#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2021 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
import sys
import numpy
import scipy.linalg
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf import __config__
def expmat(a):
return scipy.linalg.expm(a)
class CIAHOptimizerMixin:
conv_tol_grad = getattr(__config__, 'soscf_ciah_CIAHOptimizer_conv_tol_grad', 1e-4)
max_stepsize = getattr(__config__, 'soscf_ciah_CIAHOptimizer_max_stepsize', .05)
max_iters = getattr(__config__, 'soscf_ciah_CIAHOptimizer_max_iters', 10)
kf_interval = getattr(__config__, 'soscf_ciah_CIAHOptimizer_kf_interval', 5)
kf_trust_region = getattr(__config__, 'soscf_ciah_CIAHOptimizer_kf_trust_region', 5)
ah_start_tol = getattr(__config__, 'soscf_ciah_CIAHOptimizer_ah_start_tol', 5.)
ah_start_cycle = getattr(__config__, 'soscf_ciah_CIAHOptimizer_ah_start_cycle', 1)
ah_level_shift = getattr(__config__, 'soscf_ciah_CIAHOptimizer_ah_level_shift', 0)
ah_conv_tol = getattr(__config__, 'soscf_ciah_CIAHOptimizer_ah_conv_tol', 1e-12)
ah_lindep = getattr(__config__, 'soscf_ciah_CIAHOptimizer_ah_lindep', 1e-14)
ah_max_cycle = getattr(__config__, 'soscf_ciah_CIAHOptimizer_ah_max_cycle', 30)
ah_trust_region = getattr(__config__, 'soscf_ciah_CIAHOptimizer_ah_trust_region', 3.)
_keys = {
'conv_tol_grad', 'max_stepsize', 'max_iters', 'kf_interval',
'kf_trust_region', 'ah_start_tol', 'ah_start_cycle', 'ah_level_shift',
'ah_conv_tol', 'ah_lindep', 'ah_max_cycle', 'ah_trust_region',
def gen_g_hop(self, u):
raise NotImplementedError
def pack_uniq_var(self, mat):
nmo = mat.shape[0]
idx = numpy.tril_indices(nmo, -1)
return mat[idx]
def unpack_uniq_var(self, v):
nmo = int(numpy.sqrt(v.size*2)) + 1
idx = numpy.tril_indices(nmo, -1)
mat = numpy.zeros((nmo,nmo))
mat[idx] = v
return mat - mat.conj().T
def get_grad(self, u):
raise NotImplementedError
def cost_function(self, u):
raise NotImplementedError
def rotate_orb_cc(iah, u0, conv_tol_grad=None, verbose=logger.NOTE):
t2m = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger):
log = verbose
log = logger.Logger(sys.stdout, verbose)
if conv_tol_grad is None:
conv_tol_grad = iah.conv_tol_grad
g_orb, h_op, h_diag = iah.gen_g_hop(u0)
g_kf = g_orb
norm_gkf = norm_gorb = numpy.linalg.norm(g_orb)
log.debug(' |g|= %4.3g (keyframe)', norm_gorb)
t3m = log.timer('gen h_op', *t2m)
if h_diag is None:
def precond(x, e):
return x
def precond(x, e):
hdiagd = h_diag-(e-iah.ah_level_shift)
hdiagd[abs(hdiagd)<1e-8] = 1e-8
x = x/hdiagd
return x
def scale_down_step(dxi, hdxi, norm_gorb):
dxmax = abs(dxi).max()
if dxmax > iah.max_stepsize:
scale = iah.max_stepsize / dxmax
log.debug1('Scale rotation by %g', scale)
dxi *= scale
hdxi *= scale
return dxi, hdxi
class Statistic:
def __init__(self):
self.imic = 0
self.tot_hop = 0
self.tot_kf = 0
kf_trust_region = iah.kf_trust_region
g_op = lambda: g_orb
x0_guess = g_orb
while True:
stat = Statistic()
dr = 0
ikf = 0
ukf = 1
for ah_conv, ihop, w, dxi, hdxi, residual, seig \
in davidson_cc(h_op, g_op, precond, x0_guess,
tol=iah.ah_conv_tol, max_cycle=iah.ah_max_cycle,
lindep=iah.ah_lindep, verbose=log):
stat.tot_hop = ihop
norm_residual = numpy.linalg.norm(residual)
if (ah_conv or ihop == iah.ah_max_cycle or # make sure to use the last step
((norm_residual < iah.ah_start_tol) and (ihop >= iah.ah_start_cycle)) or
(seig < iah.ah_lindep)):
stat.imic += 1
dxmax = abs(dxi).max()
dxi, hdxi = scale_down_step(dxi, hdxi, norm_gorb)
dr = dr + dxi
g_orb = g_orb + hdxi
norm_dr = numpy.linalg.norm(dr)
norm_gorb = numpy.linalg.norm(g_orb)
log.debug(' imic %d(%d) |g|= %4.3g |dxi|= %4.3g '
'max(|x|)= %4.3g |dr|= %4.3g eig= %4.3g seig= %4.3g',
stat.imic, ihop, norm_gorb, numpy.linalg.norm(dxi),
dxmax, norm_dr, w, seig)
max_cycle = max(iah.max_iters,
log.debug1('Set max_cycle %d', max_cycle)
ikf += 1
if stat.imic > 3 and norm_gorb > norm_gkf*iah.ah_trust_region:
g_orb = g_orb - hdxi
dr -= dxi
norm_gorb = numpy.linalg.norm(g_orb)
log.debug('|g| >> keyframe, Restore previouse step')
elif (stat.imic >= max_cycle or norm_gorb < conv_tol_grad*.2):
elif (ikf > 2 and # avoid frequent keyframe
(ikf >= max(iah.kf_interval, iah.kf_interval-numpy.log(norm_dr+1e-9)) or
# Insert keyframe if the keyframe and the esitimated g_orb are too different
norm_gorb < norm_gkf/kf_trust_region)):
ikf = 0
ukf = iah.extract_rotation(dr, ukf)
dr[:] = 0
g_kf1 = iah.get_grad(u0.dot(ukf))
stat.tot_kf += 1
norm_gkf1 = numpy.linalg.norm(g_kf1)
norm_dg = numpy.linalg.norm(g_kf1-g_orb)
log.debug('Adjust keyframe g_orb to |g|= %4.3g '
'|g-correction|= %4.3g', norm_gkf1, norm_dg)
if (norm_dg < norm_gorb*iah.ah_trust_region # kf not too diff
#or norm_gkf1 < norm_gkf # grad is decaying
# close to solution
or norm_gkf1 < conv_tol_grad*iah.ah_trust_region):
kf_trust_region = min(max(norm_gorb/(norm_dg+1e-9), iah.kf_trust_region), 10)
log.debug1('Set kf_trust_region = %g', kf_trust_region)
g_orb = g_kf = g_kf1
norm_gorb = norm_gkf = norm_gkf1
g_orb = g_orb - hdxi
dr -= dxi
norm_gorb = numpy.linalg.norm(g_orb)
log.debug('Out of trust region. Restore previouse step')
u = iah.extract_rotation(dr, ukf)
log.debug(' tot inner=%d |g|= %4.3g |u-1|= %4.3g',
stat.imic, norm_gorb, numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.tril(u,-1)))
h_op = h_diag = None
t3m = log.timer('aug_hess in %d inner iters' % stat.imic, *t3m)
u0 = (yield u, g_kf, stat)
g_kf, h_op, h_diag = iah.gen_g_hop(u0)
norm_gkf = numpy.linalg.norm(g_kf)
norm_dg = numpy.linalg.norm(g_kf-g_orb)
log.debug(' |g|= %4.3g (keyframe), |g-correction|= %4.3g',
norm_gkf, norm_dg)
kf_trust_region = min(max(norm_gorb/(norm_dg+1e-9), iah.kf_trust_region), 10)
log.debug1('Set kf_trust_region = %g', kf_trust_region)
g_orb = g_kf
norm_gorb = norm_gkf
x0_guess = dxi
def davidson_cc(h_op, g_op, precond, x0, tol=1e-10, xs=[], ax=[],
max_cycle=30, lindep=1e-14, dot=numpy.dot, verbose=logger.WARN):
if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger):
log = verbose
log = logger.Logger(sys.stdout, verbose)
toloose = numpy.sqrt(tol)
# the first trial vector is (1,0,0,...), which is not included in xs
xs = list(xs)
ax = list(ax)
nx = len(xs)
problem_size = x0.size
max_cycle = min(max_cycle, problem_size)
heff = numpy.zeros((max_cycle+nx+1,max_cycle+nx+1), dtype=x0.dtype)
ovlp = numpy.eye(max_cycle+nx+1, dtype=x0.dtype)
if nx == 0:
for i in range(1, nx+1):
for j in range(1, i+1):
heff[i,j] = dot(xs[i-1].conj(), ax[j-1])
ovlp[i,j] = dot(xs[i-1].conj(), xs[j-1])
heff[1:i,i] = heff[i,1:i].conj()
ovlp[1:i,i] = ovlp[i,1:i].conj()
w_t = 0
for istep in range(max_cycle):
g = g_op()
nx = len(xs)
for i in range(nx):
heff[i+1,0] = dot(xs[i].conj(), g)
heff[nx,i+1] = dot(xs[nx-1].conj(), ax[i])
ovlp[nx,i+1] = dot(xs[nx-1].conj(), xs[i])
heff[0,:nx+1] = heff[:nx+1,0].conj()
heff[1:nx,nx] = heff[nx,1:nx].conj()
ovlp[1:nx,nx] = ovlp[nx,1:nx].conj()
nvec = nx + 1
#s0 = scipy.linalg.eigh(ovlp[:nvec,:nvec])[0][0]
#if s0 < lindep:
# yield True, istep, w_t, xtrial, hx, dx, s0
# break
wlast = w_t
xtrial, w_t, v_t, index, seig = \
_regular_step(heff[:nvec,:nvec], ovlp[:nvec,:nvec], xs,
lindep, log)
s0 = seig[0]
hx = _dgemv(v_t[1:], ax)
# note g*v_t[0], as the first trial vector is (1,0,0,...)
dx = hx + g*v_t[0] - w_t * v_t[0]*xtrial
norm_dx = numpy.linalg.norm(dx)
log.debug1('... AH step %d index= %d |dx|= %.5g eig= %.5g v[0]= %.5g lindep= %.5g',
istep+1, index, norm_dx, w_t, v_t[0].real, s0)
hx *= 1/v_t[0] # == h_op(xtrial)
if ((abs(w_t-wlast) < tol and norm_dx < toloose) or
s0 < lindep or
istep+1 == problem_size):
# Avoid adding more trial vectors if hessian converged
yield True, istep+1, w_t, xtrial, hx, dx, s0
if s0 < lindep or norm_dx < lindep:# or numpy.linalg.norm(xtrial) < lindep:
# stop the iteration because eigenvectors would be barely updated
yield False, istep+1, w_t, xtrial, hx, dx, s0
x0 = precond(dx, w_t)
def _regular_step(heff, ovlp, xs, lindep, log):
w, v, seig = lib.safe_eigh(heff, ovlp, lindep)
if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG3:
numpy.set_printoptions(3, linewidth=1000)
log.debug3('v[0] %s', v[0])
log.debug3('AH eigs %s', w)
numpy.set_printoptions(8, linewidth=75)
#if e[0] < -.1:
# sel = 0
# There exists systems that the first eigenvalue of AH is -inf.
# Dynamically choosing the eigenvectors may be better.
idx = numpy.where(abs(v[0]) > 0.1)[0]
sel = idx[0]
log.debug1('CIAH eigen-sel %s', sel)
w_t = w[sel]
if w_t < 1e-4:
e, c = scipy.linalg.eigh(heff[1:,1:], ovlp[1:,1:])
except scipy.linalg.LinAlgError:
e, c = lib.safe_eigh(heff[1:,1:], ovlp[1:,1:], lindep)[:2]
if numpy.any(e < -1e-5):
log.debug('Negative hessians found %s', e[e<0])
xtrial = _dgemv(v[1:,sel]/v[0,sel], xs)
return xtrial, w_t, v[:,sel], sel, seig
def _dgemv(v, m):
vm = v[0] * m[0]
for i,vi in enumerate(v[1:]):
vm += vi * m[i+1]
return vm