
x0[numpy.argmin(hdiag2)] = 1
e3, v = lib.davidson(hop2, x0, precond, tol=1e-4, verbose=log)
log.debug('uhf_external: lowest eigs of H = %s', e3)
mo = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*mf.mo_coeff)
if e3 < -1e-5:
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction has an UHF/UKS -> GHF/GKS instability.')
occidxa = numpy.where(mf.mo_occ[0]> 0)[0]
viridxa = numpy.where(mf.mo_occ[0]==0)[0]
occidxb = numpy.where(mf.mo_occ[1]> 0)[0]
viridxb = numpy.where(mf.mo_occ[1]==0)[0]
nocca = len(occidxa)
nvira = len(viridxa)
noccb = len(occidxb)
nvirb = len(viridxb)
nmo = nocca + nvira
dx = numpy.zeros((nmo*2,nmo*2))
dx[viridxa[:,None],nmo+occidxb] = v[:nvira*noccb].reshape(nvira,noccb)
dx[nmo+viridxb[:,None],occidxa] = v[nvira*noccb:].reshape(nvirb,nocca)
u = newton_ah.expmat(dx - dx.conj().T)
mo = numpy.dot(mo, u)
mo = numpy.hstack([mo[:,:nocca], mo[:,nmo:nmo+noccb],
mo[:,nocca:nmo], mo[:,nmo+noccb:]])
stable = False
log.note(f'{mf.__class__} wavefunction is stable in the UHF/UKS -> '
'GHF/GKS stability analysis')
if return_status:
return mo, stable
return mo
if __name__ == '__main__':
from pyscf import gto, scf, dft
mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; O 0 0 1.2222', basis='631g*')
mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()
rhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)
mf = dft.RKS(mol).run(level_shift=.2)
rhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)
mf = scf.UHF(mol).run()
mo1 = uhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)[0]
mf = scf.newton(mf).run(mo1, mf.mo_occ)
uhf_stability(mf, True, False, verbose=4)
mf = scf.newton(scf.UHF(mol)).run()
uhf_stability(mf, True, False, verbose=4)
mol.spin = 2
mf = scf.UHF(mol).run()
uhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)
mf = dft.UKS(mol).run()
uhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)
mol = gto.M(atom='''
O2 1 1.2227
O3 1 1.2227 2 114.0451
''', basis = '631g*')
mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()
rhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)
mf = scf.UHF(mol).run()
mo1 = uhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)[0]
mf = scf.newton(scf.UHF(mol)).run()
uhf_stability(mf, True, True, verbose=4)